Watch This Planet Arkadia Update 2011.3 (14th June 2011)

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Cyrus, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. HardWrath

    HardWrath Member

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    I dont see why its such a mystery to you why changing a few mobs would make a person leave. The point is that I (and others) liked Huon the way they were. Now I dislike them. The first thing I did on Arkadia is get all the TPs, I poked around at a few mobs, I drove my car from one end of the continent all the way to the other. After the changes, I dont see anything that is more attractive then the mobs on Calypso or CP so why stay?
  2. lokiscamaro

    lokiscamaro Member

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    lol ok :) i just cant stand the thought of one more trox...... been there, done that.
    glad you stopped by, have a nice trip :).
    its a shame that folks wanna give up so easily........
    we've seen much more drastic changes before....
    and weathered those fine. im here to stay.
    hope you had a nice time....
    see you when you come back:) /waves
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  3. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Well for a start, you might loot an Alienware laptop!
  4. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    All i can say is: whine whine whine.. Now the loot between types of mobs might actually balance out more well.. I made plans for staying on Arkadia, and those plans has not changed even tho i both mine and hunt.. (when i got the ped :p) .. Next month ill depo enough to go (by space!!) down to calypso, clear storage and appartment, put appartment up for sale and then go back to Arkadia, which is and will be my new home..

    From what i can tell its only from a certain lvl (around 35) the mobs has been changed so its really feelable.. I went out to check the Oratans.. first 3 maturities are still same lvl.. next 2 has risen 1 lvl.. And yes.. as a miner i dont mind the changes.. Ive heard (but not tested myself) that Oros are now blue merps in aggro.. TBH i just think thats fun.. :D Cant wait to have ped enough to take on some serious Oratan and Oweko hunting.. :D

    overall: I think, given some time, this will only be GOOD for arkadia, loot balancing wise, and therefore MU wise on things.. i cant WAIT till next month.. :D
  5. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Bet they were hoping for a lucky strike. Now that it's not as easy to slaughter the mobs, they prefer going back to known ground.
    It's ok for me, they may go and take their bad feelings with them! I prefer enthusiasm! :)
    And more room for true Arkadia Pioneers (not only the soc, but all first wave Arkadians)! ^_^
    We, that fell in love with this planet even before we could TP here, are here to stay, explore and settle on this planet while fighting the Oratans! :)

    Cheers to all Arkadians! (geez the posts in this topic are getting quite... off topic :p )

  6. nahtanos

    nahtanos Member

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    I agree with all the positive enthusiasm here Lez...^_^

    and btw just to point something out...only a couple years ago if MA changed something on Calypso all you could do was running from a planet that made you mad...and besides MA is a huge part of this balancing...people changing planets is not affecting MA's bottom line...either way to each their own...

    I for one am here to stay...and thanks A-team for all the updates/information... so far so good in my book!
  7. Numbers

    Numbers Member

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    So if the testers had our gear and skills, tested the mobs, understood where people would gravitate, and the planet released with the mob changes as they are today, then would people still leave?

    Remember a few other popular mobs? They were rebalanced because MANY other mobs were ignored, hence, items from those other mobs started drying up with so few hunting them.

    This had to be done, and I saw it on day one as I explored around. Can't hit rewind though ;)

    This will be better for the economy in getting more items out there.
  8. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    This info has been passed on, and I expect we will hear some updated info on the competition regarding this.
    (Edit: this is not a problem, I have posted further down now explaining.

    Gratz on your tower :) Just want to mention to all of you, in case you don't know or perhaps aren't used to the idea yet, we do have a developers feedback section on the forum, and for feedback (good and bad) as well as bug reports the devs actually do try to take note and even respond when they can to as much as they can within reason. It is well worth taking the time to post feedback and bug reports over there, as it may be missed in the middle of a thread somewhere else :)
  9. afroman

    afroman Active Member

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    This sucks , Ciao Arkadia!
  10. sostoned

    sostoned Member

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    wow, the forum fighting starts here also

    noone thought about a big marketing campain?

    Make arkadia heaven with good support and easy hunting. I really wanted to stay

    After the start just not 1 update was a good one

    Every update costs us more money.

    Seen the oro?

    Thats just dumb

    They are worse than merps on calypso

    I cant hunt them decent and im not a noob

    Too bad, very good start but because of whatever reason its totally down now.

    missed chance.

    The only thing i want to ask dave, dont need an answer, dont it make you really angry, your planet is being killed by commerce

    im on calypso the 21st

    bye all
  11. Lokia

    Lokia Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Well, Oro are not lvl 35+ mobs (or even close to it), and they have messed with the Halix too. Does the Halix Young being lvl 3 now mean the contest is changed to lvl 3 Halix or do i have to kill lvl 2 Halix which no longer exist? I'm fine with adjust mobs but in the middle of a contest means you just completely changed (some might even call it rigged) the contest.
  12. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    Oro and Oweko aggro like Atrox now but also have lower hp. I liked the Oweko and hunted them alot. Atrox always annoyed me. I really really need to whine now... wait..or not..I just go and find another mob that appeals to me. U can haz the Owetroxbattleaxes :D
  13. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Little update since an earlier poster mentioned this, the rules for the space vehicle competition do not mention the levels on Halix or Jori, they only specify the maturity, Young. Not sure how or where this concern came from, but it is not a problem, carry on hunting the youngs, and maybe take any further discussion on the competition over to that thread HERE.
  14. eoden13

    eoden13 Member

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    "1 month since I have played EU"... Glances up from minecraft to read forum... Hmm... Haven't missed much.. back to minecraft I guess. :cool:
  15. swaith

    swaith Member

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    looking at the changes i can see numerous repercussions some people have over looked,

    1. Mining players who ignore mobs will now suffer realistic consequences, for one i know that grabbing a metal detector and walking into a bears cave is gona get me a few more holes then im accustomed too so its nice for the immersion factors they implemented agro on mobs. for instance a distractor works really well and now has more of a purpose then fling and flee.

    direct result? = less single mining, more GROUPS protecting miners in high mining yield areas. which is a lot more realistic and for all those players missing out on PED from mobs because of direct changes hell, theres a new market in protection that opened up. grab your gun and go look tough where you think miners will congregate. the change will RAISE mining returns as ores become scarce - it tightens bonds in clans and groups because frankly you will be press ganged to protect miners for the greater good =]

    2. AGRO

    translation? = unskilled players are screwed, as well are unprepared or weaker players. easy solution? learn to adapt, attack mobs in a sequence that doesn't leave you sitting in amongst a hive of re-spawns or monsters you cannot escape from.

    plus side to this is that player skill will go up in general, items will become rarer and worth more so we can sell for higher prices and with the increase in armour wear and tear well, just go out and learn to make them. become more self sufficient. worried about dying? do what i do. spawn your car next to you and attack. that way if you get attacked or overwhelmed jump in and drive off. the damage buffer on vehicles is nice and allows for you to run away with speed (and style :D)

    3. Fappers

    hell bring in some distractors and you have yourself another market here, you get overwhelmed drop a couple distractors and crack out a car.

    4. repairs, drive your car about and enemys will attack you, drive off, repair your car and skill up with little to no effort now :D no more driving off sheer cliffs taking 2 damage any more =]


    idk there seems to be lots of new opportunity here and it is removing the rambo quality from Arkadia which to be frank is a good thing. the skilling system is there so we can specialise. become a guard, escort, treasure hunter, miner. hell do it all but bring along people for the ride :D

    im assuming agro is universal on level so that annoying noob can be a gold mine for you if they carry destractors, spare fapps, repair tools hell even having them ready with a car can be brilliant to drop of players at mining locations and taking agro of mobs and just circle around while you happily mine away.

    think further then the restrictions. its all going to be worth it in the end. immersion takes a step forward here. remember this is a fantasy, not a training room for grinders lmao

    might not be the most convenient changes but hell at least they are there as always bug fixing and working on the game, good work gents.
  16. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    Swaith, all your suggestions sound like additional costs for the player...for the same shitty return. MA wins.

    I'd stop playing, if I'd need to recruit a group to do what I always did alone. I don't like games where I need help from other players to advance or accomplish things. I want to log in at night, after a stressy work day, and just relax and play, without thinking about how many people I need and what additional gear I'd have to buy to drill a few holes in the ground or survive a herd of high aggro mob that keeps re-spawning behind my back every 3 minutes.

    Worth for MA's wallet, you mean?

    Bug fixing? Fixing those bugs fast, that are in player's favor, forgetting about those that make MA money? Working on the game? By adding new stuff that drains player's wallets even more and not even bringing back old feature? Yep, good work there, gents. [I mean MA here, and not the A Team, which actually does great work]