Output Amplifiers from small Yuka - Why not big?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Stryker, May 31, 2011.

  1. Stryker

    Stryker Member

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    Yuka seem to exhibit the same confusion as aurli, insofar as the weakest maturity dropping output amplifiers while there are zero dropping from their larger brethren.

    What's the reasoning behind this? Aside from the aforementioned aurli, every other mob (to my knowledge) capable of dropping output amplifiers either drops a higher average as maturity increases, or doesn't begin to drop them until a certain maturity threshold is met (i.e. Leviathan - alpha-stalker only).

    In any case, this restriction of output amplifiers on the larger maturities seems counter-intuitive to the general path of progression in the game.
  2. minim

    minim New Member

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    Maybe the balancing manager is giving us low lvl players that can only take yuka youngs solo a chance to hang onto you guys ^^

    From the video on PCF where you did always 125% hunting runs in long therm I really don't feel bad if you lack som high MU amps from time to time but that may not be the case on Arkadia since you are making this thread?

    And I don't got a good answer to your question since I'm relative new in here :) :surrender:
  3. Chiba

    Chiba Member

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    MA loot managers <3

    I find it stupid, but I am sure I am just missing the point who the balancing manager didn't miss :)
  4. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    I am sure the higher maturity will have some stuff in loot to compensate for that. You probably get or you will get more ESI and some higher TT for example, or just better oils. I did some runs on yuka young, and on 2k ammo+900 ped decay I had around 50-60 ped outputs and no ESI. I am sure on a similar run on stalkers you will get that markup on ESI's most times.
  5. Sitram

    Sitram Member

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    You're wrong stryker about aurli being the only mob dropping output amplifiers from lower maturity levels.

    The same thing happens with Muluk-Hir. I've only looted output amplifiers from Outcast maturity. No OAC dropped from other maturity up to Hunter and I've hunted a few of them so far.
  6. Axxel

    Axxel Member

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    One solution: Hunt Yuka Young.
  7. Stryker

    Stryker Member

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    You are correct. However, that's not different from my experience with both Osseocollum and Leviathan. Each of these mobs, and for the most part, every mob in game, has a higher chance to loot ESI as the mob's HP increases. However, not only do the big Osse/Lev drop output, but they drop more on average. So I'm not buying the increased chance at ESI (or other "stuff") as a valid excuse.

    That's why I included "to my knowledge." Thanks for bringing your example to light, though.
  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    It's probably related to the needs of the economy. I would imagine a huge quantitity of Output Amplifiers is needed to sustain the enhancer market. If they placed output amps where higher maturities dropped more OAC the number of higher skilled players able to hunt bigger mobs would not be able to sustain the economy over the long run. If however OAC are placed on a lower maturity that guarantees a continous flow of OAC to sustain the market.
  9. Stryker

    Stryker Member

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    Thank you for your input. I respectfully disagree with your primary point, however. Your argument feels hypocritical to me: You accurately state that vast quantities of output amplifiers are needed to sustain the enhancer market (to which I fully agree), yet you somehow feel allowing harder maturities of mob X to drop output amplifiers would adversely affect this? Could it not be simply viewed as an additional source?

    Regardless, Dave enlightened me to the fact that output distribution was in MA's hands. We can debate the pros and cons as much as you guys would like, but I'll move this to a support case. Thank you all for your input.
  10. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Furor do the same thing, small ones drop them and big ones don't.

    No mob is perfect, you have to weigh the pros and cons of each one - you now this i'm sure :) If this mob isn't dropping what you want then choose a different mob.

    If furor, aurli, yuka and other mobs that drop output amps all did what you want then they'd be a lot more amps about, the price would go down, and you wouldn't be too bothered about the drop rate when they were 110%
  11. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    In my opinion, it is not a mistake and it should not be corrected.
    It is clear that those hunting higher maturity are likely to use damage enhancers, so they would consume that product. Those hunting smaller maturity would supply that need. So we will have a market. The hunter focused on higher matturity will suply the needs of the players focused on lower levels (guns, chips, higher level of oils needed in higher level of craft, etc). However, he would have to be a buyer at some point and use the economic system himself, participating in this way in economy.
    Since the need for damage amplifiers is high, the price will stay high, so the low level hunters have a nice source of markup. On the other hand, since the lower end of the hunters want to go and hunt for that markup, they will need guns and skills and chips the higher level of player will provide hunting higher maturity.
    If you could loot all you need and never need to buy anything, there would not be an economy anymore. Things need to change hands as much as possible, in order to make use of the economic platform.
    The most important is how much average markup you loot compared to a lower level hunter. If your is higher, is no reason to complain in my opinion.
  12. Stryker

    Stryker Member

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    I'm not asking for a perfect mob here - I'm asking why the majority of output amplifer-dropping mobs drop more with higher maturity, while others drop 0. Your argument is valid if they all behaved like furor/aurli/yuka, but they don't. There's no noticeable difference in the potential drops with higher maturity between group A (OAC drop among all maturities) and B (OAC stop after maturity X). All of these mobs (to my knowledge, I don't camp furor/atrox etc) drop higher TT/unit oils as the maturity increases, and they all seem to have a higher chance at dropping ESI. I'm trying to understand the system.

    On the topic of cheap output/pyrite - believe it or not I'd love if these components were much, much cheaper. It's a slight boost in returns, sure, as an avid osseo hunter I can appreciate this as much as anyone. But those embracing the tiering system in its full glory would benefit much more from cheaper enhancers. That's always been my stance, but I can see the other side to the argument so haven't pressed.
  13. Stryker

    Stryker Member

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    Look man, I see what you're saying - it's pretty much along the same lines as what everyone else has stated, with an added twist. But clearly this isn't the reasoning behind the exclusion of output only in certain mobs, with others dropping even greater quantities. If that was MindArk's intent, OAC would be excluded from big Atrox/Osseocollum/Leviathan/Ambulimax/Chomper. I could easily loot the necessary OAC to sustain tier 6 hunting on just about any of the aforementioned mobs, so I'm not buying that either.
  14. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    You are right, they are not consistent in the style they distribute the loot. However, from what ND posted on his forum, planet partners design the loot table of each mobs, so I expect that Arkadia team made the choice about what mob drops what and what maturity. This could explain why loot on maturity on Arkadia is different from what is in other places. Ofc, what I said makes sense if we consider ND a valid source of information. In this case I would.
  15. kosmos

    kosmos Member

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    Hi please don't be offended anyone (and yes i know i am not a hunter), there are many mobs in which the smaller maturity loots something nice the bigger one doesn't and visa versa. What is the problem? If you don't like the big maturity then hunt the small or hunt something else. You have many mobs to choose from and stryker i know your a cleaver player that will know how to adapt.

  16. Xen

    Xen Member

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    eh, stryker, i think you have not hunted all mobs that drop oac's. :)

    atrox: doms only
    allo: doms only (afaik)
    aurli: weak only
    furor: adept only (afaik)
    spiders: i've only gotten from mature i think
    seg: 02 only (afaik)

    there are probably more that i'm not thinking of atm. yuka are not special. it's the way the game works.
  17. Soderd

    Soderd Member

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    Not much in EU makes sence imo.

    You wont get a good explanation, and it can not be changed.

    If they change the loot of a mob on your request how do you think that will end?

    As answer to your question you will get:
    We do not discuss the loot mechanism .... bla bla bla
  18. Leona

    Leona Member

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    Few hours after this thread was started the drop rate of output amps went down more then 50% on Yuka young. Incidental i assume of course.
  19. Teiwaz

    Teiwaz Member

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    I've done hunt after this epic-fail-VU and guess what... small Yukas don't drop output amps anymore....