And what happens if the pilot disconnects. Does the ship vanish and your left floating or plummeting? As yet no answer to the question on if it's lootable pvp or standard pvp.
K to start...No one in this thread has posted about renting a hanger and the returns from that... Next Not one person here that played during the pilot era has not experienced the extremely long waits showing that even active pilots did not turn over ped quickly by flying. 3rd I can post the names of the predominant active pilots who told me what they were producing since I was inquiring about investing in one and you can call them liars if you please. I will not assume the people that rented your hangar were not making ped. There were many that set up "Airlines" at the end that did scheduled flights and had reservation serveices to fly at specific times. They did not have to wait and hawk their services like the normal active pilots did so you speak of an entirely different topic then what is being discussed. The only assumption that I have made is what pilots were bein handed while not having their ships as 40 ped tp few from the amount of people using them is huge to be divided soley over whats the total of hangars 50 ? So if you are only getting 30 ped a day that means a major portion is going to MA pockets which non hangar owners can only assume.
I'm not talking only about renting.I mention that to illustrate that even at the lowest end of the income possibilities,of which renting was,the hangar payments still don't even cover that. Theres your first assumption because I can tell you for a fact that active pilots could earn a hell of a lot more then what is being paid in hangar fees even with the long waits to fill flights. Just going from memory and I may be wrong(It's been almost 4yrs since I did the flying myself) but one full ship to CND could profit 40peds. That right there is more than the average daily hangar payment and 1 trip to CND per day was an easy thing to do even on the slowest of days.On weekends it was nothing for a full time pilot to do half a dozen trips and more in one day. Go right ahead. I'm not making this up,I have all the figures of exactly what the hangar payments have been and due to our arrangement with our Pilot I knew exactly what they were earning each month. If the people you spoke to couldn't manage 30ped a day in profit then they were doing something very wrong or not at all. No I speak of exactly the same pilots you do. My pilot was a line pilot,there were no 'scheduled flights' or 'set times' but over time they earned a reputation as being fairly priced,flexible,punctual and just basically a nice person to fly with so through their own hard work and dedication they built up a very loyal customer base as well as the line customers. You tried to tell me "As far as active pilots only getting 20% of what they could get in an 8 hour shift...Thats crap",Well I'm telling from my own experience you don't know what your talking about. I'm not gonna try and tell you what its like to be in the armed forces just because I spoke to a couple soldiers,That would be pretty stupid of me but you seem to want to tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about or I'm flat out lying because you spoke to a couple pilots. To be honest I find that a little offensive and insulting. There are actually 70 hangars in game which is 40% more than you calculated. So right off the bat there is a fairly large payment reduction in what you had 'assumed'. One can only make that assumption if they assume to know how many people are actually using the tp's to travel to other planets as well. Since we don't know that,there is exactly zero evidence to support or deny such a statement and there never will be so it's akin to arguing if Santa Claus exists. 30ped a day is also the average before Arkadia was launched.It was less than that before NI and even less before RT. Arkadia has spiked things up but we've only had that for a couple weeks. I'm not saying all this for debating practice and not to gain sympathy or anything silly like that. The only reason I'm posting this is to set the record straight so people can make up their own minds. There's been so much speculation and utter crap flying around about hangars and space since the payments were announced and that's kicked off all over again since their latest announcements so the record needs to be set straight on a couple things.
Gents, whilst I believe you both have valid points that you wish to make heard here, I do not want this thread to degenerate in to a slanging match about who is more right or wrong. You have both had ample chance to present your views and as stated it is now up to everyone else to make their own minds up about how things stand etc. Space is only a matter of days away now, so lets please ease up on the throttle a bit and wait to see what comes and happens there after.
When the deeds for motherships are put on the auction, from which planet will that happen? Does the winner have to pay a transportation fee if on the "wrong planet"? And, a releated question. How is the transport fee on the action calculated? Is it a fix fee, or based on the price payed in some way? The "distance" between planets? Or something else?
It is a fixed percent of final price paid for the item. It will for sure be cheaper to tp to the auctioning planet to recover the won deed. However since there is more then one planet involved in bidding, and this is put out by the platform owners and not a planet partner one would assume them to not be so greedy and to waive a tranport fee simply becuase the items will more then likly be added thru calypsos auction as a matter of convienience.
So Are Vtols Going in Space?? If So this Could Piss off alot of people With Nothing But L Ships to fly in Space... the Top Pk'ers are goin to have a field Day With This.. Where if people Really think about it this can Start some serious Money Beef, Its Kinda Un-far But im HArd Headed Ill Be there For Sure -ILLz
I had a strange thought I bet many people didn't think about...our medium fighters are L listed vehicles..when they take damage, as in fighting each other or motherships...they need replaced. But motherships are UL license, so that means they can be repaired if they cost a lot..(say 100,000 for an example) then after a big battle, they can be repaired at a space station or wherever...but who would want to pay 50-100k after every battle? PKers in fighters will be having a lot of fun, especially if mining in space comes out..lots to hunt. But a mothership has defenses, so it can do and take damage..if I could afford a MS...then maybe I'd understand, but the repairs after battles will be more..over the long run, than the
Kim confirmed on EF that the space fighters currently being competed for are actually UL, so if you get one don't sell it to a pk'er as no one would be safe ever
A UL fighter hey? Wow, that's a lot of dead Halix for that..and lots of ammo money for Dave..hehehe. I shoot any I see now when I'm mining and never got anything bigger than a free Law my chances are 1/1 But it'll be exciting to see whats coming, so I'll keep an eye out.
Somehow I thought the release is gonna be in like two weeks, but there is only two days left... :dark: should check the calendar more often So we gonna lose quite a few players, who won't want to be stranded here and will prefer Calypso-CP-FOMA domain with the biggest economy. It's also gonna shake local AH, since it'll get disconnected as wel, maybe TT food will grow in price because of that. Buying tons of popcorn, cease all my activities and gonna watch this.
It is a big question for many players as to where they stay if the TPs are deactivated. I for one will be logging out on Arkadia prior to the Space update. The best thing that can happen is the local economy on Arkadia can blossom!
Time is almost here, I'll stay, as a miner, one pile of gold is as good as another, and I specialize in being Don't care for the new way of transporting people, only used the old shuttle mode once in all these years, it was a bother, TP's got me traveling, but no more, I guess, so onwards and upwards, a mining I'll go, on Arkadia...hehe.:shrug: