Aaaaah! My Little Shuriken. Sensei very Proud to have you where you belong, close and dear There is a fluctuation in the force, a star goin supernova in the verse. Lootius brace yourself for whats comming, Little girl blazing with blazing firepower. With a din the Arkadians are drumming, Gloriously for star and Louder. He is our hero we carry high, Star is deserving a ATH. With golden Swirleys that reach the Sky, Arkadia has a Hero this Age! For all ,Its Just Amazing, Seeing you shooting havin fun, Ye, to watch for hours Stargazing, And observe how you ride your Gun.
Well hello there Star ... nice to see you here. So how's all the Yuka bashing going? *did I spell that right?*
Glad to see you are enjoying your Friday Get that ATH already so you can take me up in your mothership!
I was kinda wondering if the asset liquidation was just a generous way of sharing the big toys, or actually saving up for the big buy. Welcome to Arkadia JSM!
All the uber toy liquidation is to save their asses cause MA can no longer be trusted not to devaluate everything on a whim. (Ubers wont say it but I will) Granted some of it is for new toys and investments on new planets but its mainly to cover their asses. Too many are selling too much to quickly for it not to be pulling the rip cord on a bail out. But Welcome to Arkadia Star...Like was posted before please save something for the rest of us. 8=}
Cheeky Rocktropian You can let you weapon do the shooting and just keep riding it on Arkadia, you could get lucky But to answer your curiosoty and frequently watchin star Blazing away on JustinTV-(Stargazing), I can assure you he looted the alienware off Yuka. And thats killing thousands for hours non-stop with a hired fapper.