Hadraada not doing damage

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by jcfuller, Jun 10, 2011.

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  1. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Can I use armor and FAP or this is exploit too?
  2. jcfuller

    jcfuller Member

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    Gold Farmers Rejoice. No Exploits on Arkadia. 210 sweats in 10 minutes with No Damage to Avi.
  3. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    cant you just mind your own business and if you think it's such a great idea then keep doing it, but then don't make another thread saying "sweat price too low etc..."

    So you mean there will be gold farmers for something useless or will you stay there 24/7 and sell it to the tt? 210/10min, thats a whopping 1260/hour wow you made 1.260pec or 3.024ped/24hours.
    In the old system(pre vu10) 1200/hour wasn't impossible(hard but not impossible) to get at Nea's where was all the gold farmers back then?

    oh and you need to stay there 24/7 to be moving as you cant stand still either, and if you make a bot now THATS something illegal and would probably get you kicked out pretty hard...
    And to say what others use to say that I dont particularly like but what the hell, what is your electric bill to keep your computer running 24/7? less then 3.024ped?
  4. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    ...Ambus in Team.. LoL... You get hit for 20-40 damage...and they run faster than you. I've sweated most Calypso mobs. And Ambus in teams is laughable compared to just sweating one Kadraada by yourself. You can one man swunt a Kadraada and take no damage. Hell you can one man swunt a kadraada and decide how much damage you want to take just to skill your defense. LoL

    That is no negative speculation; Its optimistic speculation. ... I'm not saying its a completely NLF mob.. it'll most likely use the same ped cycle as other mobs but with the lower cost to kill IE only ammo.. the ped payout will probably be less.. You don't need to be a developer to notice that there are certain consistencies in how mobs loot. Its only negative speculation to those who want that free ped job of sweating.

    My attitudes are universal.. No matter which planet I travel to they will remain consistent. I will think critically and analyze what i can.
  5. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Exactly I have a official life ban with IP block for life, recieved a complete virtual death sentence twice, cos I dared sneak back in, but was supported by the communty not the orriginal Devs and couple of their loyal agents. Not to mention the mass perm bans and locks recently on caly.
  6. Daenerys

    Daenerys Member

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    I agree, if there was a group of farmers it'd be much easier for them to groupsweat a mob semi-afk like people used to do it at Nea's or Limnadian District. Having to constantly actively run and lure the mob around doesn't really scream "effective" to me. Sure, you can sweat them alone. But at the same time you can't be afk.

    If you think it's such a great way to make PED go and do it jcfuller. No one will care, not even MA.
  7. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Mmm Take it from the expereinced and seasoned. You have to crawl, before you can walk, before you can run, before you can fly. Some older gamers sweat ambus naked takin little dammage. Do you know why? Skills. Some very respected peops skill the hard way over a very long time just like RL. Only time will amaze you realy and I mean years.
  8. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    ....you make it seem like you learned that over several years... Yes. defense skills can do that... but younger noob gamers can't sweat them naked and take little damage so the argument become moot. It took you years to do that with Ambu.. A person can spawn on Arkadia with zero years and sweat/swunt a Kadraada without those defense skills. Who needs crawling, walking, running, flying...when you got Modded MF chips to do it for you.
  9. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    This thread kind of went astray, with lots of speculation and some anger brewing, it upset some enough to report it. If the creature is doing no damage at all to anyone in any circumstances, clearly a bug, if that is not what is being reported but simply a low amount of damage because it too slow to catch most players, that may not be a bug at all, but let's don't assume anything and fight about it.

    I have edited the title to something less inflammatory, since it is up to MA or PP to tell us if something is an 'exploit', and we don't even have confirmation yet that this is a bug. I have moved the thread to bug reports, so the devs can see it and respond when they have a chance.
  10. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I took damage from Hadraada young, mature and old for well over 30min each last night to update their damage potential for entropedia so it's absolutely NOTHING wrong with them!

    and I have a "witness" to this too as I was learning how to do it so I guess he can confirm my doings if need be, now can the thread pls be locked and further "exploits" be reported to MA, or go back to that other forum and post about it...
  11. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest


    Good move. Tho I suspect entirelly unnececary due to the possibillity of Arkadian Individuallity and virtual evolution. Noob Ambu sweaters in team would always in the past drag the mob to a turret after empty of sweat, before moving onto the next target. You had to have considdered this.
  12. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Thanks for that info Jenny. Myself or the other mods will close it if it becomes necessary, but since it is now moved let's give the team a chance to reply and leave it at that for now.
  13. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I just went to hadraada myself, well i accidentally ran into them while mining.
    Yes it is possible to walk backwards faster then they can move forward. Although as far as sweating goes, it's a lot easier to sweat allo/ambu in groups, since you can go AFK there, personally i don't see a problem here.

    It is also possible to kill the creature before it reaches you, but the same goes for a lot of creatures on a lot of planets. Don't really see any problems with the mob in hunting neither.

    Ohh and when they hit you, they do hit pretty hard :)
  14. Erik Bruser

    Erik Bruser Member

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    just read below and think again...
  15. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  16. jcfuller

    jcfuller Member

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    On Calypso there is no mob, that I am aware, that moves slower than an avi moving backward so there is no way to test there.

    I did do a test a long time ago on Corns where I faced two using an Opalo for a weapon. I used the S and D key to continually circle in a counter clockwise direction while shooting at the mob on the left only. After several hits I got the message that the mob was in a state where it could not be hit or sweated; the same message you get from a trapped mob.

    The reference to the ability to kill a mob without being hit goes along the same lines. I am well aware that with the right gear you can kill many mobs before they reach you but with the Hadraada you can kill it naked with a TT gun (well maybe a bit larger weapon)

    I just thought you should get the same message as my test.

  17. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Seeing as Dave and the development team are long time EU players, and having "adjusted" the moving speed of some mobs on the last update, i find it REALLY hard to believe that they "missed" such a thing.
    Seems like a valid design decision, an alternative for new players when they want to try something bigger, an appetizer if you like of bigger loots.
  18. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    so you're saying everything that is on calypso should be exactly the same here? what if it is this slow due to some natural selection that led to the hadraada developing?

    Whats next, you want Huon to get stuck if more then 10people with HL15 or X1(or similar arkadia weapons) shoot at it?
    that stupid "stuck" message have cause more crap then it solved, now you can't kill a prowler/stalker allo on calypso with amped Karma killer if your skills are too low to use it effectively which I could before. Why do you want the game destroyed?
    and if you feel so strongly for it report it to MA and not on forums

    ok that was my last post here...
  19. malasuerte

    malasuerte Active Member

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    I see no exploit here. There is no unfair advantage since ANYONE can do it. No effects in the economy as the market itself will adjust the prices to any items this mob drops. i.e. low MU for items easily aquired.

    It also has been established in another thread that the players in arkadia are not supoused to live of sweating so it`s logical to think that sweat will be made as cheap as possible. So we have easy to sweat mobs.
  20. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Guys, the thread has been moved and is awaiting a comment from the Devs. Till then stop arguing and just wait for the official verdict. If this thread continues to degenerate into a squabbling mess then I'm going to close it. People here have so far proven themselves to be generally more mature than in certain other places and i would hate to see that change. Everyones entitled to an opinion, remember that.
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