Considering selling my lil printer. Regarding returns n all, i believe u saw everything u n on my streams(rare items, adj.fap, items etc. and returns) so anything else is redundant to say. BO 79k ped- pure ped negotiable LINK: [URL unfurl="true"],~Gold~Rush~Edition[/URL] Only 1 sword like it ingame, base DPP 3,475 vs for example scimitar 3,399 Important to note is electric dmg sword, rarity so even amazing for PVP Heres some stats: 110.5-221 dmg 11500 uses = 4+hrs of use 8m + range maxed setup w mayh.trauma 2 amp and matrix (83,4effi): 180+dps (altho entropiahunter reads above 207+ on last 500k cycled) 4,2792 dmg per pec with EST if goin on ele/cold etc. (skilling in cyc.cave, zeus etc.) 190+dps 4.6019 dmg per pec Send me offer on p.m. ingame. Items of interest i would consider in trade for: BC-80 aug Marber bgh - good tier Mod Merc