Welcome to Arkadias monthly SSI event on Arkadia, event consist of 3hour sweating with free healing and appearance from Arkadia Devs, all participants can sell 1k sweat for 2.5ped and Quiz for several items worth 100s of peds and other fun giveaways. We have a kill-team that are active thru all event with taking care of the dry mob and other mobs that come to close to the circle. (you can join the team if there are room, people come and go) FREE WARP starts at Calypso 14:00pm Saturday and then goes to pick up at Cyrene, Rocktropia, Toulan and NextIsland, you have to join in-game channel [#sf28] for warp. /J #sf28 to join the channel, and send a friend request to warp ship owner [Rawr66 Rawr66 Rawr66] and he will call you up at Saturday 14:00pm. (you can not be AFK or you will miss the call up to the ship) Time: 15-18pm ingame-time (warp starts 14pm from Calypso) Where: Teleporter: Celeste Quarry What we sweat: Either players in creature form or Dev spawned mobs. For more action on Ark same weekend check out this link or ingame event channel. For more info about event contact Sarah Watson or Dllr Root, for warp information contact Rawr66.