Hello - as I am currently on Arkadia. I am wanting to sell off as much of my Items from this planet. I have a Spreadsheet with which I will be updating and posting my QTY, last known MU and finally the MU I will be asking for. I will point out --> I will not discuss, why I set my MU compared to what the game may have or last had - This will be my chose. IF you are wanting the Item you will pay the price I have -- otherwise move on. Contact me in game. IF I am not in game when you are on - do send message (I do answer all mail or PMs in game) SO here is the link to My List Of Items (so far - I will be adding more as the week goes on - so do bookmark ) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l1BCxqGn_t5tVwvLN_sZ6Xp52gHhuRgt3mej5TZC1Hg/edit?usp=sharing
Bump. I have UPDATED the SpreadSheet. You will find Animal Parts, Animal Hides, Leathers, Textures, Timbers, and Treasures.
Like to Thank those that bought from me today. will update Day & Week MU's at about 20-23MA time. so do check Spreadsheet tomorrow
will be back in game around 20MA time. Meanwhile, if you see something on my spreadsheet. Send me a message in game or here.
Update: Sorry for not posting here. But like to say Thank you to those that bought much of my items. My list has been updated daily as items are sold. I remove them. If I list them on Auction. I do Note it also. I have also been shouting out a few items in [#arktrade] when ever I am on.
as the new week as started for me I have updated my spreadsheet and a lot as sold but still a lot more to go.
As the weekend is beginning. I like to shoutout to those that bought much of what I had, Thanks. still have a lot. Some are now on auction. so do continue to check out my spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l1BCxqGn_t5tVwvLN_sZ6Xp52gHhuRgt3mej5TZC1Hg/edit?usp=sharing
Shop is closed. Thank you to many of you that bought. When I am back on ARK I will resume. Please do not ask me when I will be back on Arkadia. My next port will be on Next Isand. See you soon .
hello, just wanted to state here i have started a new post where i have the new link there. http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/selling-so-much-on-arkadia.15835/#post-115663