Gold Rush 2023

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Zephyrus, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. Frilas

    Frilas New Member

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    Day 2 of 17 and 0 point claims are back again.
  2. dude

    dude Active Member

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    Musings from an ancient player ! I was looking forward to this years Gold Rush simply because I had a few extra ped to burn thanks to a decent run in the Halloween event. First with my HP level I was able to choose Cat. 2 with mobs at Lvl 35 . Awesome . Hunting we went my excitement growing . I have made 4 separate runs of 300 ped ammo each. First not a single global which is odd for me in any Event. Each run resulted to a 40- to 60 ped loss . That is my first verbal frustration..... My second is with the different categories based on your HP lvl mine being Cat. 2 Mob lvl 35 why in heck would the boss mob be lvl 62 with no hope of me killing , very frustrating... Last but not least is as I am doing my runs I am seeing global after global and HOF after HOF coming up in the chat for the Halloween event ( which shouldn't be running anyways as the last day was Nov.6th ) But what I didn't see in the chat was an equal amount of HOF's and Globals in Gold Rush. In fact yesterday morning my local time I was in game about an hour and did not see a single global for Gold Rush in the chat.
    I don't mind wasting peds I truly enjoy the game and that's the price I am willing to pay to play ( last 25 yrs ) But for an Event such as this the chat should be filled with at least Globals , that's what generates the excitement. At this point the thrill and excitement for this Event is gone.
  3. Zephyrus

    Zephyrus Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator PAF Senior Mod Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Auktuma, confirmed with the team and it was ment to be TerraMaster 7 (L) & 8 (L) blueprints at 100qr. Updated announcement with this information now.

    Regarding any potential exploits we feel like we had to adress this in some way and make it clear that using such wouldn't be tolerated.

    This Gold Rush is for solo players. Any attempt to abuse team mechanics or any other Entropia Universe systems or features to gain an unfair advantage over other participants will be grounds for disqualification from the event, forfeiture of prizes, and possible sanctions imposed on one’s Entropia Universe account.

    Anyone found using multiple accounts to gain an unfair advantage or to win prizes will forfeit all prizes and risk additional sanctions on their Entropia Universe account(s), including potential account termination.

    Regarding the bosses, their intended spawn time is set to start after 20 minutes of active gameplay inside the creatures hunting zone. Exploiting this spawning anomaly will be treated as an exploit.
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    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  4. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    Regarding the bosses, their intended spawn time is set to start after 20 minutes of active gameplay inside the creatures hunting zone. Exploiting this spawning anomaly will be treated as an exploit.

    What if players didn't know that?
    How can you change something like that in the middle of the event?

    The boss spawn clearly seems like an intentional feature to stop people from AFK botting, why are you punishing it? It just punishes non Botters...

    You still get 12 hours of spend regardless, and now you have an event that is not bottable... win win...
    Clearly you just want F macro bots to win... I am not even hunting and this is a stupid choice.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  5. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    What about these messages from PCF:

    intended to spawn after 20 minutes of active gameplay is stupid. So I can’t take a break and go eat a sandwich? I can’t go to the bathroom? I can’t go smoke a cigarette? I can’t go take the dog for a walk? I can’t go make a up of coffee?

    I’m supposed to log out in each of these instances then log back in?

    You are now telling me how to play. I think this is wrong. As a consumer who payed with my own money I should be allowed to afk when I feel like it and log in out ask choose.

    Also I’m not playing gr this time around. Just wanted to say this seems stupid.
  6. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    Quote from PCF I want reply on:
    Game mechanics allows that, so definately not an exploit. Shit decision for sure, both for player / it would take immense ammount of time to finish run/ and for organiser /not raking enough because stupid design/. But any way huge gz to alts that have time to finish it this way.
  7. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    If a player is hunting and has to take a 2 hour break, do they HAVE to leave the instance? Or are they now abusers?

    You set up a BIGGER FUCKING HOLE with this new ruling than the boss's made by spawning without kills.
  8. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    This also isn't on the main first post, is this ruling even official? Please put more thought into it.
  9. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    So if a player takes 1 break, for 20 minutes to take a shit, and kills 1 additional boss due to this, their run is null and void? What happens?

    So unless you macro for the entire event, without a single break, you are an exploiter? Because with your new rules a single break that causes 1 boss to spawn, is now an exploit run.

    No one can hunt 12 hours without a break... Only Macro users are non exploiters with your new rules..

    You are basically choosing the winners with this adjustment, by choosing who you flag as killed extra bosses or not.
  10. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    You can choose which player you want to null their score by saying they killed 1 extra boss.

    You can choose who wins by saying they didnt kill extra boss (even if they did)


    This is bullshit. You cannot change rules halfway through like this. There was no rule against hunting only bosses and also it seemed YOU INTENDED TO HUNT ONLY BOSSES with the way you set up the event.

    Will players get refunded all the decay they did on their boss hunt runs, because this was not an exploit until you said so, it was CLEARLY an intended feature until you said it wasnt.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  11. Frilas

    Frilas New Member

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    This is something they already do very actively in mining where they just set your point gain to 0 something that has happened to me on each day since GR started at least one time.

    For the exploit abuse you can ignore that post completely and i say that from direct communication with Ark account who told me that they know about existing bugs before event started but that those bugs are ma’s responsibility and will not be interfered with from Arcadia’s team.
  12. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    This 'bug' is Arkadia's responsibility though.

    We need more clarification, otherwise Arkadia is 100% picking and choosing winners and using this 'exploit' as an excuse to manually give out the prizes regardless of score.
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  13. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I will chime in here given the new communication.

    You cannot create policies for game mechanics that you created. There are so many different combinations that one could "exploit" (I use this loosely) this that it would be impossible for them to DQ everyone because of the sheer nature of the instance, mechanics, and timers (which are also bugged btw) - for many of the reasons you pointed out. I could go take a poo or have an emergency or take my dogs out for a walk. Suddenly I have some bosses. The fact there is a timer stop is the problem. Blaming the player for clearly not thinking through your designs is gaslighting at its finest.

    The only answer here is to abort the hunting event for a later date because of this failure.

    I am personally tired of this game being never-ending drama because of the company and subsidiaries incompetence. I don't know who does the designs, programmer, and quite frankly I don't give a shit whose responsibility it is this time. Fire them and hire someone appropriate. Hire me if you need someone, there is no doubt I could do better. I could polish Rocktropia into a diamond - a miracle upon miracles. If it truly is a Mindark issue that caused this, then I have a much different conversation on that topic.

    (Disclaimer, I have only done 2 runs and killed everything)
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  14. KingMike

    KingMike Member

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    How exactly is it's player's fault when event organizer don't check if player is active before spawning a boss ?
    If you don't know how to check ask MindArk how they spawn bosses in mayhem instance only when player is active.Also why stop the timer inside instance ? It's your fault just admit it.

    And announcing 2 new bps in crafting as reward made more player want to compete in crafting and loosing peds and in middle changing the reward with lolipop like wth ....

    Also in mining points abnormal ..

    How about you cancel the event fix all sh*t and start again when done ?
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  15. aValon_52

    aValon_52 New User

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    Also what is considered *active gameplay* if you can please clarify.
    • Is that the killing of 1 breeder?
    • a breeder gloabal?
    • dancing in the middle?
    • just running around in the middle?
    being serious because you know the *gray* area will be pushed of course!
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  16. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    That's just one of those days I don't want to be Ark dev.
  17. lethall

    lethall New Member

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    This is one of those (MANY) days when u see the levl of incompetence and disrespect for the customers of this company called MA and his subsidiaries. how many shit things like this happen JUST in the last 2-3 months? start with failed Cyrene event and count backwords ...that is the game we play lol.
  18. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Being a software developer with external facing customers carries responsibility. You must think of designs from all angles and how they can be exploited. You don't rush things. I know Mindark's "schedule" makes it difficult in that regard, but you will pay dearly if you know there are bugs with an event that people are spending money on but push it anyway.

    Look at all the games that are being pushed out with bugs or are not playable. People review bomb it and get refunds. Arkadia is getting review bombed. The player base is tired of this shit every damn time. And honestly.. a former player should know this.
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  19. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    They made that rule so quickly and adjusted the prizes so fast and offended everyone, yet they can't make a response to the situation they fucked up as fast?

    If you're going to take your time, do it BEFORE you fuck everything up. Not after.
  20. Auktuma

    Auktuma New Member

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    Thanks. It took bit long time to respond on such crucial topic :(
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