Smuggler Instance - A bug report

Discussion in 'Bugs, In-Game Issues and other Feedback' started by Eddie Mc, Jul 11, 2023.

  1. Eddie Mc

    Eddie Mc New Member

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    Last week I was able to finally craft a Pure #4 Sample, and gain access to the Smuggler Instance.
    Started at Level 1
    Mission's timer started counting down and a "Rank" bar started, along with the normal "Instance Timer"
    Stage 1: Killed a bunch of abominations, and the mini-boss appeared in the middle. Killed it and gained access to stage 2.
    Stage 2: Same thing, killed a bunch, mid-boss appeared, killed it, and then...that's it. stuck. No way to move on. Stayed in the instance and re-killed both bosses, and the 2 bosses that showed up in other rooms and still couldn't move on.
    Mission's timer had about 3 hours left on it, so I exited the instance.

    Two days ago, knowing I had time left, I returned to stage 1. No change, killed the bosses but still couldn't move on. Killed enough in the instance so that the timer ranked up...but the Mission timer never changed and when the mission timer got to Zero, was booted out. (Total time was 5 hours). Instance Timer still had about 3 hours on it.

    Considering the time spent to craft the pure #4, the cost in materials, the cost in ammo, I'm out 8500 PED overall. The loots were nothing special, shrapnel and oils that I can get from other mobs, No plates, no blood samples, nothing rare was found. Completely disappointed.
  2. Liviu | Arkadia

    Liviu | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Pro Users PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member Planet Arkadia Official Arkadia Adviser Gold Member

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    Hi Eddie,

    Once you pay the particle Mk4 to the NPC (ONE TIME) you gain access to the instance, on any level (1 to 5) for 5 hours, and you are free to leave and enter whenever you want. the entrance pass timer will pause when you leave instance and resume when enter instance. when the 5 hours entrance pass expires, you can pay a small fee to the npc to get another 5 hours plus the bonus time from your entrance pass this time for example if you have rank 5 you will get 5 hours + 2.5 hours = 7.5 hours. when you kill creatures inside the instance your entrance pass rank will level up and with each rank level you will gain an extra 30 minutes permanently (if you abandon the entrance pass mission you will loose progress)

    i hope this helps.
  3. Eddie Mc

    Eddie Mc New Member

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    Thank you, that helps explain the timers. The big hang up for me was not being able to complete the instance or moving beyond the second group of abominations, even after taking out the bosses. Had plenty of time, the doors just wouldn't open.