Ideas for possible future Viceroy Armor Upgrades

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by NevadaJake, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. NevadaJake

    NevadaJake Member

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    I love my [Modified Viceroy Armor – Skullcandy Edition]. I have my avatar's look planned around it. I use it as my primary armor. However, it does have some gaps in protection coverage (no Penetration, Shrapnel and Electric protection).

    I have heard stirrings that additional upgrades may get developed in the future. (Augmented and Perfected). I would like to see a small amount of protection be added for the current gaps. Even 2 or 3 HP per upgrade would be significant at higher Tier levels.

    As we all know, this armor is account-bound, but many people want it to be tradeable. Personally, I wouldn't trade mine. However, it would be great to be able to trade players for parts with low Tier increase rates.

    I edited this idea to have new stats. I know we are unlikely to see any upgrades for Viceroy in the foreseeable future.

    Imagine showing up to your high school reunion wearing this Account Bound armor:


    I would also love to see the new upgraded levels become tradeable.

    Old ideas:


    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
  2. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I like the crit bonuses, but isn't adding new damage types making the armor worst?
  3. NevadaJake

    NevadaJake Member

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    I was looking at the new Imperium armor upgrades on Cyrene and they offer protection from all damage types. My thoughts were that this could help keep Viceroy competitive.
  4. xantok

    xantok Member

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    As someone who mains Imperium armor, no, it cant do everything and that is its weakest point. Even at Perfected you have 8 pen and 8 burn. That's not what I call a good spread. Most people with Imperium have a 2nd armor for bots even if its just an L set. -quietly stashes his L armor away-

    I don't think Viceroy needs more types, its a good all rounder armor. It cant do bots, but its an Evade armor not dodge, so asking it to protect against something it isn't designed for makes no sense. Missing Electric also isn't a HUGE deal, there is what MAYBE 15 mobs in game that do electric and half of those are tiny things you don't need armor for. I would also point out that Planet Arkadia, has 0 electric mobs (not sure about the moon) So why make an armor that doesn't match your planet's creatures? Arkadia likes Imp/Cut/Stab and then a rogue element that is usually one of the other 3 types covered by viceroy.

    I have a couple ideas for viceroy:

    1: the boring one, Make it tradable.

    2: Leave it account bound. make it MUCH higher protection and pull it in line with the no buff upgraded armors while leaving the buffs (aka. Aug is 147 total and perfected at 202 total)

    Make it a defensive focused set. you have the Imperium already doing an offensive setup on their armor. Make Viceroy go defensive, give it %block, -crit damage, and then maybe a regen buff or max HP. If Arkadia tires to directly compete with Imperium, it will likely lose.
  5. Princess_Fiona

    Princess_Fiona New Member

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    The way around this would be to make armor plates with those gaps and then slap em on. viola problem solved.
  6. Princess_Fiona

    Princess_Fiona New Member

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    Ideally, you'd want the armor to STICK OUT. That was the point of the armor in the first place. Now, it's more or less obsolete compared to the other planetary armors in game.

    IMO, you'd have a planet with specific mobs that do specific damage types on it, then create an armor that defends vs most of those dmg types, and then plates to fill in the weak points. Now you have a specific set that people would use mainly for said planet, and maybe use it on other planets with same dmg type mobs.
  7. NevadaJake

    NevadaJake Member

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    Totally agree. I have a set of the [Lotus Armor Plate] from D-SEC now. For those times I want a general purpose set up. They fill in all the missing gaps in Viceroy. But their Shrap and Electric points are low (only 6). Maybe I can get a PP interested in making some plates that a little stronger in Pen, Shrap and Electric. I know everyone owns multiple armors. But Viceroy is good enough for me. And it looks great. Hence my desire to round out the protection :)
  8. NevadaJake

    NevadaJake Member

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    I updated the original post with a new chart. Even if we aren't on track to see any Viceroy upgrades.
  9. xantok

    xantok Member

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    you might wanna rework those again... perfected armors are 202 protection points for non buff armors there is only 1 buffed perfected that is trash compared to augmented

    For the money you will dump into getting Perfected you could likely buy two sets of Supremacy and just change armor sets instead of plates. and have 234 protection point

    So it should be closer to a 35/35/50 cut/stab/impact 30/30/50 burn/cold/acid this is quickly thrown together and excluding buffs, but think outside the box with those.

    what other buffs can an armor have on it that would be unique, with Unreal 5 they could in theory add a
    "chance on hit" effects to give you increased reload for 10 seconds or negate damage for 2 hits or something similar. Just because it isnt a thing that is possible now doesn't exclude it from UR5 engine
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. NevadaJake

    NevadaJake Member

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    You are right. I was dreaming too small. I added my dream stats to the original post. And here:


    I would also love to see the new upgraded levels become tradeable.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022