Entropia Universe 17.5 Release Notes

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Entropia Universe 17.5 Release Notes

    New features:

    Codex for Partners

    • Next Island and Toulan have now been added to the Codex Challenge system. Other Planet Partners will be added in the next Version Update. Existing hunting missions already in progress on those planets will be available for one year for completion.

    Codex Meta Challenge

    • A new system of attribute rewards has been added to the Codex, which calculates rewards (retroactively) for all existing Codex Challenges, across all planets.


    • Removed ammo consumption and deterioration for missed shots from all non-ballistic and sweep weapons, including in PVP zones and in Space.


    • Loading speed for the Codex has been improved
    • Server stability improvements

    Planet Calypso Content Release 2020.0.6


    • Reduced the weight of “RDI Designs” hand in items
    • The Tezlapod creature has received a graphical update


    • Fixed an issue where the Trade Terminals in Sector A1 & Sector B1 of the Secret RDI Lab were not working as intended.
    • Fixed an issue in Sector A1 & Sector B1 of the Secret RDI Lab where it was possible to interact with and receive damage from the “Effect Reset” terminal more than once before it disappears.

    MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

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  2. Uncle Mo

    Uncle Mo Active Member

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    So should we wait like another few months for Arkadia codex updates? A few days?