I think it´s nice that you pointed out how to hide the HUD elements. That always annoyed me with other game screenshot competitions that you had to find out by yourself how to hide the HUD.
What about photoshop etc? I mean what are the rules, is any work on it allowed? Just one screenshot? Or can you join multiple ones for a panorama view?
I think the screenshots should be unadultered and pure Arkadia with no alterations whatsoever to keep it fair, and also to show Arkadia just as we see it.
Yeah, I wasn't going to.. but it's important to know, because it should be fair for everyone like you said
Why not? I run mostly on low, but when I want screenies i can jack it up to high or v.high if I'm alone lol find your view and make sure no other people or vehicles is on or near your radar and then move it up in steps I'm sure you can hit at least high if you run normally everything on medium. and as long as you run over safe mode I think you have a shot at winning
Just a side note..F11 and F12 also get rid of icons and dashboard. Print screen copies the screen to clipboard and can be pasted into any photo editor and then saved in a file type of choice providing that editor works with that type. Paint works just fine as you "Save as" in Win7 and choose bmp. jpg. png and a few other choices I cant remember off top of my head. Also this could be a tough cmpetition having to choose only one place to display. 8=} GL everyone.
nice, will have a look if any of the screenies I already have are winners, if not I'll go hunt for some nice ones.
Because the scenery on Medium looks totally different from Very High, when you run around on VH and you see something nice, you can probably just slap up 8x anti-alias on it and make a nice screenie. When you run around on Medium you have know idea about if it's good looking or not (nothing is good looking on Medium) and constantly switching back and forth just to compare will be painful.