Starkiller's Crimson Flights (Equus Travelling Service)

Discussion in 'Services' started by Starkiller, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Bumping the thread up to announce a facelift was done on the the thread! ;)


    I am providing a travelling alternative to bigger ship classes.

    Considering a regular Quad-Wing takes, roughly, 45 minutes to travel between planets and Motherships/Privateers require you to either purchase a thruster and vehicle or pay a 7 PED charge through the teleporter, one can see the versatility and agility of this service, as the Equus is able to not only Pick you up planet side, but also drop you on planet side, in under 10 minutes (highest estimate).

    - Planet-to-Planet Trip 20 PED -
    Whenever I am on the same location/Planet as you, with a 1 planet only flight plan.

    - Planet-to-Planet Pick-Up Trip 25 PED -
    Whenever I am on a different location/Planet than you, with a 1 planet only flight plan.

    - Multiple-Planet Trip 20 PED + 5 PED (Per-Planet) -
    Whenever I am on the same location/Planet as you, designed for people who require to reach several destinations in a short amount of time.

    - Multiple-Planet Pick-Up Trip 25 PED + 5 PED (Per-Planet) -
    Whenever I am on a different location/Planet than you, designed for people who require to reach several destinations in a short amount of time.

    -Regular flight time is between 2 to 10 minutes depending on distance travelled and my own preparations;
    -All fees associated with the flights are included in the price already;
    -I will take as many precautions as possible to minimize the risks involved in space flight, however, any loots you carry are at your own risk, and I will not provide collateral on losses in the event of a lost pvp encounter, should it arise;
    -Should, for any reason, I have to pick you up from planet again, due to not having a certain module installed or other issues, I expect the extra atmosphere entrance fee to be added to the total of the trip. This is to prevent further misunderstandings with customers;


    Current limitations:
    -Can only transport one client at a time:
    The Equus is limited to 2 people, including the pilot;

    -Have a weight limit of 135kg:
    In order to be able to warp the ship requires to be under a weight treshold of 150kg. Considering I have to carry some vital equipment to repair the ship and other items, that limit drops to the one stated above;

    -Combined users weight below 100kg (optional):
    Below this treshold we are able to have maximum speed in order to better outrun pvpers;


    You may contact me throught the following means:

    -Ingame: Private Message - Bendak Starkiller Mandalore;
    -Discord: S_killer.tar (Starkiller)#8333.

    I hope this advert is clear enough and should there be any questions or sugestions, feel free to write them down in the replies.

    Thank you for your atention,
    • Like Like x 2
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
  2. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    (Reserving this for more information if necessary [​IMG])

    Here's a video from one of my clients (Mid Midnight Night):

    If there are any typos or misinformation on the thread, please let me know for me to correct it!

    Thanks in advance
  3. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    One of the most informative ads out there; good luck with your business venture. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Thanks :) So far it's been a blast!

    Just a bit sad I haven't had enough time to do it more actively as I was before
  5. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Throwing a bump to the service
  6. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Throwing a bump on the thread :)
  7. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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    Bumping up the thread to inform of the major graphical facelift I gave the thread :) Hope you enjoy!


    I am providing a travelling alternative to bigger ship classes.

    Considering a regular Quad-Wing takes, roughly, 45 minutes to travel between planets and Motherships/Privateers require you to either purchase a thruster and vehicle or pay a 7 PED charge through the teleporter, one can see the versatility and agility of this service, as the Equus is able to not only Pick you up planet side, but also drop you on planet side, in under 10 minutes (highest estimate).



    - Planet-to-Planet Trip 20 PED -
    Whenever I am on the same location/Planet as you, with a 1 planet only flight plan.

    - Planet-to-Planet Pick-Up Trip 25 PED -
    Whenever I am on a different location/Planet than you, with a 1 planet only flight plan.

    - Multiple-Planet Trip 20 PED + 5 PED (Per-Planet) -
    Whenever I am on the same location/Planet as you, designed for people who require to reach several destinations in a short amount of time.

    - Multiple-Planet Pick-Up Trip 25 PED + 5 PED (Per-Planet) -
    Whenever I am on a different location/Planet than you, designed for people who require to reach several destinations in a short amount of time.


    -Regular flight time is between 2 to 10 minutes depending on distance travelled and my own preparations;
    -All fees associated with the flights are included in the price already;
    -I will take as many precautions as possible to minimize the risks involved in space flight, however, any loots you carry are at your own risk, and I will not provide collateral on losses in the event of a lost pvp encounter, should it arise;
    -Should, for any reason, I have to pick you up from planet again, due to not having a certain module installed or other issues, I expect the extra atmosphere entrance fee to be added to the total of the trip. This is to prevent further misunderstandings with customers;


    Current limitations:
    -Can only transport one client at a time:
    The Equus is limited to 2 people, including the pilot;

    -Have a weight limit of 135kg:
    In order to be able to warp the ship requires to be under a weight treshold of 150kg. Considering I have to carry some vital equipment to repair the ship and other items, that limit drops to the one stated above;

    -Combined users weight below 100kg (optional):
    Below this treshold we are able to have maximum speed in order to better outrun pvpers;


    You may contact me throught the following means:

    -Ingame: Private Message - Bendak Starkiller Mandalore;
    -Discord: S_killer.tar (Starkiller)#8333.

    I hope this advert is clear enough and should there be any questions or sugestions, feel free to write them down in the replies.

    Thank you for your atention,
  8. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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  9. Starkiller

    Starkiller Active Member

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