S0ph13 Pet - Sale ends Sunday 29/03/2020

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The 50 x Arkadia Moon Deed package featuring a Limited Edition robot assistant pet named S0ph13 will come to an end this Sunday 29/03/2020 at 23:59 UTC.

    The Robot Assistant Pet features both a Pet Focus buff of 15% and a 32m Auto Loot buff, and is spawnable from level zero on all planets in Entropia Universe.

    Be sure to grab one of these special pets by obtaining a 50-pack of Arkadia Moon Deeds before Sunday.

    Visit Entropia Universe Web Shop
  2. TheRock

    TheRock Member

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    Does that mean it will be sellable (tradeable)?
    Those Moon deeds i mean.
  3. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    We are working on communications regarding the moon deeds. This requires that we get information from Mindark but will communicate that with you the minute we have everything sorted. Things are a bit tight at the moment with the Covid-19 outbreak with everyone working remotely but will reply as soon as we have information. So please be patient as we work through this.
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  4. Bolleke

    Bolleke Member

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    Any updates on this please, and what might become of the codex on all planets? I mean, arkadia is the place to be but codex keeps away all base players now it sucks, sorry for my language but you devs know it does am I right, please confirm I'm right!
    In other news! deeds deeds deeds :D
  5. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Only Calypso has it right now, but the other planets are working on support for when they are allowed to roll it out.

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  6. CleverDevil

    CleverDevil New Member

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    Noobs need some low hp mobs (10hp-50hp) to Hunt/sweat on Ark Moon . Please do not concentrate in only to atract only big players with big hp mobs .
  7. KingMike

    KingMike Member

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    A bad idea noobs will rage quit.
    5% tax on level mob will drain ped card pretty fast.
    One option could be add an area untaxed on moon with low hp mob.
  8. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    It's not a bad idea... especially if they are doing the daily hazmat mission to get a couple of peds a day... something to burn those instead of just collecting them all to go to another planet to use them would be a great idea!

    Personally, I say don't stop at 10 hp mobs like a lot of other planets do... dig deeper and do like Rocktropia and get 5 hp mobs! Double the amount of kill bonus points for same price of decay! :) Hell, do one better and create some 2 hp mobs.

    Better yet, make an awesome instance too, where you can only enter if you have at least one Ark Moon Deed in inventory as a prerequisite.

    While you are at it, do one up on Monria's little moon, and create some taming missions too, and some interesting unique tameable critters on Ark Moon... Maybe some little cousins to this webshop pet that also have nice buffs...
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    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  9. Dcmight

    Dcmight New Member

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    Why is it that there is no information being made available to people in regards to how many deeds are left? It's been over a year since the question was last asked and an answer was given that I can find.

    Why all the secrecy.
  10. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    better question - why did the webshop pet go away if all deeds are not sold yet?!? Why not go the other way and put out two pets for price of one deed sale there?
  11. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    If the noobs or new players, as I prefer to call them, complete the low mob missions (Carabok, Gallard, Hornets, Monura (male & female)) they should have more then enough skills and profession proficiency to kill mobs on the moon (Excl GMC).

    They would also have a bit more game sense (once starter mob missions are complete) to not beg / spam for a lift from the moon.

    I do see the issue here for newer players, THAT do not deposit, they go , or are enticed to go to the moon for the free PED boost daily, but once that is done, there is nothing for them to do, and to flying back takes away the 2 PED they just earned or more than 2 PED is required to TP back to Ark.

    Solution may be to either:

    Introduce a puny / small mob on the moor (like Dromia at AU) - may be inbound on future content ?

    Move the 2 PED daily to Ark surface ?

    Introduce more low player based activity / daily run around on the moon to fill in the time they are logged in and waiting for their dailies to reset - maybe a mob they can sweat ?

    Ignore it: the revenue / return they generate is not worth the cost of the development to satisfy the need for a player that does not deposit or that does deposit and will be killing bigger mobs in a few months. Cost may be better spent on development else where.
    I know I'd prefer the cost is used for other / future content, to cater for dedicated and established players, I have no issues with players that do not deposit. That said, if you don't deposit, you should not complain about what is available, essentially for free, nor want more for nothing (life, even virtual does not work like that, I am sure every culture / language has a word for people like this, that is not smiled upon).

    The people I would like to see complain on the Arkadia forum, about content, are the ones that have completed it ALL, I have not yet seen one, if you are one, please make yourself know - just for my curiosity.

    Side note: Has anyone completed ALL the Ark Achievements (can exclude the ANUBIS weapon thing, those weapons are too hard to get) ?