Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Ardorj, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've complete three more missions in a row: Ostelok, Navi and Beladoth.
    Stage 2 Navi.jpg

    PRINT SCREEN 2019-10-10 19-40-52.jpg

    Now I'm working on Stage 6 Hadraada and a bit of Monura Female till the thousanth (recorded) hunt. My plan, as yet, is as follows:
    #999. Korwil, I've bought a set of 5D plates with cold protection. But I'm still not sure if I can solo them.
    #1000. Yuka, it's save to say that I need a healer for this hunt.
    #1001. Aakas-key, it took me 30 minutes to figure out how to solo an Aakas-key with a treasure chest at the end. But now that I know how to, I will do so and here's to hoping that I can get past the big boss Dehera.

    36. Collect Arkoins (29.3k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (47 of 50).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    49. Finish Korwil Stage 1. (33 of 75).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (48 of 65).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.3LArsonistic Chip III (L)
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Herm.PTLHerman PF-TT (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.8LLacerating Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #985 - #995:
    985.3691 KP OstelokLac.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L075,94080,19105,60%Global (14) ; Ostelok Stage 4 Finished
    986.835 KP NaviCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1320,74209,39065,28%---
    987.1168 KP NaviCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1456,87100,43065,28%Global (63, 79) ; Arsonistic Chip 2 (L) ; 1800 Combat Sense
    988.1523 KP NaviCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Ars.C.3L605,73518,94085,67%Global (69) ; 4000 Pyrokinesis ; Navi Stage 2 Finished
    989.63 BeladothCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Ars.C.3L472,50356,82075,52%Global (52)
    990.47 BeladothAak.Fir+MTA4 & Ars.C.3L306,00279,59091,37%Beladoth Stage 2 Finished
    991.300 Monura FemaleHerm.PTL017,03014,16083,15%---
    992.5138 KP HadraadaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1563,00539,51095,83%Global (63, 53) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    993.625 Monura FemaleHerm.PTL033,79032,36095,77%Piron PLP-0 (L) ; Level 44 Knifefighter (Hit) ; 3200 Power Fist ; 3600 Coolness
    994.5519 KP HadraadaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1598,29459,07076,73%Skildek P 40 (L)
    995.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female ; B) 88 Rakta & 28 Ubo & 60 YarrijakA) Aak.Fir+MTA4 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1 & B) Herm.PTL025,93014,50055,92%---
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 80,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 17,1%
    Total decay: 186.520,22 PED
    Total loot: 172.082,32 PED
    Result: 92,26%
    Ardorj :jimlad::chicken::grumpy::battleroar::blackalien::cowboy::finger:
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
  2. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Done it! One thousand hunts - and beyond!
    Before that I've done a good Hadraada run and two smaller Caraboks. I want to finish my Hadraada Stage 6 before moving over to Calypso, because I want (and need ...) their Evade reward.

    Hunt #999 Korwil
    Autch, they hurt. Agressive cats. I've died more times then I cared to remember and couldn't get back to at least one after I died. Too many of her friends were protecting her and I couldn't find a save landing.
    Bespite all the dying, it was great fun and a good hunt in the end.
    Korwil 008.jpg Stage 1 Korwil.jpg
    Korwil 007.jpg Korwil 009.jpg Korwil 010.jpg

    Hunt #1000 Yuka
    At first I was planning to do this one with a healer, but couldn't find one quick enough and a socmate got me over to try them solo. So I did. And killed my first Yuka Young. ... and then I got killed by a Mature ... and sometimes a Young, or an Old would ninja on me. One time it was even a Yuka Provider who was angered by my presence.
    And in the end I got absolutely nothing. Well, two plants, but those are worthless.
    I couldn't even finish Stage 1. I want to come back after Hadraada Stage 6 with some better Evade and a healer this time for sure.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-01 20-41-18.jpg

    Hunt #1001 Aakas Key #6
    I got in there with the help of Garci. At first it felt kinda strange, running a key without looting all the mobs, normally I run a key without a chest at the end. The end boss, a Dehera Furion L46 wasn't as bad as the Yuka either.
    Aakas Celebration 1.jpg Aakas Celebration 2.jpg Aakas Celebration 3.jpg Aakas Celebration 4.jpg Aakas Celebration 5.jpg Aakas Celebration 6.jpg
    All the chests gave me a global, which is nice of course. But not enough for me to break even this time, yet it was fun to do and will do so again.
    Aakas 006.jpg Aakas 007.jpg Aakas 008.jpg Aakas 009.jpg Aakas 010.jpg

    And after these three celebration hunts I've done three more Hadraada's. And one of them had a nice suprise for me in its belly.
    Hadraada 173.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (47 of 50).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    49. Completed! Finish Korwil Stage 1. (75 of 75).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (49 of 65).
    51. New! Finish Yuka Stage 1. (50 of 75). This reward isn't much, Weapons Handling, but it gives 1 HP/1600 at least. Yet the reward for Stage 2 is a lot better, imo: Anatomy. No HP this time, but it's good for Dmg prostandings, Paramedic and Looting pro's. (Maybe Weapons Handling isn't such a bad choose?)

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.3LArsonistic Chip III (L)
    Ars.C.4LArsonistic Chip IV (L)
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    Herm.PTLHerman PF-TT (L)
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #996 - #1004:
    996.3919 KP HadraadaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1415,570505,46121,63%Global (57, 95, 52) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Scott & Barlow LR-13 (L) ; Level 28 Animal Looter
    997.350 CarabokMan.KTL014,810012,53084,60%---
    998.650 CarabokHerm.PTL027,540026,60096,59%---
    999.42 KorwilCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Ars.C.3L612,440690,92112,81%Global (53, 164, 88, 52) ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.3 ; Max. 181 HP ; Korwil Stage 1 Finished
    1000.34 YulaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7536,480362,84067,63%2x Potted - Villea ; Level 44 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; 1000 Treatment
    1001.1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female & 122 Dehera Defender & 97 Magurg MaleCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L510,450413,40080,99%Global (71, 70, 69, 65, 63, 71) ; Arsonistic Chip 3 (L)
    1002.8899 KP HadraadaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4950,621230,98124,49%Global (72, 74, 333, 54) ; Scott & Barlow LB-13 (L)
    1003.2283 KP HadraadaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4247,220185,26074,94%---
    1004.6498 KP HadraadaCry.NC.7 & Aak.Fir+MTA4707,210892,10126,14%Global (56, 74, 57) ; Piron PLR-17 (L) ; Potted – Correa ; Piron PLR-12 (L) ; Level 14 Telepath ; Level 12 Translocator ; 3600 Wounding ; Level 46 Knifefighter (Dmg)
    Let's talk about the Codex and Calypso.
    At the end of the summer, when the new mission style was announced, I said to myself to complete as many missions on Ark as I can. I think I'm now nearing the point where completing another mission is either costing me too much time, too much money, or both. The best progress, except Hadraada and Yuka, is Mutated Nusul at 69%.
    I'm sure that I can do more on Caly right now. Really, I can't say out of the top of my head what missions I'm close to completing. It will be a suprise for me too what the next completed Caly mob & stage will be. Therefor I'll be taking a trip soon. And while I'm over there I'll start organizing the Mêlée all the Way! 2020 too!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 80,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 17,2%
    Total decay: 190.542,56 PED
    Total loot: 176.402,41 PED
    Result: 92,58%
    Ardorj :beaver::blackeye::borg::battleroar::dead::woot::chicken:
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
  3. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The Hadraada's no longer liked me, after the last profitable hunt on them. I've hunted the small ones at Quarry at four o'clock in the morning. I was wide awake and couldn't sleep any more. Then I've went to the big ones near Victorious and back again to Quarry. All to no avail.
    Yet, in the end, Hadraada Stage 6 done for the third time!
    Stage 6 Hadraada (3).jpg

    The last hunt on Arkadia in 2019 was to complete Stage 1 Yuka. Another archievement done!
    Stage 1 Yuka.jpg
    I needed time to get used to Calypso -again- after arriving there by Mothership warp. I've made a list of all the Caly mobs and their old-style missions (if any) and my progress on these. Made a note of those that give skill good for Evade and/or HP. First mob to do were the Longu. I got my first Caly global on them since coming back too!
    Next the first of two Atrax hunts, and another succes. There I hunted them in a spot amass with other mobs like Armax and Thorifoids.
    And then the loot made a landslide down the drain. Rextelum: I'm now an Apprentice fighter with no loot. Feffoids: still working on completing that mission, but with no luck yet. Mourner, oh help! Those must be the strongest L5 mobs in the whole of Entropia! They are agressive, hit hard (100% impact) and often, and killed me 2-3 times for a small 50 mob hunt. Stupid me going for a Daily that I shouldn't do. Also, this is a typical Caly mob that one just shouldn't try with mêlée weapons but with a long ranged rifle in stead.
    Longu 003.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-16 20-6-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-16 21-50-37.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-16 23-33-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-18 19-53-41.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-18 19-56-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-18 22-4-16.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-19 20-8-22.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (47 of 50).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (50 of 65).
    51. Completed! Finish Yuka Stage 1. (75 of 75).
    52. New! Finish Argonaut Stage 3. (200 of 1000), they are easy enough to do and there is a good LA at New Switzerland for them.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Ars.C.4LArsonistic Chip IV (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Herm.PTLHerman PF-TT (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.8LLacerating Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1005 - #1017:
    1005.5401 KP HadraadaCry.NC.5 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1432,39363,52084,07%Global (12, 11, 22) ; Bullseye I (L)
    1006.3699 KP HadraadaLac.NC.8L & Leoi.Sho+MTA1403,28353,29087,60%---
    1007.3144 KP HadraadaCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1267,11239,83089,79%Global (30) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    1008.3173 KP HadraadaCry.NC.7 & Ars.C.2L357,89301,20084,16%Piron PLR-12 (L) ; Level 43 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Hadraada Stage 6 Finished (3)
    1009.200 CarabokHerm.PTL008,25007,21093,45%---
    1010.25 YukaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L+NPKA2L397,47209,72052,76%Healed by Schnitzel ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.4 ; Yuka Stage 1 Finished
    1011.67 LonguCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4128,68167,37130,07%Global (80) ; Longu Rank 1 & 2 ; Iron Longu I Finished
    1012.239 CP Armax & 58 Atrax & 179 CP ThorifoidCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4322,10381,06118,30%Isis LLP 13 (L) ; Lacerating Attack Nanochip 2 (L) ; Armax Rank 1 ; Atrax Rank 1 & 2 ; Thorifoid Rank 1
    1013.178 AtraxCas.CM3+MTA6 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1235,71198,75084,32%Atrax Rank 3 & 4 ; Iron Atrax II Finished
    1014.115 CP RextelumCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L249,80139,39055,80%“The Apprentice Rextelum Fighter” Finished ; Rextelum Rank 1
    1015.77 FeffoidCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4215,24169,53078,76%Feffoid Rank 1 & 2 ; 160 Genetics
    1016.50 MournerLeoi.Sho+MTA1 & Lac.NC.3L070,52046,87066,46%Mourner Rank 1 & 2
    1017.104 ArgonautCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1113,65094,95083,55%Argonaut Rank 1 & 2
    Let's talk about the Codex and Calypso some more.
    What I like about the new mission style is that it starts automaticly when interacting with a new kind of mob. Either by attacking it, being attacked by it, or simply from scanning. I also like that you'll continue to score points for it when a rank is completed and you haven't claimed a reward yet. The rewards are, of course, a dozen different skills to choose from. It looks like there is a slight difference from mob to mob, yet not so much as to make it really worthwhile to go for one or the other.
    What I also don't like is that all progress is now just something like Rank 2 : 56.7%, and no way of tracking the number of kills (or killpoints). I'm working at making an equitation that translates a progress in the Codex to a kind of Codex Points (CP). As long as I don't have that, it will show here as ?? CP. [Edit] Added CP.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 79,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 17,8%
    Total decay: 193.744,65 PED
    Total loot: 179.075,60 PED
    Result: 92,43%
    Ardorj :droid::hungover::greyalien::battleroar::cat::bookworm::spiderman:
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Argonauts: done!
    Feffoids: done!
    Hiryuuu: ... there just isn't a good spot for them, is it? From the start that I landed on Caly two weeks ago, the Hiryuu mission had the most progress. Yet, I just can't seem to get it done. I only have to kill 15 or so of them. I now just kill 1 or 2 before each hunt, and hope to get it done that way. It's not that they have a very good reward any how.
    Allophyl: done too!
    Allophyl 013.jpg Allophyl 014.jpg Feffoid 015.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-22 20-44-56.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-30 21-16-9.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-30 22-6-35.jpg

    In between finishing Argonauts (didn't like them by the way) and Feffoids (bit better) I tried to hunt the Falxangius. I have the Daily 3 open for years now, just biding my time. And now I wanted to have it done ... and got halfway of 60 kills. They are so damn hard, even Youngs in a team. Level 36? Make that 63 please. But I will get this Daily 3 done, and Falx Stage 1 too!
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-23 21-38-52.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-23 22-28-2.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-23 22-59-6.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-11-23 22-59-12.jpg

    The loot now was bad from the Atrax right to the Allophyls, really bad with returns of 60% even! I decided to go for the Atrox as the next mission to take on (by the power of a random number generator) and wasn't expecting much of it. Atroxes have never been good for me. But now they were, with no less then 5 globals!
    Atrox 041.jpg Atrox 042.jpg Atrox 043.jpg Atrox 044.jpg Atrox 045.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-01 18-52-43.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-01 19-10-27.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-01 19-11-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-01 19-16-45.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-01 20-30-33.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-01 20-33-34.jpg

    I didn't wanted to do another Atrox hunt after that one, and went for the Warriors at Emerald Lakes. Mixed in with Molisk, one Eviscerator, some Troopers and ... Atrox. This hunt was done after the update last week and the resolution was quite low and I didn't knew how to fix it (now I do), so these pics are a bit smaller.
    Trooper 002.jpg Warrior 006.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (47 of 50).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (51 of 65).
    52. Completed! Finish Argonaut Stage 3. (1000 of 1000).
    53. New! Finish Atrox Stage 2. (251 of 500). I can do them in 1 or 2 more hunts, I warrant.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.4LArsonistic Chip IV (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1018 - #1027:
    1018.290 FeffoidCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1924,510677,79073,31%Global (65) ; Martial Thigh Guards (F,L) ; “Liaison Guiying's Task” Finished ; Feffoid Rank 3 to 5 ; Level 19 Mutant Looter ; 800 Scourging
    1019.100 ArgonautCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1112,840085,29075,58%Argonaut Rank 3
    1020.13 Atrox & 215 KP FalxangiusCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L+NPKA2L367,690222,94060,63%NBK Teamhunt
    1021.400 ArgonautCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1456,270380,03083,29%Argonaut Rank 4 & 5
    1022.300 ArgonautCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1336,560269,68080,13%Argonaut Rank 6 ; Level 37 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Iron Argonaut III Finished
    1023.122 FeffoidCry.NC.7378,870336,82088,90%Global (73) ; Martial Gloves (F,L) ; Iron Feffoid II Finished
    1024.Many differentCry.NC.5 & Khor.Ice067,940055,08081,07%Exarosaur Rank 1 ; Hiryuu Rank 1
    1025.160 AllophylCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4799,520787,92098,55%Global (69, 118) ; Aurora Arm Guards (F,L) ; Allophyl Rank 1 to 4 ; 3400 Skinning ; 79 Strenght ; Iron Allophyl/Estophyl II Finished
    1026.191 AtroxAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cry.NC.7818,791107,61135,27%Global (83, 73, 74, 65, 76) ; Electric Attack Nanochip 5 (L) ; Atrox Rank 1 to 3 ; Max. 182 HP
    1027.10 Atrox & 36 KP Trooper & 95 WarriorAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cry.NC.7329,160380,39115,56%Global (60, 53) ; Warrior Rank 1 & 2 ; Iron Warrior I Finished
    An announcement: Mêlée all the Way is coming to Calypso in 2020! From friday 31st of January till sunday 2nd of February. Expect the choas and trumpets and lots of death mobs (and some teammembers)!
    Click on this link to the thread on CalyForum.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 78,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 18,6%
    Total decay: 198.336,80 PED
    Total loot: 183.379,15 PED
    Result: 92,46%
    Ardorj :clown::mad::eek::battleroar::cowboy::bear::spiderman:
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
  5. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    And some more good missions done!
    I've been working on the Falxangius on and off, and now it's almost there. (Excually, I got it already. This update is till december 17th and I completed the Falx yesterday). I also got one of my biggest solo loots on Falx.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-06 21-37-41.jpg

    Falxangius 006.jpg

    Together with SBM from NBK I've hunted Osseocullum (bad) and Leviathans (also bad, but at least they globalled).
    Leviathan 006.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-06 22-39-20.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-06 22-46-28.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-06 22-54-25.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-06 23-49-20.jpg

    And then: Iron Atrox II completed! I very much like the reward.
    Stage 2 Atrox.jpg
    Armax, Hiryuu and Trooper: all done! I still got 54 old missions to complete, 24 of wich have a favorable reward. Not done yet ...

    PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-07 21-39-26.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-09 21-3-29.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-13 20-15-52.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-17 20-47-10.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    41. Completed! Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (50 of 50).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (51 of 65).
    53. Completed! Finish Atrox Stage 2. (500 of 500).
    54. New! Finish Legionnaire Stage 1 (66 of 1200). I'm afraid of them. I fear that I will die even more then compared to the Falx. But, I can do it ... I think ... hope ...?
    55. New! Obtain a set of Liakon armour (0 of 7). Looking to upgrade my collection of armours. Falx do a lot of impact damage, and a fair number of other mobs likewise. I think Liakon is a nice armour, with good Impact protection that I could also use on Arkadian mobs like Navi, Oratans, Scoria and maybe Yuka.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.4LArsonistic Chip IV (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Gen.Ice.LGenesis Icerage (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)

    Hunts #1028 - #1037:
    1028.91 AtroxAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cry.NC.7392,10306,95078,28%5400 Shortblades ; Atrox Rank 4
    1029.41 Atrox & 126 KP FalxangiusCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L+NPKA2L451,10260,43057,73%Level 42 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; Falxangius Rank 1
    1030.65 CP Osseocullum & 79 CP LeviathanCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7521,49393,31075,42%NBK Teamhunt ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.50 ; Global (95, 67, 130)
    1031.36 Atrox & 194 KP FalxangiusCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L+NPKA2L560,13607,29108,42%Healed by Pro ; Global (248) ; Regeneration Chip 5 (L)
    1032.81 AtroxGen.Ice.L+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4367,67381,71103,82%Global (85) ; Atrox Rank 5 ; Iron Atrox II Finished
    1033.Many differentAak.Fir+MTA4 & Khor.Ice030,42016,56054,44%---
    1034.275 ArmaxGen.Ice.L+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4464,82330,61075,37%Armax Rank 2 to 5 ; Iron Armax II Finished
    1036.78 CP Atrox & 214 KP FalxangiusCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L+NPKA2L557,51784,34140,69%Global (358) ; Camo Arms Marine Stalker (L) ; Falxangius Rank 2
    1037.376 KP TrooperCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4133,41132,61099,40%Regeneration Chip 5 (L) ; Trooper Rank 1 ; Iron Trooper I Finished
    I've also bought 50 more AMD's and got the S0ph13 pet. And, of course, I didn't bring any fruit nor sweetstuff with me from Arkadia. So now she is a very starving robot. I've tried to mine some sweetstuff, and found a few fruits on the ground. But still, she's starving.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-13 22-3-10.jpg

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 79,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 18,3%
    Total decay: 201.886,83 PED <-- New milestone: over 200k spend :eek:
    Total loot: 186.646,76 PED
    Result: 92,45%
    Ardorj :wtf::x3::coldfeet::battleroar::blackalien:o_O:snaphappy:
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    As a said in the previous post: Falx is done! Even though I got a nice global, the results were bad again.
    Stage 1 Falxangius.jpg Falxangius 007b.jpg

    Later I did the Droka, because it came up as a daily and got a very nice global in it too.
    Droka 001.jpg
    I hunted them west of the Jurra Plateau, a spot with only Droka. After this I went for some Legionnaires, west of Fort Ares, a place with not only Legions but also Droka and Trooper. I didn't knew before, but I could have done all three missions together. No big deal, still happy to have done them all.

    Stage 1 Legionnaire.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-20 21-37-10.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-21 21-18-26.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-21 21-28-42.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-24 20-4-9.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-25 21-38-45.jpg

    I've also been working a bit on the Molisk. Done the Caudatergus Iron V and Ambulimax Iron I.
    PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-27 14-40-42.jpg

    And lastly, I already got my set of Liakon! So happy with it! :D

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (52 of 65).
    54. Finished! Finish Legionnaire Stage 1 (1200).
    55. Finished! Obtain a set of Liakon armour (7).
    56. New! Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.2 of 50.0). I had some easable reaching goals set for myself, so now it's time again for something more compelling. I won't get there overnight, but that's oke. I can work on it slowly and one day get it.
    57. New! Finish Molisk Stage 3 (350 of 1000). Another Iron mission to complete before they're all gone. This one I can do in 1 or 2 hunts, I guess.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.4LArsonistic Chip IV (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    Lac.NC.3L Lacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)

    Hunts #1038 - #1047:
    1038.251 KP FalxangiusCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L+NPKA2L465,10363,36078,13%[System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 3.40 ; Global (127) ; Angel Helmet (M,L) ; Iron Falxangius I Finished
    1039.100 DrokaCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1225,00397,69176,75%Global (221) ; Creature Control Capsule - Droka I3-TF ; Level 14 Robot Looter ; Droka Rank 1 & 2 ; 3600 Power Catalyst ; Iron Droka I Finished
    1040.201 MoliskCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1274,99408,19148,44%Global (178) ; Electric Attack Nanochip 4 (L) ; Molisk Rank 3 to 5
    1041.242 CP Droka & 308 KP Legionnaire & 220 CP TrooperCry.NC.7 & Aak.Fir+MTA4468,64464,58099,13%Global (64, 55) ; 2x Kinetic Attack Nanochip 5 (L) ; Thunderbird Foot Guards (M,L) ; Droka Rank 3 ; Legionnaire Rank 1 ; Trooper Rank 2
    1042.385 CP Droka & 434 KP Legionnaire & 420 CP TrooperCry.NC.7 & Aak.Fir+MTA4727,58633,12087,02%3200 Concentration ; Level 44 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Legionnaire Rank 2 ; Trooper Rank 3
    1043.40 Repesilex & 336 KP SnarksnotLac.NC.3L & Cry.NC.1L067,96050,28073,98%Repesilex Rank 1 ; Snarksnot Rank 1
    1044.344 CP Droka & 392 KP Legionnaire & 415 CP TrooperCry.NC.7 & Aak.Fir+MTA4719,12703,31097,80%Global (57) ; Isis LBC 13 (L) ; Global (56) ; 800 Reclaiming ; Droka Rank 4 ; Legionnaire Rank 3 ; Iron Legionnaire I Finished ; Trooper Rank 4 ; Finished Liaison Atwell's Request
    1045.703 KP CaudatergusLac.NC.3L088,74068,02076,65%Global (21) ; Caudatergus Rank 3
    1046.906 KP CaudatergusLac.NC.3L093,51187,11200,10%Global (38) ; NeoPsion 10-B Mindforce Implant (L) ; Caudatergus Rank 4 & 5 ; Iron Caudatergus V Finished
    1046.296 KP AmbulimaxCry.NC.7 & Aak.Fir+MTA4238,96184,34077,14%Ambulimax Rank 1 to 3 ; Iron Ambulimax I Finished
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 79,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 18,3%
    Total decay: 205.256,43 PED
    Total loot: 190.106,76 PED
    Result: 92,62%
    Ardorj :droid::cyclops::greyalien::battleroar::borg::writing::spiderman:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  7. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Just a quick update before year's end. I managed to cranck in a few more. Molisk aren't done yet, but Sumima and (last of 2019) Foul are. I thought these would be quite hard, yet just like the Legionnaires they pale in comparison to the Falx. I also ended up accepting yet another mission, to look at some swamp of Fort Lahar. I don't know why, but I wasn't expecting it to be filled with Calamusoid. So I did the first part, for the second I need some type of gasmask/ gaspill or else I'll die quickly. We'll see, could be fun to do. I've searched for a good spot to hunt Defenders (because I got those as a daily). I haven't found a good one yet, but on the westside of the Odysseus Island works just fine.

    3800 Wounding.jpg Molisk 006.jpg Molisk 007.jpg Stage 1 Sumima.jpg Sumima 001.jpg Sumima 002.jpg

    PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-29 20-15-12.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-30 10-59-47.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-30 23-28-10.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-30 23-29-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-30 23-31-32.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-12-31 8-25-8.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (52 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.8 of 50.0).
    57. Finish Molisk Stage 3 (850 of 1000).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.3L Lacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4

    Hunts #1048 - #1054:
    1048.200 MoliskCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1287,21242,24084,34%Global (24) ; Level 38 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Molisk Rank 6
    1049.100 SumimaCry.NC.7 & Aak.Fir+MTA4578,54648,62112,11%Global (116, 83) ; Sumima Rank 1 & 2 ; Iron Sumima I Finished
    1050.40 Repesilex & 312 KP SnarksnotKhor.Ice & Lac.NC.3L060,95046,76076,72%Repesilex Rank 2 ; Snarksnot Rank 2
    1051.72 CP CalamusoidAak.Fir+MTA4 & Lac.NC.3L124,28105,60084,97%Isis LLP 2 (L) ; “Piece of Mind” Finished
    1052.200 MoliskCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1273,93275,30100,50%Global (31) ; Molisk Rank 7 & 8 ; 3800 Wounding ; Max. 183 HP
    1053.98 CP Defender & 892 KP DroneCry.NC.7 & Aak.Fir+MTA4333,88266,71079,88%Drone Rank 1 & 2 ; “Karona's Hunting Task” Finished
    1054.195 FoulLac.NC.3L & Cry.NC.1L116,89106,92091,47%Foul Rank 1 to 3 ; Iron Foul II Finished
    Keeping it short and easy this time.
    Also working on my summary for 2019 :writing:

    Happy new year and may the HOFs be with you in 2020! Keep your swords ready, you never know when you'll need 'm :cowboy:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 77,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 20,4%
    Total decay: 207.032,11 PED
    Total loot: 196.620,39 PED
    Result: 94,97%
    Ardorj :blackalien::speechless::eggonface::battleroar::coldfeet::jimlad::vulcan:
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Try Typhon's Reach wave for Defenders, mixed with different robots but easy enough. Use the breach in the wall behind the statue to avoid getting swarmed by all of them at once.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    2019 Summary

    2019 was an active Entropia year for me. I've completed a ton of missions (spurred on by the Codex). And I got some good stuff to look back at - and look forward too.

    Let's see what I've done, archieved and gotten to this year. Not everything, just sort of the highlights for me.
    Right at the start of 2019 I've unlocked Wounding!
    I upgraded my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler to tier 4.0
    I got a promotion from the IFN to Sergeant. Nowhere near a high ranking general, it's not something that's high on my list of things to do.
    I got a disciple, who also graduated this year. Unfortuatly, he left the game already too :blackeye:
    I (re)started doing some mining. Still waiting for my first global in 5 or 6 years.
    Calypso Puny's are done!
    By accident I found and killed the Mod Merp.
    I participated in killing the Sand King a few times.
    I flew to Crystal Palace and hunted (small) Kreltin and Aurli solo for the first time.
    I've upgraded my armour sets with 5D plates (12 Cold protection), CDF Scout (just another weak armour) and Liakon (great Cut/Stab/Impact and also 31 Cold).
    And lastly: we did a great Mêlée all the Way! on Arkadia, including a 2286 Huon HOF! :woot:

    And now for the 'bad' stuff.
    I failed to find any and all Marcimex.

    I've spend this year a total of 76812,73 PED, that's nearly 60% more when compared to 2018. Of those PEDs 73357,11 (95,50%) was the weapon-decay and ammonution used. 3207,11 (4,18%) was my total defense cost, more then in 2018. 117,79 (0,15%) was the cost of everything else, that means flying with the DragonFly when I'd been killed or jumping with the TP-chips. Also the cost of the Aakas and Sal'diresh Keys and pills are in here. 130,72 (0,17%) is left for my Chikara InvestaFoe ES300 scanner-decay.
    From all those PEDs spend I got back 94,71%, or 72747,47, a loss of 4065,26 PED, wich is a bit less then in 2018. This overall year-return is more then previously (again). I'm happy with the result I have. Could I dare to hope for my first solo Über in 2020 and a positive year return at it too? :cyclops:

    With all that hunting done, I managed to into finishing the following missions on Arkadia:
    Stage 1: Mutated Zadul, Mutated Hadraada, Togolossi, Korwil, Yuka :vulcan:
    Stage 2: Navi, Beladoth
    Stage 3: Otorugi, Huon
    Stage 4: Arkadian Hornet, Bokol, Zadul, Tiarak, Ostelok
    Stage 5: Oro, Gallard, Nusul :borg:
    Stage 6: Hadraada (3rd)

    And the many mission completed on Calypso:
    Stage 1: Snarksnot, Neomex, Caudatergus, Primordial Longu, Kreltin, Aurli, Longu, Warrior, Hiryuu, Trooper, Falxangius, Droka, Legionnaire, Ambulimax, Sumima :droid:
    Stage 2: Caudatergus, Berycled, Drone, Kerberos, Snarksnot, Neomex, Merp, Argonaut, Kreltin, Aurli, Atrax, Feffoid, Allophyl/Estophyl, Atrox, Armax, Foul :alien:
    Stage 3: Caudatergus, Snarksnot, Merp, Combibo, Argonaut
    Stage 4
    : Caudatergus, Snarksnot
    Stage 5: Puny, Snarksnot, Shinkiba/Daikiba, Caudatergus :muted:
    Stage 6: none
    Stage 7: none
    Stage 8: Snarg :pompus:

    And there are still so many missions left on Calypso that I want to complete before it's all Codex! Just out of the top of my head: Drone, Araneatrox, Maffoid, Scipulor, Kreltin, Daikiba, Snarksnot, Hispidus, ... and many that I'm forgetting right now.
    In a previous post I said something along the lines of I want to complete at least one Snarg stage everytime I'm hunting on Calypso. Now, however, I'm only at the start of Stage 9 (444 KP of 12.000 done) and the reward is one of the smallest (chipsize / killpoints). Also, my results on Snarg are always quite low (89,61% this year). So, I won't be doing these. Too many other mobs with better rewards left for me to chase.

    Just like last year, I've made two graphs to show how it went from hunt to hunt.
    Ardorjies Hunting 2019-A.png
    Here you can see for each hunt # on the x-axis (first hunt of 2019 is #1, it's not the same as the numbers in this blog, because I've started end of 2015) how much the total return % is for 2018 on the y-axis. The view can be a bit misleading, because there's a huge range in hunting costs. With the cheapest I've only spend 2,77 PEDs (Hunting Calypso Puny with a bunch of small missions done). While the most expense has been a hunt of 1298,02 PEDs (Hunting 298 Bokol & 502 Nusul with Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V (L) + NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L) & Corrosive Attack Nanochip V (L) + NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L), with nothing much of interest, yet a well done 100,6% return). Funny thing is, in 2018 the most expensive hunt was also on Bokol & Nusul. Also fun, the return jumps for ~90% to ~95% in one hunt. Guess wich? :roflmao:

    Ardorjies Hunting 2019-B.png
    This graph shows the accumulated hunting costs on the x-axis versus the accumulated return on the y-axis. I fail to see a wave pattern in here, but many that's just me. Do you? :nailbiting::lurking:

    And I want to close this small summary with a top 5 of the best and worst mobs for me in 2019. This is quite flawed, because most of these I've only hunted once or twice (shown here in bold).
    Worst mobs---Best mobs---
    Mutated Kamaldon59,37%Huon232,17%
    Mutated Beladoth & Mutated Otorugi62,66%Korwil126,33%
    So, where I to remove all the mobs that I've hunted four times or less, then the top 5s look completely different:
    Worst mobs---Best mobs---
    Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female83,88%Calypso Puny101,27%
    And now there's only one thing left for me to say, and that is: ....

    Best wishes to all of you and happy HOFfing in 2020 and see ya in the Mêlée pit!!!
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
  10. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    2020 has kicked off ... in quite a bad way. It's like MA is trying to tell me "No way, you're going to end 2020 with positive numbers. Dream on, kid."
    First, when the loot was still quite good, I finished the Iron Molisk and was working on the Snarksnots.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-02 8-40-23.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-02 9-31-14.jpg

    I went to Typhon's Reach for the Defenders. I didn't knew about that spot, but didn't liked it either. I was swarmed too much for my liking, not enough Defenders to please me, and I had to wait a quarter of an hour to repeat it on top of that. Ohh, and the loot was horrendeous as well.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-02 19-41-41.jpg Level 25 Dodger.jpg

    Hurray, I finished an Iron Snarksnot!
    Rank 5 Snarksnot.jpg Stage 6 Snarksnot.jpg

    I've started hunting Berycled Youngs. They weren't high on my to-do-list before, but I was looking for a nice small mob to hunt and they just sort of fitted. I've had only done ~10% of 12k killpoints when I landed back on Calypso, and with only 2 KPs per Young, there's a long way ahead of me. But, they go fast enough and have some good suprises in it for me. Including a very good global!
    2000 Whip.jpg Level 45 Cryogenic (Dmg).jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-03 10-55-13.jpg Berycled 003.jpg

    But before I got that nice Bery-global, I've finished the Defenders! I did most of them on the westside of Odysseus Island. I like that spot the most, spawn of Defenders is poor, of course, but where isn't it? It also has Drones there, and that's another mob that I want to complete. (I know, too many that I aim for. I have trouble focussing on just 1 or 2).
    I did Scipulor in between. The good part is that I finished Scip Stage I. The bad part is all the rest; the loot was absent, the defense bill way too high. Could be my own fault for hunting above my level (I underestimated them @lvl 31, got killed few times) and using the wrong weapon (Old skool non-SIB sword).
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-03 20-43-56.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-03 23-44-57.jpg Stage 1 Scipulor.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (52 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.18 of 50.0).
    57. Finished! Finish Molisk Stage 3 (1000 of 1000).
    58. New! Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (8 of 100). Another one that won't be easy. I tested one, and it worked. A healer would be much welcome for sure.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cor.NC.8LCryogenic Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Dom.OMam.LDominax Original Mamushi (L)
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Lac.NC.3L Lacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1055 - #1067:
    1055.250 MoliskCry.NC.7 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1313,42310,61099,10%Global (23) ; T-Rap (L) ; Molisk Rank 9 ; Iron Molisk III Finished
    1056.290 KP BerycledLac.NC.3L & Cry.NC.1L039,03042,00107,61%Berycled Rank 2 & 3 ; 4500 Dexterity
    1057.1950 KP SnarksnotLac.NC.3L & Cry.NC.1L091,70085,98093,76%Snarksnot Rank 3 & 4
    1058.42 KP Defender & 13 CP Trooper & 34 CP WarriorCor.NC.8L & Aak.Fir+MTA4052,12028,13053,79%Level 25 Dodger ; Defender Rank 1
    1059.204 CP Defender & 1076 KP DroneCor.NC.8L & Lac.NC.3L432,73289,03066,79%Drone Rank 3 & 4 ; 2600 Inflict Ranged Damage
    1060.2058 KP SnarksnotLac.NC.3L & Cry.NC.1L096,17086,44089,88%Snarksnot Rank 5 & 6 ; Iron Snarksnot VI Finished
    1061.378 KP BerycledLac.NC.3L & Cry.NC.1L050,31047,23093,88%Level 45 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Berycled Rank 4
    1062.676 KP BerycledDom.OMam.L & Cry.NC.1L100,67093,65093,03%Shogun Arm Guards (F) ; Berycled Rank 5 ; 2000 Whip ; Level 38 Whipper (Dmg)
    1063.133 CP Defender & 718 KP DroneCor.NC.8L & Elec.NC.4L261,93241,32092,13%Aurora Helmet (F,L) ; Iron Defender I Finished ; Level 40 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    1064.100 ScipulorCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4812,74520,50064,04%[System]: Your Castorian Combat EnBlade-13, Mentor Edition has reached tier 1.30 ; Scipulor Rank 1 & 2 ; Iron Scipulor I Finished
    1065.398 KP* Many differentCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Elec.NC.4L164,37099,73060,67%---
    1066.818 KP BerycledElec.NC.4L & Cry.NC.1L110,32150,01135,98%Global (45) ; Berycled Rank 7
    1067.1980 KP BerycledElec.NC.4L & Cry.NC.1L273,18268,00098,10%Global (13) ; Berycled Rank 8 & 9
    During the "many different" hunt #1065 I was flying all over Calypso, noting down where wich mob can be found. Unfortuatly, Entropia is often times much out of date, so I'll have my own list of mob location that I can fall back to for the MatW!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 77,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 21,0%
    Total decay: 209.830,80 PED
    Total loot: 198.883,02 PED
    Result: 94,78%
    Ardorj :bucktooth::frown::nurse::battleroar::whistling::watching::bawling:
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
  11. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I have to admit, I like Calypso now kinda equally to Arkadia.
    In 2012 or '13 I was so fed up with Caly that I sold all stacks and emigrated to Arkadia. I hadn't been here before, but I heard about the new Planet Partner and deceided to take my chance. Arkadia was my only reason for playing at that time. Yet now, I'm looking more favorably towards Caly again.

    What have I done this time? Bery! Bery, Bery and more Bery!
    They weren't high on my "missions to complete list" up front, but one day I was looking for a small mob to kill, and well, it so happened that they were my chose.
    For one hunt I found a couple of TT-Mêlée in a heli and killed them with those. (Hint, hint: Check out the Mêlée all the Way! and join the TT-Mêlée hunt 01-feb or one of the other sessions.) Problem is, those weapons do less dmg/sec then the Mindforce chips I was killing them with, and often this happened:
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-06 20-59-46.jpg
    Level 3? Sure? I'm not wearing armour for convenience sake, it's more a necessity. I'm more comfortable hunting mid-level Drones lol.

    The reward for the Berycled were 1) Anatomy, 2) Power Fist, 3) Diagnosis (small). Higher on my "missions to complete" are those that give skills like Evade, Perception, Melee Combat, etc. Skills that give good HP and/or are good for Evader/Dodger. So, of course for Iron Berycled III, after all that killing of Youngs for 2 killpoints each up to 12k KP, I choose ...
    Stage 3 Berycled.jpg

    Drone is almost done as well, just need to do one more hunt and I want to see if I can find a destroy high level ones.
    About Drones, sometimes they are smart enough to set a trap for me. Oweko have this behavior sometimes too. One Drone is sort of alone, all others are further then the inner circle of the radar away. I pick that one, storm to it with my blade raised high, yet at the same time the Drone turns around and slowly walks away from me with an air of "talk to the hand, 'cause the face ain't listening". And then, when I catched up to it, the other Drones snap the trap and close me in, like a pincer :drowning: And they call more of their friends, and then it looks like this:
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-08 21-15-56.jpg
    Yet, this time it was nice, because the result was:
    Drone 006.jpg

    And now, I guess I'll have to do some Araneatrox. But I kinda have this inate fear of Spiders lol. (Ard, the Mêlée hunter, not me the guy controlling Ard). When I started playing '05 this was a different game. We didn't had vehicles and I didn't had a TP-chip yet. There wasn't much information out, not a guide of how best to do TP runs. Mobs didn't had a level, so you had to learn wich mobs were strong and evil and wich weren't. (I still have Faucervix from this time. Good thing, you wouldn't be fooled by a L3 Bery or L5 Mourner either :blackeye:) When you got stuck at an outpost, you had to escape 'avoiding the red dots'. Some times that was easy, other times more challeging. But most times you could run to the water or back to the outpost with the turret. Yet Spiders ... oh boy! these are so damn agressive. You knew it was one because you saw a red dot on radar coming towards you from the outer edge lol :eek:. Before you could change direction, it was on you and you were death. Death again and again.
    Now, I'll take my revenge! But I'll take it with awe of my nemenis. :spiderman:

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (53 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.25 of 50.0).
    58. Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (8 of 100).

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    BRRAxeLBrutal Rock n Roll Axe (L)
    Cas.CB.BLCastorian Combat EnBlade-B (L)
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cor.NC.8LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Gen.Cor.LGenesis Corroder (L)
    Herm.PTLHerman PF-TT (L)
    Lac.NC.2L Lacerating Attack Nanochip II (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1068 - #1078:
    1068.255 KP* Many differentCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Elec.NC.4L105,59058,00054,93%Level 31 Evader
    1069.310 KP BerycledHerm.PTL & Cas.CB.BL047,63055,35116,21%---
    1070.76 BristlehogBRRAxeL & Cas.CB.BL077,72071,00091,35%Bristlehog Rank 2
    1071.1492 KP BerycledElec.NC.4L & Cry.NC.1L206,47201,54097,61%Berycled Rank 10 & 11
    1072.1038 BerycledElec.NC.4L & Cry.NC.1L143,70120,94084,16%Level 31 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 3800 Electrokinesis
    1073.3391 KP DroneCor.NC.8L & Elec.NC.4L648,63643,75099,25%Regeneration Chip 4 (L) ; Drone Rank 5 & 6 ; 3800 Athletics ; Level 39 Electro Kinetic (Dmg)
    1074.782 KP BerycledElec.NC.4L & Cry.NC.1L106,73080,04074,99%Berycled Rank 12
    1075.1726 KP BerycledCor.NC.6L & Cry.NC.1L234,65207,19088,30%Level 33 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; Berycled Rank 13 ; Level 15 Telepath
    1076.1120 KP BerycledCor.NC.6L & Lac.NC.2L149,02121,58081,59%Berycled Rank 14 ; Iron Berycled III Finished
    1077.105 KP* Many differentCor.NC.6L & Lac.NC.2L043,62035,58081,57%Snablesnot Rank 1 ; Turp Rank 1 ; Cornundacauda Rank 1 ; Sabakuma Rank 3
    1076.3149 KP DroneGen.Cor.L+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4572,99664,10115,90%Global (19, 51) ; Regeneration Chip 4 (L) ; Aurora Shin Guards (M,L) ; Drone Rank 7 & 8
    Here's some more pictures taken during these hunts.
    2800 Athletics.jpg 3800 Electrokinesis.jpg Kerberos 004.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-07 20-57-27.jpg Rank 5 Drone.jpg Stage 3 Berycled.jpg

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 76,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 21,5%
    Total decay: 212.167,55 PED
    Total loot: 201.142,09 PED - 200k loot done! Onwards to the 300k!
    Result: 94,80%
    Ardorj :bag::coldfeet::cow::battleroar::ninja::sour::cat:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
  12. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've little time and so much to do and say.

    For the first time in over five years I got another mining global! That was during the next Drone hunt, also finished Stage III then.
    Hunted Traeskerons for the first time. They had good loot and I liked hunting them either way. What I didn't like was hunting Spiders. Too much out of my reach. I need a bigger weapon and healer to comfortly be able to. Yet again, I talked about doing a hunt with a healer and then going out on my own stubborn self. I did learn that lesson kinda, because the second Caperon hunt was with a healer.
    I've done some Daikiba Wave spawns. Not sure if this is the best option to get the Shinkiba/Daikiba challenge done. Loot sucked.
    Also completed Harbingers Stage 1. First hunt with a weapon that was too weak, and because of that I got shit loot.

    Here's some of the globals I got this time:
    Caldorite 001.jpg Daikiba 009.jpg Daikiba 011.jpg Harbinger 002.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (53 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.52 of 50.0).
    58. Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (50 of 100).

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Lac.NC.2L Lacerating Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1079 - #1090:
    1079.1688 KP DroneCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4302,49271,28089,68%Iron Drone III Finished
    1080.100 TraeskeronCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4386,99423,09109,33%Traeskeron Rank 1 to 4 ; “Kill the Traeskerons” Finished ; Global (94, 53) ; 2x Combustive Attack Nanochip 6 (L)
    1081.42 AraneatroxCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L396,19270,59068,30%Araneatrox Rank 1 ; Max. 184 HP
    1082.302 KP CaperonCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4273,19185,26067,81%Caperon Rank 1 ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.60
    1083.916 KP DaikibaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cor.NC.6L300,51203,09067,58%Daikiba Rank 3 to 8 ; Global (11) ; Pixie Face Guard (F) ; Pixie Arm Guards (F)
    1084.644 KP DaikibaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cor.NC.6L163,83130,68079,77%Daikiba Rank 9 & 10 ; Global (10) ; 2x Pixie Arm Guards (M)
    1085.168 KP* Many differentCor.NC.6L & Lac.NC.2L073,50077,48105,41%---
    1086.292 KP CaperonCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7242,03144,55059,72%Caperon Rank 2 ; Iron Caperon I Finished ; Healed by CookieCrusher
    1087.555 KP HarbingerCor.NC.6L & Lac.NC.2L193,45103,51053,51%Harbinger Rank 1 & 2 ; Level 41 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    1088.1956 KP DaikibaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cor.NC.6L590,35569,10096,40%Daikiba Rank 11 to 15 ; 2400 Diagnosis ; Global (10, 69, 11, 24) ; Pixie Arm Guards (F) ; Pixie Face Guard (F) ; Kinetic Attack Nanochip 2 (L) ; Chikara Oni-Ni (L) ; Regeneration Chip 4 (L)
    1089.645 KP HarbingerCry.NC.7 & Cor.NC.6L215,66314,64145,90%Harbinger Rank 3 ; Level 16 Robot Looter ; Iron Harbinger I Finished ; Global (74) ; Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 (L) ; Electric Attack Nanochip 4 (L)
    1090.50 GradivoreCry.NC.7 & Cor.NC.6L095,08071,12074,80%Gradivore Rank 1 to 3
    And here are some more pics along the way:
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-11 20-12-3.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-12 15-4-7.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-12 16-22-41.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-13 19-49-50.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-18 21-0-13.jpg

    See you soon in the Mêlée all the Way pit!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 76,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 21,0%
    Total decay: 215.400,82 PED
    Total loot: 203.906,48 PED
    Result: 94,66%
    Ardorj :borg::confused::sleep::battleroar::mad::spiderman::angelic:
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Mêlée all the Way! done ... and it was rather a disappointment :frown:

    I don't ... really have the spirit at this moment to go over it all at lenght. I'll make one post for each day.
    Some days before I went for the Neconu. Got one very nice global, bringing the result up to a profit.
    Neconu 002.jpg

    Mêlée all the Way! : Friday
    First two hunts with Graden Floss. Starting at the Chilled Hogglo for some Hogglo, and Molisk ... and Atrox .. .and??
    Second hunt Ambulimax and Feffoids. Wish I'd known about that place before I did both missions.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-31 19-6-41.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-31 19-42-24.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-31 20-13-3.jpg
    Loot was terrible.

    Stelios joined and we went for the big Eviscerators. Got some nice globals and I made a profit that hunt.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-31 21-20-32.jpg Eviscerator 007.jpg

    After the Eviscerators we went for a swim with Leviathan. We got few globals and Later Stelios' socmate Duncan joined, but the Levies were dry by then.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-31 22-3-49.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-31 22-48-14.jpg Leviathan 008.jpg

    Last hunt back with just me and Graden for Miner Bots. Bad in red.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-01-31 23-31-51.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (53 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.52 of 50.0).
    58. Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (50 of 100).

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1091 - #1099:
    1091.100 NeconuCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4339,79506,93149,19%Global (237) ; Neconu Rank 1 & 2 ; Level 47 Knifefighter (Dmg) ; Iron Neconu I Finished
    1092.1160 KP ShinkibaCry.NC.7 & Cor.NC.6L299,99196,49065,50%Chikara Ashvin HR1 (L) ; Shinkiba Rank 1 to 11
    1093.198 KP* Many differentCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7081,92086,84106,01%---
    1094.178 KP* Many differentCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4073,87036,18048,98%600 Translocation
    1095.482 KP* Many differentCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4199,07127,41064,00%MatW!-20 C #01
    1096.969 CP Ambulimax & 309 CP FeffoidCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4234,47148,90063,50%MatW!-20 C #02 ; Ambulimax Rank 4 ; Level 20 Mutant Looter
    1097.151 CP EvisceratorCas.CM3+MTA6103,89151,42145,75%MatW!-20 C #03 ; Eviscerator Rank 1 ; Global (92, 51, 67) ; Rapper Snapper (L)
    1098.193 CP LeviathanCas.CM3+MTA6295,01347,96117,95%MatW!-20 C #04 ; Leviathan Rank 1 ; Global (63, 194, 68) ; Polaris Arm Guards (F,L)
    1099.217 CP Drone & 295 CP Miner BotAak.Fir+MTA4161,48135,50083,91%MatW!-20 C #05 ; Miner Bot Rank 1

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 76,8%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 21,0%
    Total decay: 217.190,31 PED
    Total loot: 205.644,11 PED
    Result: 94,68%
    Ardorj :sour::cow::jimlad::battleroar::muted::writing::coldfeet:
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Mêlée all the Way! : Saturday
    It started all good. Got a nice team of 5-6 players of inexperienced melee hunters get together. I started at Boreas, also announcing TT-Melee in local chat. Also "the 1st weapon free, 2nd & 3rd buy at reduced prize" was well understood and appreciated.
    MindArk liked it enough to even grant us a small global!
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-01 15-6-41.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-01 15-35-16.jpg Kerberos 005.jpg

    In the evening it was hard to get even one to join me. Bal, socmate of NBK, joined first for the Feffox (too strong) and then Rextelum. Later that hunt garci, another NBK'er joined in.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-01 19-3-50.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-01 21-34-36.jpg

    Loot was bad last two hunt and we went for the Hogglo's. It was fun to hunt, had some great laughs and painful deaths.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-01 22-21-7.jpg Hogglo 023.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (53 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.52 of 50.0).
    58. Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (50 of 100).

    Hunting weapons:
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.KnBLCastorian EnKnuckles-B (L)
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1100 - #1103:
    1100.1890 CP KerberosCas.KnBL059,87065,64109,64%MatW!-20 C #06 ; Kerberos Rank 3 ; Global (12)
    1101.319 CP FeffoxCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA6333,74212,13063,56%MatW!-20 C #07 ; Feffox Rank 1 ; [System]: Your Castorian Combat EnBlade-13, Mentor Edition has reached tier 1.4
    1102.181 CP Aetherex & 214 CP RextelumCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA6364,02251,13068,99%MatW!-20 C #08 ; Aetherex Rank 1 ; Global (74)
    1103.347 CP HoggloCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA6521,55485,51093,09%MatW!-20 C #09 ; Hogglo Rank 1 ; Global (102, 73, 219) ; [System]: Your Castorian Combat EnBlade-13, Mentor Edition has reached tier 15
    And the worst had yet to come!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 76,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 20,8%
    Total decay: 218.469,49 PED
    Total loot: 206.658,52 PED
    Result: 94,59%
    Ardorj :beaver::droid::depressed::battleroar::cold::arghh::thumbsdown:
  15. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Mêlée all the Way! : Sunday
    The last day of the MatW event could be summed up as one of my most terrible days in Entropia. I'm still very pissed for what one pathetic fucker called tjockisLIEF did.

    Starting from the beginning. Nobody to hunt with at all. So I solo'd Hispidus. Bad spawn, little bit above my level. Nothing good.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-02 13-45-47.jpg

    Second hunt. Still nobody to hunt with. I thought, "let's go to Akmuul to hunt Mulmun". I've heard socmates about lootable PvP that it really isn't that bad. Most players there are miners, minding their own business or hunters like me, likewise minding their own business. The rare PK'er does it for the thrill of PK'ing, not the loot. The unwritten rules op lootable PvP: 1. Don't shoot when someone is a) killing a mob or b) mining his claim. 2. Give back (part) of the loot you got.
    I took on Viceroy and 5B plates, never thought about 6A plates for some extra pk-protection. I have some pills and other candies in my Dragonfly, checked the first to see if it was lootable or not. Candy isn't and never thought about checking the rest. Also didn't consider to put the heli in Storage just to be sure. :facepalm:

    Of course I had to meet the lowlife asshole who doesn't apply to those rules. There was a green dot on my radar, he said "hello" and I said "hiy" back. I attacked another Mulmun and noticed some odd little damages at odd intervals. I'm getting a dodge skill, that can't come from Mulmun. Heal - slash - heal - slash ... all good - slash - death by crit hit! That brave PK'er shot me in the back with his ArMatrix LR-20 (L). :mad:

    In PM I confronted him. He told me I was a nib, because I got killed, and thanked me for the loot and pills he got off me. A socmate scanned him: lvl 26 Laser (Hit). The little pissebed can only pk when he's hiding behind a mob, shooting you in the back. Didn't dare to come back, yeah what a good pk'er are boy! :devilish:

    Just to be clear: I have been killed and looted before (not many times, because I don't go into lootable PvP more then once a year). I know the rules and the risk. All other killers would wait untill I was done with a mob. Maybe even while I was running to another and shooting me before I know I was under attack. Most, if not all, gave me a good portion of my loot back.
    I'm angry because tjockisLIEF attacked me while I was busy with a mob and bragged about how good he is for killing me and looting me and keeping it all. Moron didn't even dare to go 1 vs. 1 and I bet he wouldn't have liked a hit from one of my swords. :punch:

    ( breath in, breath out. Got it off my chest now )

    I finished the Mulmuns, never saw another GD there afterwards. Went for Formicacida in the beginning of the evening, still no others to hunt with. Made profit because of a global.
    Formicacida 001.jpg

    Last hunt of the MatW again with Bal and garci, again Rextelum and again the loot was bad. Bal finished his Daily on Tantillions, he was happy.

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (54 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.77 of 50.0).
    58. Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (50 of 100).

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1104 - #1107:
    1104.348 KP HispidusCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA6199,37120,96060,67%Hispidus Rank 1
    1105.1200 KP MulmunCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA6488,33381,79078,18%Mulmun Rank 1 to 3 ; 1200 Avoidance ; Iron Mulmun I Finished ; Killed by tjockisLIEF
    1106.134 CP FormicacidaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4122,29137,58112,50%Global (70)
    1107.52 CP Aetherex & 465 CP RextelumCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4539,38427,05079,17%MatW!-20 C #10 ; 1600 Medicine
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 76,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 20,8%
    Total decay: 219.818,86 PED
    Total loot: 207.725,09 PED
    Result: 94,50%
    Ardorj :bawling::bag::bear::battleroar::speechless::rage::vomit:
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2020
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Time on hand is a recurring theme of my blog, and as it is right now there isn't much of it in my life left over to play Entropia. I'm glad when I got one evening off in a week. Like I do today, so I can update this blog once more.

    After the failed MatW! I wanted some better community fun and found that with the big Maffoids. Loot was good and I helped to take down Warchief Karzak twice or some before time ran out again.
    Maffoid 003.jpg Maffoid 004.jpg Maffoid 005.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-09 21-34-38.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-09 22-4-27.jpg

    And then I didn't knew what to focus on. I did a Shinkiba and a Daikiba hunt. And then left that mission to go for Hispidus, not finishing that one either and ending up with Araneatrox. I managed to complete Stage 1, but loot was bad like the previous hunt and I could have lived without it. The reward is pretty nice, though.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-29 20-42-39.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-02-29 21-1-9.jpg Stage 1 Araneatrox.jpg

    Back to wich missions? Let's complete another one first: Prancers, and got a global from a Snarg that hunt.
    Snarg 009.jpg

    Back to finish the Hispidus. But when I was done my computer had a quite violent crash and I lost all data of that hunt. At least I still got the pictures.
    Hispidus 003.jpg Stage 1 Hispidus.jpg

    Daikiba, still not finishing the Shinkiba/Daikiba challenge. Failed Proteron hunt with socmates in between and then I finally got that bastard done!
    Shinkiba 002.jpg Rank 15 Shinkiba.jpg Stage 5 Shinkiba, Daikiba.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (54 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (45.95 of 50.0).
    58. Completed! Finish Araneatrox Stage 1 (50 of 100).
    59. New! Finish Aurli Stage 3 (136 of 1000). Going to Crystal Palace soon to do the Aurli and Kreltin missions. It's going to be expensive, but also worthwile I hope with the mission rewards and what not skills I get from the Codex and maybe a nice global or two as well?

    How many and which old Iron missions do I still want to do?
    When I look at those that have a good reward (mêlée, defense or general skill or attribute token) then I have a list of these mobs:
    Aurli, Cornoanterion, Daspletor, Eviscerator, Formicacida, Hogglo, Kingfisher, Kreltin, Leviathan, Marcimex, Merp, Mind Reaver, Mulaak'f, Osseocollum, Proteron, Scaboreas, Snarg, Steelbird and Warlock.
    That's a long list, a list that I can't finish in time.
    Remove the mobs that are just too strong for me: Cornoanterion, Daspletor, Leviathan, Mulaak'f, Osseocollum, Proteron and Warlock.
    Remove those that aren't worth the trouble: Merp and Snarg.
    Remove those that I don't have a clue where to find: Marcimex, Mind Reaver.
    That still leaves me with eight missions to do. Not sure yet wich I'll do and wich I won't.

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1108 - #1116:
    1108.1750 CP MaffoidCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4716,62715,35099,82%Maffoid Rank 1 to 3 ; Iron Maffoid I Finished ; Global (60, 81, 104)
    1109.1467 KP ShinkibaCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA6414,97329,69079,34%Shinkiba Rank 11 to 14 ; Chikara Mudra Mk. 1 (L) ; 2x Isis LBP 6 (L) ; Regeneration Chip 1 (L) ; [System]: Your Castorian Combat EnBlade-13, Mentor Edition has reached tier 1.6
    1110.1422 KP DaikibaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cor.NC.6L361,23299,94083,03%Daikiba Rank 15 ; 3600 Light Melee Weapons ; Global (12, 12, 15) ; 2x Pixie Arm Guards (M) ; Pixie Face Guard (M)
    1111.361 KP HispidusCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA6208,48213,30102,31%Hispidus Rank 2 ; Global (71)
    1112.51 AraneatroxCas.CM3+MTA6460,03291,12063,28%Araneatrox Rank 2 ; Iron Araneatrox I Finished ; Healed by Cuddles
    1113.1388 KP Prancer & 1321 KP SnargCry.NC.7 & Cor.NC.6L520,51478,21091,87%Prancer Rank 1 to 6 ; Iron Prancer III Finished ; Snarg Rank 1 to 3 ; Global (77)
    1114.863 KP DaikibaAak.Fir+MTA4 & Cor.NC.6L233,08142,16060,99%Daikiba Rank 16
    1115.47 CP ProteronCas.CM3+MTA6 & Cry.NC.7074,33033,61045,22%Teamhunt with Brevin and Alo
    1116.1373 KP ShinkibaCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1344,04330,21095,85%Shinkiba Rank 15 to 17 ; Iron Shinkiba/Daikiba V Finished ; Global (63) ; Chikara Ashvin HR1 (L) ; Isis LBC 6 (L) ; Isis LBP 6 (L)
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 77,1%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 20,6%
    Total decay: 223.152,15 PED
    Total loot: 210.559,41 PED
    Result: 94,36%
    Ardorj :cyclops::cool::walkingdead::battleroar::pompus::spiderman::eek:
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  17. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Today I'm down with the sickness. No idea yet if it's serious or not, I don't feel bad at the moment. :nurse:

    To begin with, I've completed the first stage of Iron Scaboreas. Could have lived without it tho, loot sucked quite bad.
    Stage 1 Scaboreas.jpg

    Two days later I finally bought a Sleipnir and Space Thruster for myself and flew to Crystal Palace. That's where I'm hunting now the last half of this strange march 2020.
    I'm getting some good globals here and the Codex Rewards are also quite nice. Biggest so far is this Aurli beauty:
    Aurli 019.jpg
    I haven't gotten any item yet, but not complaining.
    The other globals are:
    Aurli 018.jpg Aurli 020.jpg Aurli 021.jpg Aurli 022.jpg Aurli 023.jpg Aurli 024.jpg
    Kreltin 012.jpg Kreltin 013.jpg Kreltin 014.jpg Kreltin 015.jpg Kreltin 016.jpg

    Yesterday I had time for two hunts. First was on Kreltin where I scored 5 globals (including an Aurli lost in Dome 2)! The second was on Aurli, but there I lost it all again. Best loot I think was ~30 PED. I continued, mostly because I just wanted to get to the next Codex rank. And when I did I got a few suprises.
    Rank 5 Aurli.jpg
    Woot! Level 30 Looter and unlocking both Butchering and Xenobiology!
    I have no idea yet of course how this will effect my hunting returns (if at all), but it's always nice to get an unlock - better when it's two! :woot:
    So yeah, so far I'm quite happy that I made the decision to fly to CP.


    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (55 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (46.23 of 50.0).
    59. Finish Aurli Stage 3 (562 of 1000).

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Arc.C.4LArsonistic Chip IV (L)
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cry.NC.7Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6

    Hunts #1117 - #1124:
    1117.496 CP ScaboreasCry.NC.7 & Cor.NC.6L215,240126,74058,88%[System]: Your Cryogenic Attack Nanochip 7 has reached tier 3.9 ; Scaboreas Rank 1 & 2 ; Iron Scaboreas I Finished
    1118.542 CP AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L644,130634,91098,57%Global (158) ; Aurli Rank 1 & 2 ; Level 46 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; 4800 Courage
    1119.635 CP KreltinCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4555,760532,34095,79%Global (69) ; Kreltin Rank 1 & 2
    1120.898 CP AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.4L870,850809,97093,01%Global (200, 72) ; Aurli Rank 3
    1121.773 CP KreltinCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4552,530352,94063,88%[System]: Your Castorian Combat EnBlade-13, Mentor Edition has reached tier 1.7 ; Kreltin Rank 3 ; 3600 Skinning
    1122.910 CP AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4840,770815,89097,04%Global (98, 51, 77) ; Aurli Rank 4 ; 4800 Bravado
    1123.1016 CP KreltinCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4746,331100,16
    Global (125, 63, 167, 118, 96) ; [System]: Your Castorian Combat EnBlade-13, Mentor Edition has reached tier 1.8 ; Kreltin Rank 4
    1124.830 CP AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4790,860532,78067,37%Aurli Rank 5 ; Level 44 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; Level 30 Animal Looter ; [System]: Congratulations, you have acquired a new skill; Xenobiology & Butchering
    Funny thing, when I was thinking about going to CP or not I calculated the average cost of hunting Aurli and Kreltin to see how much it would be in total. Now I did again with these hunts, and the results are ...
    Aurli = 20 PEC more
    Kreltin = 80 PEC more

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 77,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 20,3%
    Total decay: 228.368,62 PED
    Total loot: 215.465,14 PED
    Result: 94,35%
    Ardorj :barefoot::beaver::greyalien::battleroar::alien::cat::borg:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
  18. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Still at home with a cold. Doesn't look like that new novel virus, but the advice from my doctor is to stay at home nonetheless.

    So, I got some more time on my hands and finished Iron III for both Aurli and Kreltin. This time my return for the Aurli is 88% and Kreltin 91%, overall my returns for these two mobs is at 87%. Getting better, but not my best mob at any rate yet.
    This time (from hunt #1125 onwards) I didn't had a single positive return on them. Yet I do have some interesting things to note. For example this global with a nice suprise!
    Kreltin 017.jpg 200 HP! That's 186+14 from an Improved Aeglic Ring.

    I got Codex Rank 5 Kreltin too ofcourse. I did one Kreltin hunt with Bal from NBK, looking for a Component 8 that we couldn't find. And overall scored quite a lot of globals and made some good progress in skills.
    The last hunt, on Aurli, I just wanted to be done with them and did the whole 200+ in one go. That is now my most expensive hunt to day.

    PRINT SCREEN 2020-03-26 21-10-0.jpg Rank 5 Kreltin.jpg Stage 3 Aurli.jpg Stage 3 Kreltin.jpg

    The Kreltin Globals:
    Kreltin 017.jpg Kreltin 018.jpg

    The Aurli Globals:
    Aurli 025.jpg Aurli 026.jpg Aurli 027.jpg Aurli 028.jpg Aurli 029.jpg Aurli 030.jpg Aurli 031.jpg Aurli 032.jpg Aurli 033.jpg

    I took the TP back to Caly and finished the Iron Kerberos III in two hunts, scoring a nice global on the way (and three others too).
    Kerberos 008.jpg
    Kerberos 006.jpg Kerberos 009.jpg Kerberos 007.jpg Stage 3 Kerberos.jpg

    And last Iron I finished ... Hogglo, oh man! The horrendous loot! The mission reward is good, but I think it would be better where I not have done this one.
    Also did a very small NBK teamhunt on the Daikiba wave. I came late to the scene during wave 4, loot on the Bull was bad and it was already quite late at night so I left as quick as I came.
    Stage 1 Hogglo.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-03-29 0-42-37.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-03-29 19-37-5.jpg

    The last mob that I want to do on Caly is the Eviscerator. (And maybe, when the give me a good HOF the Formicacida too, but I'm not counting on it considering the dismal loot I'm getting lately).

    Here are the skill increases for this time as well for you to see. I'm nowhere any good hunter, but I still like to show it sometimes.
    110 Butchering.jpg 2400 Combat Sense.jpg 2600 Alertness.jpg 3400 RDA.jpg 4500 Heavy Melee Weapons.jpg 4500 Martial Arts.jpg 5700 Melee Combat.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (32.0k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (55 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (46.50 of 50.0).
    59. Completed! Finish Aurli Stage 3 (1000 of 1000).
    60. New! Finish Wombana Stage 3 (7.416 of 20.000). I'm not quite sure if and how much I've progressed with the Wombana's. Will update it as soon as I get back to Arkadia - and tha'ts long overdue now! I want to finish the Wombana chain now as quick as possible, not sure how it will work-out when Codex comes to Ark in combination with the Smuggler chain? [Edit: I'm on Ark now]

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Com.NC.6LCombustive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA2NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1125 - #1135:
    1125.1037 CP KreltinCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA40758,990528,30069,61%Kreltin Rank 5 ; 5700 Melee Combat ; 10 to 67 Butchering
    1126.743 CP AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA40782,770686,62087,72%Global (73, 60) ; 2600 Alertness ; 110 Butchering ; 2400 Combat Sense
    1127.730 CP KreltinCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA40555,900396,71071,36%Global (53) ; [System]: Your Castorian Combat EnBlade-13, Mentor Edition has reached tier 1.9 ; Max. 186 HP
    1128.820 CP AurliCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA40772,230696,82090,23%Global (106, 58) ; Aurli Rank 6 ; 160 Butchering ; 3400 Ranged Damage Assessment
    1129.622 CP KreltinCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA40464,940393,56084,64%Global (63) ; Teamhunt with Bal ; Kreltin Rank 6 ; Iron Kreltin III Finished ; 4500 Martial Arts ; 2600 Athletics ; Level 32 Evader
    1130.1614 CP AurliDifferent Mêlée Weapons1669,651459,42087,41%Global (95, 91, 77, 167, 67) ; 260 Butchering ; Iron Aurli III Finished
    1131.4065 CP KerberosCom.NC.6L & Cor.NC.6L0281,150203,86072,51%Kerberos Rank 4 to 6
    1132.4161 CP KerberosCom.NC.6L & Cor.NC.6L0289,560288,62099,68%Global (11, 12, 53, 12) ; Kerberos Rank 7 & 8 ; Iron Kerberos III Finished
    1133.418 CP HoggloCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Com.NC.6L0561,970369,08065,68%Human Skull ; Hogglo Rank 2 ; 4500 Heavy Melee Weapons ; Level 31 Paramedic
    1134.1115 CP DaikibaCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Com.NC.6L0037,330028,85077,28%NBK Teamhunt ; Pixie Face Guard (F) ; Chikara Oni-Ni (L)
    1135.496 CP HoggloCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Com.NC.6L0578,140384,82066,56%Hogglo Rank 3 ; Iron Hogglo I Finished
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 77,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 20,0%
    Total decay: 235.121,25 PED
    Total loot: 220.901,80 PED
    Result: 93,95%
    Ardorj :bawling::vamp::shifty::battleroar::droid::yawn::panda:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  19. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I had a weird dream last night.
    I was at a community bathhouse of some sorts with classmates of over 10 years ago. We were just chatting and washing our hands, when suddenly behind us a Warlock stepped out of the elevator behind me. I asked in socchat if reviving is still free (somehow that was a concern for me) and they confirmed that it still is. I attack the Warlock in a rather unique way. I ran circles around him, scraping with a knife in the ground, meanwhile jumping over his laserbeams with apparent ease. I got the Warlock down to 10% that way, but then he summoned a Kamaldon and began to ride on it like an Oratan Lancer. The Warlock now also had a trident in its hands. Some I had to ran for cover behind some rocks. The Kamaldon tripped and fell (or it threw the Warlock off it's back?) As I tried to run away from the rocks, he sticked his trident in the ground before me and I got trapped between its legs and the trident. It stank like death and how I imagine the bubonic plaque or a vampire smells. I could see inside the Warlock, its intestines being losely held by some bones and the ribcase. I took a spear and tried to finish him off that way, thinking that it would almost certainly kill me too if his bowels would burst open. But I could only push it upwards and so it ended.
    The moral of my dream? I should not hunt Warlocks and spears are a cool introduction to EU.

    And now back from dreamworld to the real world ... I mean the world of Entropia.

    First off: I am back on Arkadia! I've spend too much time and PEDs on Caly, but now all my efforts will once again go to Ark. I got some good stuff (skillwise) from Caly though. Tiny summary: 5HP extra, 20 Mutant Looter, 30 Animal Looter, 17 Robot Looter, unlocking Butchering and Xenobiology.

    Last two missions I finished on Caly were the Eviscerators and Cornundacauda.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-03-30 11-52-29.jpg Eviscerator 008.jpg Eviscerator 009.jpg 2020-03-31 -- Cornundacauda Guardian 29 PED .jpg Rank 5 Eviscerator.jpg Stage 2 Eviscerator.jpg

    Once I got back to Arkadia I did Stage 3 Wombana in one days. One run on Sal'diresh #3s, looking for Arkoins (couldn't find any, but got a nice global). And last Aakas #4, where I did loot a few good Arkoins.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-02 21-21-40.jpg 2020-04-01 -- Wombana Prowler 51 PED .jpg 2020-04-01 -- Wombana Stalker 70 PED .jpg Stage 3 Wombana.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-02 11-18-30.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (36.4k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (56 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (46.65 of 50.0).
    60. Completed! Finish Wombana Stage 3 (20.000 of 20.000).
    61. New! Finish Korwil Stage 2 (0 of 400). I'm not quite sure yet wich IFN missions I want to give the most priority yet. I do want to finish Korwil and Yuka Stage 2 though, so that I can get the Trophie later.

    Hunting weapons:
    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Com.NC.6LCombustive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier 4
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    +NPKA1NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    +NPKA2NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #1136 - #1145:
    1136.497 CP EvisceratorCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA4337,21279,58082,91%Eviscerator Rank 2 ; Level 46 Knifefighter (Hit) ; Level 8 Robot Investigator
    1137.1408 CP EvisceratorDifferent Mêlée Weapons765,35628,05082,06%Global (81) ; 2x Rapper Snapper (L) ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 4.7 ; Eviscerator Rank 3 & 4
    1138.1214 CP EvisceratorCas.CM3+MTA6 & Com.NC.6L697,51685,24098,24%Global (104) ; Eviscerator Rank 5 ; Iron Eviscerator II Finished ; 1800 Analysis ; Level 17 Robot Looter ; 1200 Reclaiming
    1139.1097 CP CornundacaudaCom.NC.6L+NPKA2L & Cor.NC.6L126,44148,37117,34%Global (29) ; Cornundacauda Rank 2 & 3 ; Iron Cornundacauda II Finished
    1140.5103 KP WombanaCom.NC.6L+NPKA2L & Elec.NC.5L816,08695,47085,22%Global (70, 51) ; S & B Ardenner 16 (L) ; 360 Butchering ; Level 42 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    1141.1848 KP WombanaCom.NC.6L+NPKA2L & Elec.NC.5L316,90232,35073,32%1200 Treatment
    1142.5649 KP WombanaCom.NC.6L+NPKA2L & Elec.NC.5L935,04751,15080,33%Wombana Stage 3 Finished ; Max. 187 HP
    1143.576 KP WombanaCom.NC.6L+NPKA2L & Elec.NC.5L094,17079,19084,09%---
    1144.54 UboCom.NC.6L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L175,79145,33082,67%Global (50) ; Scott & Barlow LP-6 (L)
    1145.A) 3 Dehera Sentinel & 3 Magurg Female & 81 Magurg Male & 327 Dehera Defender ; B) 159 Ubo & 99 Rakta & 102 YarrijakA( Son.Cor+MTA6 & Leoi.Sho+MTA1 & B) Com.NC.6L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L785,44642,67081,82%Level 31 Animal Looter
    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 77,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 20,7%
    Total decay: 240.171,18 PED
    Total loot: 225.189,20 PED
    Result: 93,76%
    Ardorj :eek::muted::ninja::battleroar::confused::vulcan::vomit:
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2020
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've been doing predomantly Wombana runs last week. The results are mixed, I got some good ones and they aren't shy at giving me globals eithers (wich don't often help to get the results above 90%).
    Wombana 008.jpg Wombana 009.jpg Wombana 010.jpg Wombana 011.jpg Wombana 012.jpg Wombana 013.jpg Wombana 014.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-03 23-11-15.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-05 21-25-29.jpg Level 10 Pet Handler.jpg

    I also joined the Mutated Madana HSL on Sentosa's. I ended up 4th with no global, the top 3 all got at least two, if I remember correctly. It was great fun tho, these Mutated Madanaas are pretty cool to hunt and I'm sure that I'll be going for these events as much as I can.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-04 21-56-17.jpg
    At the end King asked in eventchat who wanted to join him on a Sal'diresh' #7 and I said I would. Also had some great fun there, opening the box and getting a good global.
    PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-04 23-31-55.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2020-04-04 23-43-56.jpg

    36. Collect Arkoins (36.4k of 50.0k).
    46. Visit Arkadia Moon and spend 10.000 PED. (0 of 10.000).
    50. Max out Songkra Corrosive Dagger (56 of 65).
    56. Get to level 50 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) (46.74 of 50.0).
    61. Finish Korwil Stage 2 (0 of 400).

    Hunting weapons:

    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Com.NC.6LCombustive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Cor.NC.6LCorrosive Attack Nanochip VI (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Kin.NC.5LKinetic Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Kin.NC.8LKinetic Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    Lac.NC.2LLacerating Attack Nanochip II (L)
    +NPKA1NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    Son.CorSongkra Corrosive Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier 1
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier 6
    Hunts #1146 - #1155:
    1146.3373 KP WombanaCom.NC.6L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L0552,540492,09089,06%Global (114) ; Bullseye IV (L) ; Level 35 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; 4500 Pyrokinesis
    1147.7009 KP WombanaCom.NC.6L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L1131,381029,34090,98%Global (56, 54 ; S & B Ardenner 16 (L) ; Piron PBP-27 (L) ; 460 Butchering
    1148.1370 KP WombanaCom.NC.6L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L0217,630269,53123,85%Global (56)
    1149.2294 KP WombanaKin.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.2L0386,180401,35103,93%Global (41) ; 2x Melee Trauma Amplifier 1 (L) ; Level 32 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; Level 40 Electro Kinetic (Dmg)
    1150.1777 KP WombanaKin.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.2L0298,230231,11077,49%Piron PBP-12 (L)
    1151.2924 KP Mutated MadanaSon.Cor+MTA6 & Leoi.Sho+MTA10947,310716,67075,65%---
    1152.102 KP* Dehera DefenderCas.CM3+MTA6 & Son.Cor+MTA60128,010112,45087,84%Global (169) ; Teamhunt with King
    1153.1417 KP WombanaKin.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.2L0241,110176,08073,03%Level 10 Pet Handler
    1154.3146 KP WombanaKin.NC.8L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L0523,800436,10083,26%Global (56)
    1155.3995 KP WombanaKin.NC.8L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.5L0657,180604,84092,04%Global (59) ; 2x Bullseye IV (L) ; 600 Bioregensis ; 4000 Electrokinesis
    I quickly mentioned it in the previous post, but I'm starting to think about a plan of wich hunting missions I want to do before Codex comes to Arkadia (is there information yet as to when that will be?) and wich to do in the Ark Grace period. More on that soon.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 76,0%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 22,0%
    Total decay: 245.254,55 PED
    Total loot: 229.658,79 PED
    Result: 93,64%
    Ardorj :greyalien::wacky::borg::battleroar::beaver::eggonface::mask:
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2020