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Hi MaidMarion, we will look into it. It wasn't a change we made. We increased the capacity because the component book would not fit all the prints in.
Thanks for the reply, I moved my 100% QR bp's to the arkadian book wich I can't use right now, I see they still exist on the items page but not ingame, so unable to use my good BP's. Hurry
I was on Caly when the update came (I bought cold protection ). However: I still have my Texture BPs and after coming back to Arkadia they are still there. @Maid: relog? What does your item list on entropiauniverse tell you? Are the BPs still listed there?
Thread about the missing BPs: missing calypso textures But I got to say I love the new looks of the archiology society place, too bad they placed the chairs a bit too close to the table so I cant use them (I thought I was skinny, but these archiologists must just eat dust or something) and I found my new favorite apartment too lol
Adjusted spawn density, may still be too sparse, particularly for smaller creatures. There is still no puny spawn in noob camps. jc