Planet Arkadia Update - 16.4.0.

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    yeah stopped myself on that I guess, just get it together please
  2. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    In what way do you feel your constant whining and bitching about the same subject contributes anything. Saying something more than once adds nothing except to maybe rile the person you want a reply from, and make them put the answer to the bottom of the work pile.
    Seriously you seem to think that they should prioritize giving you an answer when they have far more important things to do.
    As I have said previously the Ark Dev team is small, they all work very long hours and Dylan in particular seems to take very little leave, let alone the weeks months you accuse him of.
    MA may take much of the summer off, but the Ark team do not work for MA and they do not live in Sweden where that is a tradition.
    So ask yourself, do we want this small and hard working team, to fight battles for us against MA, to develop the Ark storyline and Moon, or do we want them at our beck and call, answering Trivia ?
    The number of deeds left is what it is, if you want more then go buy some, whether you do or not eventually they will all sell. They already payout, so it seems probable your only interest in this investment is how much profit you make on re-sale, which is fine and dandy, but hardly encouraging for the Ark devs.
    But please stop your posturing and threats.. or follow through and quit, but don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

    If this seems harsh, I apologise, but I do feel you need to consider what it is you are trying to achieve with these rants
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  3. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    what they told me and all of us
    Hi Everyone,

    As mentioned in the blog post, we are going to communicate with you on a regular basis and I thought it would be best to start with the discussion of the moon deeds and the future of the Arkadia Moon. Dylan Wrote. ok now for you Granny DICTIONARY: On a regularbasis is one of those phrases that use too many words to say something simple. I do that often or I do that regularly both say the same thing. May then June then almost 3 months now and nothing so i just wanted a answer they told me and all of us they would do. and i dont care if they have 1 guy on the entire dev team it takes 5 mintes to look in there inventory and say how many is left. So Granny just keep sitting in your rocking chair and not worry about what other people say or ask for if the dev team alrdy said what they will give us. if they said we will never give any info on the moon progress i would have never posted. but not posting anything only hurts them, i would probably buy moon deeds every week just to see the amount go down, but saying nothing makes most of us buy nothing.
  4. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    With much respect to you Granny as i always have i should say you should be admin on this forum as you know so much about ark team.its what we need a person with information.if the forum quarries are not answered whats the purpose of having a forum anyways?we as players do love new content as much as we like old bugs fixed before they bring whole new sets of bugs.

    Do you realy believe the team is doing the right thing? I mean simon is just asking a simple many deeds left?if the team answers it by giving a date to confirm same they should honor it rather than going silent.after all ppl are buying the damn things to help them.

    Small team you say and do you belive its our fault that the team is small?before going for a bigger project as moon they should have hired some good experienced ppl to help them on it.its not our fault is it?

    Giving us the same excuses over and over for years is not professional in my opinion and i dnt know if you agree with anything i said but i do feel they are incompetant in their job nothing more.

    In my case i asked and did support cases on mining boxes not dropping and to date no reply from them.even more the support case i sent got closed from ark team with no reply and how cool is that?lol

    The team you speak highly of are just do not know how to treat customers and its bcos of us they get paid each month.treating us like trash is what they are good at.

  5. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    The team you claim are ignoring you, are as I said small. They have exactly the same number of hours in the day as any other resident of planet earth, they therefore have to prioritise, and while I am sure you are convinced that you should be answered first because you are an investor (we are all investors), that it is a quick question with a simple answer, it would still interrupt work flow on presumably more important or more vital things in order to deal with it. Dylans intentions are doubtless good, but good intentions do not guarantee a good or expected outcome, that nasty thing called life so often gets in the way.

    Employing more staff just to handle a few hours extra work a month makes no financial sense, keeping your team fully occupied does. I am sure when they have time to lift their heads above water we will hear from them.
    As for using a dictionary. Regular.. no time scale given, could mean hourly, weekly, monthly or every 10 years. If the time isn't currently available, nor is the communication

    The Ark team don't treat us like trash, they have and do work damned hard at creating and maintaining probably the most beautiful and interesting of the planets. They don't rely solely on same old stuff like a certain larger planet does, and just roll it out, bugs and all every few weeks/months, and oh yes, let me think, communications from that much bigger company ain't so hot.
    If you think the Ark Devs do such a bad job, why are you on Ark.. yet you are. You are just frustrated that you can't get your answer and be prioritised, sorry but that is life, we can't all be at the head of the queue.
    Oh and btw I do understand the frustration, I am still waiting on answers from MA that are years old. I just don't see that ranting and upsetting the people you seek help from can in any way lead to a positive outcome

    As for this Granny using a rocking chair.. well that is for me to know and you to wonder :)
  6. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Its very detailed explanation Granny as always but do you realy think its only few hours of work thats ahead of them?thats pure lies.if you been to moon you would never say such a thing.its a whole new planet and why in the world you say such a thing?few hours of work pfft..

    Look at pcf they hv ppl assigned to reply and give deadlines.even though some will take time to fix but they do reply unlike devs here in ark forum.

    I will stand my ground always and say your communication with your fellow players suck ark team.

    I think what we need an active liaison.if you guys at ark studios read this thread you know who to appoint.
  7. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    How can you liquidate deeds if they are not tradeable? If you buy more deeds it is more likely they will sell out and then be tradeable???
  8. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Yup thats what they said.log in to EU i sent you a pm
  9. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    I did not say there was a few hours ahead of them.. I said it was probably not worth employing another team member for the few extra hours needed over and above what they are doing now. Especially when it is to just answer repetitive questions the answers to which will have little or no impact on the game.
    As for pcf.. the team at MA is huge compared to Ark, yet the regular updates are missing there too, except for the admittedly swift and appreciated responses to the storm caused by the proposed changes to the mission system. As for the majority of answers there, they come from the forum mods...players not employees.
  10. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Its what im saying....appoint you as mod since you know sooo much about ark team and yet you nor the team failed to communicate simple just wasting my time replying to your posts which is going nowhere.
  11. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    yes Hitman I agree with you about granny being mod if only she had any sense on how important 1 easy question to answer could be, well time is up Dylan and unlike you and your team im a man of my word selling starts in morning when I wake up, and granny I don't care if the door hits me in the ass on the way out or not either way im done with these people that think by not posting anything helps them, well if game last until 2025 ill come back and sell my moon deeds when they can be sold because you guys don't have a freaking clue, I already new MA didn't but you was my last hope and failed me and many others. good luck
  12. Hally

    Hally Member

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    Gotta wonder whats up, nothing new for months, its allmost like they dont care ?
  13. Hally

    Hally Member

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    SoonTM ? I now left arkadia, i hope to come back, just seems a waste, congratulations on 3 month and not a peep ?
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  14. Hally

    Hally Member

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    This is embarresing by now, Dylan.......