Planet Arkadia Update - 16.4.0.

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Everyone,

    Here is what comes with this update.

    1. Smuggler backpack mission is fixed.
    2. Minor changes to stores to assist in loading errors - More coming in Patch.
    3. Loot balances

    New Player Experience Overhaul

    We have shortened the new player experience because many players seem to get lost down the track assisting in checking up on the defense towers, those towers have now been staffed and will not be required to be check up on anymore. Now new players can get into the action quicker and be introduced into the community much faster.


    We have also moved Resolute Stable to a much more convenient location that is near the new player experience.


    Oratan Attacks are back!!!

    After months of going into hiding, new drone footage has shown that Oratans are preparing attacks on firebases all across Arkadia. Prepare yourself, their attacks are incoming and very soon....


    Arkadia Moon

    We have made many changes to Arkadia Moon with a set of new missions. These mission include:

    • Moon Comms - Help PTECH Industries get their communication network online.
    • Extractor Maintenance - Daily mission that rewards players in assisting PTECH.
    • Ptech Hazmat Suit - PTECH released hazmat suits but require assistance on matters.
    • Meteorite Samples - PTECH require your to find meteorite samples
    • Iron Missions : Sicarius Brutes & Commanders

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  2. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    What kind of loot balances is it realy?if the hide drop rate on the smuggler chain is same as before id rather wait till its fixed.i wonder why developers nerfed the drop rate on hides anyways.its pretty bad on puny mobs even.either make those hides tradable maybe we can buy our way to get the gear.tting is a waste of ppls time and money imo.arkoins were traded to get the clothes so why cant we trade hides someone else farmed to get the gear?hvnt been to moon in months after the point that i found out mission chain was bugged so things i asked maybe changed already.if so then im sorry.

    Options should be given to player base so that they can get to their goals without much hassel.iv started on arkadia around 2015 and still on arkadia bcos i love the planet.moon and the missions regarding smuggler chain should be not focused on more greedy way to make income rather than looking at bigger picture letting more ppl do the chain and build more revenue out of that.i know many wont agree but thats how i feel about ark moon atm.
  3. TheRock

    TheRock Member

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    Is there any changes in treasure mining? This used to be a famous professional since Ark is unique to have this profession. But sadly it seems to be like a TT mining.

    TT mining could be good if you could eventually loot some good items like old days. Even back then was almost impossible. Please look into this ...
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  4. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Known bugs

    - Floating NPC at Resolute Stables
    - Maintenance mission - please take one at a time

    We are working on the fix
  5. Forgo

    Forgo Member

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    Thanks for the update, good content, and nice mob changes. The repeatable missions here are fantastic for each mob once you get into them. For not only rewards, but skills. Not even to mention a lot of the loot variety you get, esp comps. And the the hides....its like ark was a couple years ago, go out for an hour or so and come back with 100 clicks.

    I discovered the Adventurers Backback. It is easy to do out of Alpha, and does not need arkoin or any kind of status like being a smuggler.

    I will abandon the extractor missions and try again.

    Again, thanks, Ive been loving the repeatable's as it is.
  6. DxBlueIce

    DxBlueIce Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Nice update - keep them up. :)

    I'm curious about the loot balances.
  7. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    Hey Dylan, can we get a Moon Deed update or better yet keep a tracker up with the exact amount left on this site and not around so and so percent left, and can you tell us if there is anything to go after from these mobs after thousands of kills and getting nothing but regular loot im not sure its worth keep killing if there is nothing special that can drop even if it is 1 in 10 million chance. Thank You
  8. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    They do not reply to player's frustrated comments anymore and if its a rep comment they will jump in and comment.As for Dylan...i remember him leaving ark studios and returning back.i still wonder if its the same Dylan who retuned.i refused to go back to that unfinished good for nothing CHEESE BALL till i see players say its worth for loot changes....lets keep dreaming.they couldnt fix the devine kamaldon not spawning for months and im sure they wont fix anything at all.all they do is post pictures of content not yet released to make us go spend like idiots trusting their released note.

  9. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I am in the drafting process of preparing a post with regards to the moon and its deeds. This will be published once I have all the correct and accurate information. This will give you all the answers that has been requested.

    With regards to loot, (yes I know I am repeating myself) but Mindark controls loots. I will address this matter with them and see what can be done about this as I am busy with a major overhaul of what creatures drop.

    Yes, I do reply to frustrated comments ONLY when I have the correct information in front of me. A matter of great concern is where you got the information that I left Arkadia and came back. This has never happened as I have been with the company all this time.

    The moon is a constant level of development. As much content as I would love to get released (Which there is quite a bit of), it is my job to make sure that the quality control is kept. We will not release anything unless it is thoroughly tested, connects with the lore of the planet and makes economical sense to players.

    Every statement about the content that has been released, I have read through and heard everyone comments, many which do not require a direct response from me but could be answered by players.

    With regards to the divine kamaldon, we are in the process of finding out why these are supposedly not spawning as I have received many complaints about this over time as I have checked reports and they are spawning. I will get back to the community regarding this issue and see what can be done to increase spawns.
  10. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Stop a moment and consider what you really want of the Ark Dev Team, (very small team). Do you want them spending their time listening and responding to every enquiry and whine or would you prefer they get on with their day job and actually work towards the development of the Arkadia and Arkadia Moon storyline.
    On PCF many of the queries are answered by the forum mods (not MA employees but players) or by other players, yet here we often see people complain when they don't get Dylan or another Ark Dev Team member at their beck and call.

    As for loot pool this has been explained many times on this and other forums as being wholly in the control of Mind Ark, items can be put forward by the Ark Dev team, but the IF, WHEN and HOW they will appear is down to MA.

    Dylan and his colleagues work very long hours putting together content, maintaining content, figuring out bugs and how to fix them (even when MA created), and also negotiating with MA to get things done (not a task I envy them)

    While I agree a countdown of deeds left would be kinda nice, someone would have to take time to write code to maintain that accurately and in real time, otherwise imagine the outcry, if it said 500 left and someone tried to buy 300 and they have all been sold.

    Shouting at the Dev Team, being rude to the Dev Team and asking questions that have been asked many times before is a great way to discourage them from ever setting foot in here again.
    If we want them to engage when they have the time, we need to show patience and understanding and oh yeh, maybe some love and appreciation for what they have done already and what they have given us glimpses of for the future.
    They may not get here as often as they or we would like, but better infrequent visits than once in 10 years from Mind Ark.

    and in answer to the above posts if you want the moon to develop you need to support it, look at other planets where development has been slow, they have small populations and low turnover, once they reach that tipping point where there is enough activity, Mind Ark seems to wake up and let them develop. No matter how hard the Ark Devs work and beat on Mind Arks door the answer really lies with us and whether we convince MA that there is enough player interest and support to make those programming hours worthwhile.
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  11. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Thanks for replying finaly.good to know that you never left ark studios and probably i read another frustrated player's comment years ago and if you never replied to it i wouldnt hv aware of that MA controls everything and what if they dnt allow those loots to be in place in the comming updates?will it be like last gold rush awards?why would you post loot changes and balances hv been done in released noted when there is no change in it?is it possible for players to know what exactly changes are?rest assured im not planning to visit moon till the hide drop rate is fixed or be tradable to finish the so called smuggler mission.

    Even if im bitching on every post im pretty happy on the planet know why?
    I changed my proffession from hunter to miner now.hunting is almost shit on every plannet and mining on ark never let me you can bet i will keep mining on ark daily dnt nerf my
  12. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    Thank You Dylan for the reply
  13. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    Hi guys n gals just i would help out a bit

    soo ... people cant find Kamaldon Divine's ?? ...

    so i went to go .. track down my new .. targets .. didnt take me long to locate them ..
    well 3 of them among some other maturities

    /wp [Arkadia, 12191, 10776, 149, Kamaldon Divine]
    (copy and paste the above text from /-] into game chat to add the location to your map)

    also i could be wrong about this but 1 possible reason for the mobs not spawning is possibly because all the spawn spots for the area are occupied, so you may have to kill some other maturities in the area to free up a spawn spot,

    i have noticed several times, and not just on Arkadia where i would be looking for a specific mob to spawn i would have to get rid of the other mobs in the area 1st just to get the mob i wanted to spawn lol

    hope this helps Have fun

    JJ ;]
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    Last edited: Jul 12, 2019
  14. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    Well I wrote about 900 words about how I feel about whats going on but I deleted it all this time and will only ask how many deeds are left, like it takes a week to figure that out
  15. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    wow Dylan just wow I been rdy to buy more deeds for awhile, if you look at how many I alrdy have you might think im telling the truth about buying more, but I just don't see where you all care at all anymore, you cant even post how many moon deeds are left for months now, and I think I read in one of the updates you all posted you was going to say every month or so, maybe not but its not worth my time going back to read anything you say because your marketing sucks, more information you give us the more we are inclined to go forward good or bad just seeing numbers go down everything week or so is worth buying a few, so last post on the matter not 1 more am I buying until something changes, enjoy your vacations on my moon deed purchases from the past
  16. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    ok Dylan a few more budweisers down so I can see more clearly, I know you been on vaction for 2 months so lets hope you come back soon, now remember I have I think 1 friend or 2 I cant remember atm, if you can post exact amount lets say within 1 week from now ill buy another 100 in 1 week or less of you posting if after 1 week from now you don't post the amount of moon deeds in exact amount and not the illusion % count me out until the end, im am trying so hard to make this not sound like a threat to make you pissed off and not post but come on think about how we all feel about no information on anything in so long
  17. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    and actually friends only meaning others buying moon deeds and see who can beat who, nothing else, I reread and sounded like something different
  18. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    As mentioned in the blog post, we are going to communicate with you on a regular basis and I thought it would be best to start with the discussion of the moon deeds and the future of the Arkadia Moon, Dylan said on jan.25. umm what does regular basis mean I wonder, tell you what Dylan nm on my offer of buying more, please don't post how many are left im not buying another 1 if you posted everyday from here on out, part of your source of income can only take so much. bs and saying nothing is not one of them. ill go play pac-man or something for a year and see if you all can regain your thought process by then
  19. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    You are not alone with dealing with one way communication Simon.Even if most are on holidays there should be at least a few to help matters on forum.if you guys cant communicate with us why in the world do you guys operate this forum?most of all if you guys give us your word saying we will notify in the comming days then just keep your word or if you cant attend it at least hire someone who can.i remember getting advicers on ark and they dont know anything about development nor about bugs.ohh yea advicers are to help new players and give details about ark...and you know what ppl hardly ask stuff from advicers and they talk to their mentors.its like stone age here on this forum.

    I ask again and again when will mining strong boxes will start to drop in arkadia?

    This is a bug as you mentioned and when can you fix it?

    All we ask is to communicate with us rather than going silent for months without a reply.

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  20. akasimon

    akasimon Member

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    ok tried to make a new post not sure where it went so not going to make another, key points DYLAN and team not sure what your problem is, post by sept. 3rd 2019 how many deeds are left or I Liquidate everything I have because of your stupidity, if you had any sense at all these would have been sold out last year, yes I still enjoy the game but your 6 month vacations I wont take part in anymore, hell you could have posted something on the beach and then ordered another. oh well CANT FI
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