Why do the devs insist on making an already difficult game even harder?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Alis4311, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    So, this entire post is based on the premise that efficiency is key for sustainable returns including mu, etc. as stated numerous times by caly team, so if you disagree with that this entire post might rub you the wrong way :D

    Anyways, to start off, the premise of efficiency pretty much states that there is a "best setup" for every encounter in the game. you want to minimize regen, overkill and minimize the discrepancies, more or less. What this means practically is pretty much as follows; you want to mitigate regen with a high enough dps weapon, you want to minimize overkill by using a finisher in accordance to that regen, but you do not want the dps to be so high that a single dodge would skew the cost to kill by an exorbitant amount. This is the premise, and this is something that more or less has been stated by caly devs right around the release of loot 2.0 or 2.1 (honestly I don´t remember)

    If we assume that the above is correct, why do the arkadia devs think its a good idea to produce mixed spawns with 600% hp difference like the one in 12,5k 11,5k on the moon where Oompa young(150hp) is mixed with warhound old (900hp) and everything in between.

    This means that you need AT LEAST 3 sets, to farm this spot in a somewhat efficient matter, and this begs the question.. WHY?

    now, don´t get me wrong, I don´t hold any grudges since I have 4 sets that fits this spot perfectly(luckily) so this works out alright for me, I´m just wondering why you would take this design route?

    EDIT: I suppose one could argue that it was to satisfy the desire for volatility that some has.
  2. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    vote with your pocketbook... lower returns will get them to maybe change their mind.
  3. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    100% agree I posted about this in the oompa thread as well.

    This means that even though Oompa have (supposedly) their own villages they are essentially 100% nuisance mobs on the moon.
  4. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Can't you farm the mob you want with a tagging weapon first?
  5. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Tagging is good for high aggro mobs but a person who is hunting non stop with high dps will be a pain in the ass.even if u tagged all within the reach that person will hv to move to other sides to find em again.i hate spawns like these as well.

    I do know of some who likes to get multiple missions done at the same time but maybe this spawn is for them?
  6. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    Of course one could go out of ones way to hunt only the desired mob, but at a cost of both efficiency eco wise (seeing how most taggers are less efficient than someones main weapon) and the cycle efficiency.

    I am just questioning the design choice of mixed spawns and would like to know if the reduced cycle rate that is a possible effect of said design choice is intended.

    I am not against mixed spawns completely, I am however against mixed spawns with the HP difference being this significant.

    If you would like to cater to the people who like completing serveral missions at once, it would make more sense making a mixed spawn with :

    Oompa Prowler -Old Alpha
    Warhound Old-Provider
    could even through in some Sicarius Worker-Grunt.

    Which would keep the HP-disparity at a much more reasonable ~40 %
  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Maybe the Oompas are (will be) hiding something in them which makes it worth the trouble for them to keep dangerous beasts for their protection, and for you to fend with them to take it? Why you guys always ever want more of the same? If you don't like it, aren't there enough choices around? This way or that way, complaints always follow as sure as the amen in church.
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  8. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    This could be interesting, I'm never against lore-based or storyline driven content. At this time there's only generic loots and hides and the disparity in these spawns are pretty far outside the 'norms' for EU.

    In the absence of any such lore or even hints at it right now, apparently more than one player feels that this is worth mentioning.

    Fair enough lol. :p

    Some developers adjust things based on feedback from the player community. Others just call it 'customers complaining' and get on doing wtf they want.

    We'll see on this one. For now you just gear up for the dogs and smash the oompas, if you're not into managing a lot of gear. Loot 2.0 s keeping you covered with plenty of shrap for that overkill.

    As for taggers and all that, sure valid strategy. You ever met an Atrax tho?
  9. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Sure, check out my apt on valiant firebase, #13 and look at the statue I looted from it xx
  10. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    I'm not really complaining, just questioning if the repercussions of the design choices have been thoroughly thought through :)
  11. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Hmm I might go over and see if I can rig up a screenshot of your statue wearing googly eyes :happy:

    EDIT: Came to ark on business today and stopped by the moon on the way back out. The vegetation is nice and I had a few rounds so I stopped to hunt small sicarius. It was good to notice that some other sicarius types are around now.

    The L42 hellbeast was a bit of a surprise. I guess I will revisit these L9 - L13 mobs when I have added some nemesis and an adjusted resto.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2018
  12. gopaala

    gopaala Member Staff Member

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    Apologies if this is digressing from the intended topic of discussion, but I am particularly intrigued by the following:

    Can someone link where the caly devs indicated the importance of minimizing regen, overkill and discrepancy in cost to kill for hunting 'efficiency'.

    My impression was that the returns depend on cost to kill and the 'efficiency' rating of the equipment used for that kill. Saving in cost per kill is only beneficial in generating more loot events per ped cycle, which probably means higher chances to get interesting loot, but not in tt return itself.
  13. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    Under the headline "optimal loot"
    MU is the name of the game so optimal loot is what you want.

    Please do also note that my use of the word efficiency in my Op has northing to do with the term efficiency in the game
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  14. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Just a thought...
    Do we really want every addition to EU to look and behave like everything that went before it ?
    Do we really just want to grind 'Iron /IFN' style missions for eternity ? and lets be honest there are probably already enough of them for us to do that for the rest of the life of EU if not the rest of our own lives.
    Or do we want to see change, for some things to be more challenging.. and has anyone yet definitively worked out damage type on the GMC's ?

    I look at the exploration missions on Toulan, which actually made us think, as oppsosed to run from a to be kill stuff, be to c, kill stuff.

    Personally I prefer that sometimes we will need to think outside the box

    As for the oompah and warhounds - take a friend, share the hunt, one does oompah and any stray sicarius, the other Warhounds old and above plus stray GMS. It works very well
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  15. gopaala

    gopaala Member Staff Member

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