MS transport under threat???

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Heidi Stassinopolis, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    It seems to me removing landing fees just made it worthwhile to put big loots on AH and then pay the 2 ped transport fee to MA.

    Bit of a game changer, but is it good news for owners of Equus and MS etc?

    Certainly makes me happy.
  2. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    what exactly did removing the 2 ped landing fee change, or how is it related to transport fees in your opinion?

    warping is still the same price (but 2 ped less on equus, which you don't use for stackables), and transport fees itself are also still the same?
  3. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    This increases the advantage motherships have over privateers.

    MS already were able to put their, er, orifice to the border of atmosphere, enabling people to land for 2 ped/sleip_or_quad, while privateers had to dock at SS and getting to the planet from there is 7 ped/avatar.

    Not every MS bothered to do this, though. Now I'd expect more of them would. Although technically 7 vs. 0 is difference just 40% more than 7 vs. 2 difference, people perceive zero differently from other numbers, so the demand for this service might increase.
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  4. LuisArkadov

    LuisArkadov Member

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    Not sure this is a bug or very intentional however the transport fee is not always 2 ped & 6 ped respectively.

    I fell for that before where i bought big stacks of resources from a different planet auction & got hit by 12 or 18 ped (instant) transport fees.

    A bit of clarification on that would actually go a long way to avoid it. Is the fee based on weight or value or just bugged?

    Now that you're touching on this topic i actually wonder if no one ever noticed or brought it up before.

    So on your careful with this won't always safe you money
  5. slither

    slither Active Member

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    How can you fall for big transport fees in auction, it clearly says how much the fee will be before you buy it.

    And how do you list ores and then buy them when you land on another planets? You either need a trusted friend (and I mean someone you meet in real life, there's plenty scams from long term 'friends' ingame) or you need a second avatar.
  6. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    You list them for one day at a price where they're unlikely to sell and then collect them from a different planet as they expire.

    I do not approve of this but it might even be legal. *g*
  7. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Thx for info rat. Yeah, I seem to remember this but forgot as it's cheaper to fly 20 different ores in a MS than collect them individually.
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Removing the fees is a very minor change. Appreciated certainly, but I wouldn't look for any major effects of this change. Thruster decay and fuel cost still applies.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
  9. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    You typed this just so you could say "orifice", didn't you.. :)
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  10. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    It's to do with weight. I'm 99% certain. It could be item count I suppose, Most times I've encountered an increase in the fees was trying to transport stacks of ore/enmat. I don't remember what the item was, but I'm pretty sure once I bought an unexpectedly heavy item and wound up flying for it since it would have had something like an 18 PED fee.

    Also (in theory) this would affect space transport mission rewards, I believe. Larger cargo more PED.

    Wait, what? When all of my auctions expire I usually leave them on "won" until I return to planet. I sometimes collect my "won" items from other planets but send them to planet storage.

    Does it offer you a price to move items from expired auctions? I was under the impression that you needed a friend to buy them to use the auction in this way lol.

    If that's still how it works when it's a failed auction instead of a won auction, it's going to be cheaper to charter a MS for personal warp than move 4-5 stacks of ore. As Luis noted above those fees rise very quickly if you're moving any weight.

    Still I'll have a look that's interesting. I would assume that if the AH is offering the option and a transport fee is paid it's not so much an exploit as it is a feature that doesn't make sense in the current context. TBH if the missions were implemented I would support a terminal where you could skip the auction step.

    It's the same then as mailing your items home rather than check them in luggage on your plane.
  11. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Yes I checked this before I posted, I have some "won" items on Caly and I can transport them to Ark for 2 ped (12 hours) or 6 ped (instant)

    So If I put something on Auction for full price, if it sells Yay and if it doesn't fly to another planet and transport for 2 ped.

    Also I'm wondering how it will impact on traders who travel from Ark to Caly and back. Maybe we will get some more movement on AH and more orders in future?
  12. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    2 ped Transport fees from AH are per item, so if moving several or many it can be cheaper to warp. Also not everyone wants the journey time in a quad plus the 12 hour wait.. so again warp works.
    6 ped fee (so called) for immediate delivery is weight dependant and for some ores this may rise to literally 100's of ped.. so definitely cheaper to warp. Check out metal residue or lysterium for instance.

    The 2 ped now saved by exiting a MS at sphere (or 7ped if compared to TP at SS) comes with the risk of piracy. Even the best run MS can warp in on top of pirates, and need crew to clear them before safe exit is possible. Too many owners run with little or no crew, too many passengers exit as soon as they can rather than wait to be told the immediate area clear. So if carrying lootables consider the risk and pay the 7ped at the SS as insurance, it's not exactly megabucks, your loot may well be.

    In my opinion I doubt this lack of entry fee will significantly change warp flights. But it may encourage the newer player, or the unwise to risk smuggling... the pirates will ofc take advantage where they can.

    Take care folks, consider the risks and fly safe :)
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  13. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    ya not every ms in the game can do atmosphere entry reliably. Even the ones that can handle pirates reliably warn passengers it's not risk free because there have been glitches that leave people floating vulnerable at atmosphere when they log in... or bring them from the planet they logged out on, onto the atmosphere line they entered the day before... lots of wondrously dynamic bs can happen :p