Here is a new classification SPACE COMBATANTS

Discussion in 'PvP' started by Louise Ranavolana Brooks, Aug 24, 2018.

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  1. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Apparently this title can be placed on players who are not pirates.
    And it seems that as a "Space Combatant" they can be attacked and looted.

    Please Morgoth, tell me more about this classification of yours, and the logic behind you applying it to other players such as I.
    I would imagine you would be having a field day with the situation at present.

    I have read BS about you selflessly defending the access point to Arkadia's moon, yet you were able to take time off to chase me down and loot me when I was flying between Ark SS & Arkadia. (I wonder how many travellers were shot & looted by pirates when you were not there to defend them)

    I dislike PvP in all its forms, so in no way am a "Space Combatant" any more that I am a "Pirate" .

    So stop trying to pretend - hey I know! How about another "Classification" - Space Vigilantes - they act outside the law and are of a similar nature to Pirates.
    You could even convince yourself you are the "Josie Wales" of space (forgetting the Outlaw part).

    And please do not send me any more shitty messages
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  2. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm just guessing, but based on one of your posts, you revived on the varyag. This would imply you are part of team varyag/one of yoshis underlings etc.

    Team Varyag and Team Kronan have been at war since what seems like forever. Members of varyag are the only other allowed prey besides actual pirates.
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  3. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    In space there are various forms of combat
    pirate v non-pirate - Where the non-pirate is deemed prey by the pirate
    non-pirate v pirate - Where the roles are reversed. Please note, Morgoth is by no means the only pirate hunter in this game
    pirate v pirate (they aren't all buddies)
    stranger v stranger - often the result of people not understanding the broken karma system. Red triangle does not equal pirate
    friend v friend for training and for fun
    and K.O.S

    Personal KOS is the classification of space combat you are missing here Louise.
    Morgoth and Kronan have been slandered by yourself and some of your friends for literally years. Many of you not bothering to check if what you repeat has any basis in truth whatsoever. You and once of those friends also deliberately tried to attack Morgoth one night in space PVP. So in your case his killing of you in space PVP has little to do with piracy (even though Varyag has had pirates on crew at various times and the owner declared war on Kronan), but far more to do with personal feud. He doesn't like you and the feeling seems to be mutual. Get over it.
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  4. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    I can confirm that I lost thousands of peds yesterday taking ores up to my Starfinder XIII with my Quadwing for my Ship-SI. I hardly had time to respond and was shot down during the space-loading stage from atmosphere ,by a common thief , instantly. Filthy thieves are exploiting this bug to the max and profitting immensly from theft right now. I hold my loss against the game-platform-host!!!!
  5. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    svena I am not an actual member of Teamvaryag now, but I am one in spirit and am a member of Yoshii's crew. I have an immense amount of respect for her.
    I note the charged language you use; eg underlings, if one trawls back & checks the language of the Kronan (camp for a better world) one will find many examples of such charged language referring to members of Varyag. immature, spiteful stuff.

    Granny Rowan I am not missing anything here - I am well aware I am on Morgoth's KOS list - the interesting thing is why.
    I am posting Morgoth's message to me & my response to it - give people an idea of the depth of feelings between us something that may never be healed
    Morgoth said:
    your a space combatant, you've attacked me, and verbally attacked my crew mates.
    I've been killing you since you've attacked me every chance I get, why keep beating the drum like this is news to you?

    My response.
    You are a pirate who pretends is not.
    Way back you have told me you intend to drive me from this game. That was before I knew you or had anything to do with you.
    I understand that you apparently have made this threat to all Varyag crew.
    And here you are pretending that you are reacting to ME attacking YOU.
    Beating what drum? - every time I mention you it will be with disdain.
    People like you are a threat to the game.

    I came to space only to repair a MS as this would give me skills for crafting. First I ever knew of Morgoth was his threat. I have a friend and sort of mentor and I asked what I could do - he advised to go somewhere else as there was too much bad blood between Varyag and Kronan - so I left Teamvaryag & Varyag and signed up to join Victory.

    Things seemed OK but after a couple of days I was kicked off Victory's society & crew - the reason!

    BECAUSE YOU GRANNY, YOU & MORGOTH, BOTH OF YOU complained that I was a pirate, sneaking on to Victory to cause problems.

    So yes - I do attack SOME Kronan people verbally (I have been advised by Varyag member that most Kronan people are OK there are just a few arseholes amongst them.

    Here is a situation where pirates are causing chaos and it is in everyone's interest to cooperate to protect travellers from them.

    Have YOU done anything so seek Yoshii's assistant Granny? And Morgoth - having fun attacking others when pirates are lining up 10 deep to prey on people.?

    PS Yoshii forgave me and took me back
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  6. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Tonight I got killed by a MS and a starfinder for the first time.

    Some guy named Bas in the varyag.
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  7. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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  8. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Louise I am tired of your lies and am reporting this post. Neither of us told Geo you are a pirate, any decision he makes about his crew are his alone to make, in fact I have only spoken to him occasionally and usually about general game stuff and of technical things to do with operations of a MS.
    As for seeking Yoshiis assistance .. why would I , she has worked with pirates, and the day before yesterday her ship was being used to block our shots at the pirates yet not shooting them. We were left wondering what the hell that was all about. I simply don't trust the Varyag or her. We have been attacked by Varyag far to many times, and lets remember Varyag attacked us first.. during warp schedules.. that's what started this mess

    Ok Dylan I know this is more space drama and I should have stayed shut up.. but I cannot leave blatant lies unchallenged.
    Suggest you ban us both for a while so everyone else gets some peace
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  9. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Lol arkadia IS the biggest space drama of the week.
  10. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    I stepped out for a cigarette in a designated smoking area. Another person joined me (think she got bored just standing on her own). Whilst chatting away the wind changed, and my cigarette smoke blew into her face. She waved her hand frantically in front of her face, trying to clear the smoke, and went off on a rant about smoke. Apparently she was not a smoker, just a lonely soul.

    My opinion: If you don't like the smoke, do not go stand it ! And no I do not control the weather, nor the direction of the wind.

    Same goes for PVP areas and game politics, also farts in public restrooms / toilets.
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  11. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    • Funny Funny x 4
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