The Rising 2018

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The Rising - 2018
    15 July - 15 Sept
    IFN reports state that there are masses moving towards the Firbases and extreme underground activities.
    We advise that when traveling in the area, be careful and make sure you are armed for anything that might be present at this location. It is also stated that the underground will see extreme activities as this location is linked directly to the disturbance. Intelligence has also revealed that Smugglers will take advantage of this event and move great amounts of stock as they are planning a move to the new discovered Arkadian Moon, so we call on the strong within the community to protect the assets.

    We do not know what is to come, but we do know it is not small and it will require large numbers to make sure it doesn't leave a scar on Planet Arkadia.

    We rely on the community to report locations and discoveries of any disturbances.

    -End of transmission​
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  2. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    hehe solved it and look what i found ;] [14630, 11928, 166]
    (any large/small donations accepted for the find lol) [weeeeeeeLittle JJ killerOfWhatever][​IMG]
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    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    It says "RiSSing". The double stroke design works with "H" and "T" but with "S" not so well, if that was the intention... :wise:

    Sorry for the nitpicking - if this is the only thing there is, looking forward to a great event :) New computer should be fixed by then, hopefully a stash of peds, too.

    Solved what? It's clearly written on the poster.
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  4. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    maybe...but it was done that way as a clue for those smart enough to realize the numbers are in fact coordinates, it could also have been a IFN file or case number, or an Entropian star date calendar or something and who knows even the font style in the letters could also be clues or just decorative, all i did was what was asked "We rely on the community to report locations and discoveries of any disturbances" which i did do i discovered the location investigated and reported the find / disturbance ...what did u do?.... criticize and attempt to rain on the posters parade/discovery..could be wrong but way i interpret it, and some others would is, that u seem a bit overcritical, and a bit rude.. anyways i look forward to further clues and discoveries to be made ;]
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  5. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I thought I was the one who missed a bit where the riddle is. But I understand the sense of discovery when you suddenly see the forest for the trees ;) Happens often enough and then you scramble to gather your senses before telling the world.
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  6. Skubahta

    Skubahta Member

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    Sorry to burst your bubble. Anyone that plays EU for atleast a couple of weeks can tell that those are coordinates. You are the one sounding like a douche when you write "(any large/small donations accepted for the find lol)". You could have just posted the pic without coming across like you did. Just saying. :p
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  7. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Lets try to keep it civil guys, no need to argue over a number lol.
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  8. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    agreed ...some people can be so petty and childish lol, i did nothing yet was met with criticism,hostility, and name calling, perhaps i should have just let my friends know and let them benefit lol, still my bad, i should have not lowered myself to their level there will sadly always be people who will just be, well leave the blanks open to suggestion ;] that go out of their way to start arguments, im sure if i go thru the many posts in the forums the same names will come up lol , anyways i know i have done nothing wrong and did not deserve the responses and name calling i got, i just tell it as it is, and i will no longer respond or give the time of day to these kind of people, they can go argue with a rock or a tree for all i care lol.. but to the rest of u nice friendly people sorry u had to read all that and hope u enjoy the game and meeting fun nice people in the game as much as i do have fun ;]
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  9. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't count on a specific launch date based on the above but the idea almost imposes itself that some kind of build-up for a storyline to connect the dots is imminent. I don't want to believe that it's just a shooting fest to fill in the void. Something climactic will happen and lead right into the release. Yesss :)
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  11. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    hmm reading this post it states that :
    "The moon will be released in game by 3rd Quarter 2018 " the Third quarter, Q3: according to falls between these dates 1 July – 30 September
    so The Rissing is beween 15th July - 15th September meaning either the moon may be revealed
    either during this time or not long after ..cos if it were me on ark team i would want people to
    come back to ark b4 they spend too much on caly migration and have a good amount of people on
    ark ready to explore the moon as soon as its released ;]

    i also have some suggestions, if i may, perhaps we could have maybe puzzles to solve, or mission npcs, that if
    Ifn u can follow ifn mission chain, but if have smuggler u can make a choice to either follow ifn
    mission chains, smuggler mission chains, or be a double agent,
    perhaps even making it possible during the mission chains or event times for ifn and smugglers to challenge
    each other and kill each other or even detain on death where the captured player would have to either wait
    till the timer runs out try to escape or wait for their comrades to rescue them lol

    also maybe the dropship earned during the ifn mission chain could perhaps have different retrofit modes
    that can be exchanged and upgraded via a ifn npc or smuggler npc for customization texturing coloring etc
    to even possibly smuggler colors/textures ;]
    such retrofits would be like:
    the default as it is now is land based only for quick transport of personnel to a scene /location
    another could be to be able to travel in space but no warp carrying passengers only maybe up to 9 ;]
    another could be cargo only where if the ship is destroyed the players they could then try to destroy the reinforced
    cargo container to loot some fuel and some shrapnel before it self destructs and returns the loots of the container back
    to the player

    il explain a bit more on the container idea, this i think would give a fair chance to those who want to move
    large amounts of loot in space to place it in a armored container which would require some extra fuel for the ship due to
    the weight and shrapnel to make and reinforce the container,
    perhaps even welding wire could also be included in this loot and required to make the container..
    so idea is if the carrying ship is destroyed the player can attempt to return to collect
    the container and defend it b4 the other players destroy it and seize the loots,
    this also brings me to yet another retrofit mode, in this mode the ship has no container underneath is ultra light weight
    and can collect the containers, and can be armed with weapons in this mode
    however just like the container mode only 2 people can be in the craft

    these retrofits i think can be done easilly using either ifn or smuggler npcs like with the ifn clothing where u simply trade
    and add items if needed for the upgrade / retrofit mode change (these could be both on planet and on the moon)

    anyways hope u guys make sense of all my ramblings and suggestions lol and like my suggestions / ideas ;]

    good job Ark Team i know i look forward to discovering and exploring new content if i can ;]
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  12. Lizzy-Storm

    Lizzy-Storm Member

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    I screenshotted this a few weeks ago...
  13. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    hehe u look like u could almost be JJ`s sister lizzy ;]
    but yeh would be nice if we had like dynamic co-op / vs missions
    where say ifn would need to patroll a certain area and protect assets/ supplies from smugglers for a time period till they are relived of duty
    where as players who opt to choose smuggler mission theirs would be to evade detection and attempt to steal supplies or kill the assets b4 they are secured ,just an example obviously there can be many different kinds of dynamic missions. suppose worst case we could just make up our own missions / adventures ;] lol also with underground being such a suposed dangerous area maybe at times it could become a pvp zone , imagine the rush while ur mining and hunting underground then suddenly pvp goes orange u have a few moments to leave b4 it turns into pvp zone where ifn and smuggler alike can batter the crap out of each other or kill anything that moves lol ;]
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    Last edited: Jul 11, 2018
  14. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I think I solved it.
    It will start 15 July and end 15 Sept. Still wondering about the year :)
    Just 2 months till the Moon is up and running (spinning).
    Bring it on (Rise it on)
  15. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    I will come to aid my fellow smugglers during the raid.pew pew
  16. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Bring it on lol
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  17. KingMike

    KingMike Member

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    hmmm 2 days left tell us something more so that we can prepare lol not everyone has big pocket all the time :D
    Is it something like Gold Rush or Like Shared Oratan event ?
  18. McCormick

    McCormick Active Member

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    Regarding the nitpicking.

    Is that the commercial BEYNO font by the german guy named Fabian Korn you used ?
    And did you actually modifiy it by asking for permission ?

    Because BEYNO and BEYNOv2 do NOT have such "N, T and R" and "S" is indeed "S" in that font and not "SS".

    So, "something is going on" since today ? Is compet involed ? Because THAT would be something... x'D

    Well, I cant be bothered to log in, just to find another bunch of mobs that need to be slayn in order to recieve some rubbish loot and gain even more of the worthless skills that already collect dust.

    Im eager to SEE your developed I can finally understand, how much cake MindArk took of your comapnies table by now.

    Enjoy the stay and say hello to Deathifier from me.
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  19. Svarog

    Svarog Member

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    Is anything going to happen besides some shared lancers at Kestrel? :)
  20. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    so i heard from a friend that something was killing her at the quarry..and not just her every1 this is what it was lol upload_2018-7-15_13-25-51.png
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