Dark Moon Rises

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    "Though I travel to the distant corners of our known galaxy searching for answers, sadly, I might be to late" - Ned Kelly Smuggler

    Please note that what you see in these images do not represent the final design or release. These are images are from early stages of development and changes will take place.
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  2. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    I get that and i approve. But posting in a manner that a-team the best and MA the culprit is not good for anyone either. While it shouldnt be discussed in this thread i was merely responding to the blatant censorship or w/e we can call it. I am all in for a freedom on player forums. And if there is a newcommer seekig to put in lots of real money and my post makes him think twice before, i will feel like i have done good job. If everyone just promotes blindlesly, hushing the issues that are still unresolved (and prolly never will be resolved) is a bad thing to do. Imagine yourself with your broken shops. People need to know that platform is not perfect and that A-Team is far from perfect too.

    Anyway, thanks for the backpack picture. Hoping for good storyline and some actual smuggler content!
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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  3. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Can we have work in progress screenshot of how many deeds are sold
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  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    No. Reasons were already explained above. Your motivation for purchase shall be pure and only to support development, not speculation. (Note, whether this reflects my own opinion on the matter or not is completely irrelevant. A discussion would be highly politicized.)
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  5. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Please note that what you see in these images do not represent the final design or release. These are images are from early stages of development and changes will take place.
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  6. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    Assume this is from the moon with a view of Ark? :)
  7. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Will there be moonshine missions allowing us to smuggle it over to caly?


    The last few days I've been doing the maze over on Cyrene. I really like this little thing since it gives you several small mini-missions to do daily, slowly building up a few things in inventory over time that you can use (you get mazeweaver certificates - about 5 a day if you do all of the missions) and after you get 200 together you can buy a wolpertinger pet...

    Something similar on the moon could be interesting to do... some little set of missions you can do daily over and over, so as to give those logging in daily over there some tiny little reward or something... With the smuggler theme, seems like a whole world of possibilities... perhaps a 'smuggler training ground' with a bunch of mini games in it...? Heck, maybe even put in some roller coasters or something? ;)

    RT is aiming for the whole GTA type of idea I think, but really smuggler based stuff could go in a whole different direction there...
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    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
  8. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    The flipside of the smuggler storyline is those of us in the IFN trying to catch them maybe and confiscating their loot?
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  9. Hans

    Hans Member

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    It would be really good to have more short daily missions for both the IFN and the smugglers, and perhaps a lower level entry for the smugglers, a 'training ground' as mastemesh suggests above.
    Cyrene is very good at keeping you busy daily for longer than the one daily Ark mission for an IFN member. Taking some hints from them may be a good idea.
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  10. Hans

    Hans Member

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    I thought I should just clarify this statement. I really do not appreciate spending 2 hours daily looking for poorly marked quest givers hiding in various spots. In this regard the Ark mission terminals is a good idea, especially the ability to get and hand in at any terminal. It will be impersonal in the Cyrene environment but works well in the military, and probably for the smugglers as well who can claim a requirement for anonymity for their use.

    I also do not appreciate the lack of indication as to where to hand in a quest. I know my memory is failing but I really cannot remember who requested 5 kaisenite ingots last week. I'm sorry if I did not drop everything to go mining for it immediately, but I have it now and would someone please claim it.
    So, If you give me a quest at least put a return address on it. Those with an incorrectly marked hand in location is equally bad unless it is within line of sight of someone who seems interested in what I have.

    I really do appreciate the lots of daily quests offering a mixture of rewards, and multiple different quests for the same mob in different quantities is even better. I will typically not bite on killing 50K of anything, but will take it if someone else also wants a few kills on the same mob regularly, and then I will eventually get to your 50K.
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    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  11. Suza

    Suza Member

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    If you need to know where to turn those in, you can check the spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...xZrDwy7eyKvC6SRQ_ECSRZeRM/edit#gid=1478277901
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  12. Hans

    Hans Member

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    Thx, I have the spreadsheet and use it in my lengthy quest gathering routine. It lays the blame for this quest on 'Requisition Officer Smith', with location pointing to the requisitions officer at the Tans T'Ah Oh outpost.
    This is quite possible as I am a regular visitor to Scout Thompkins right next to him. Sadly said requisitions officer has been ignoring me, even though I have the ingots in inventory, so I cannot even confirm his name as it only shows in the quest dialog for the more generic NPC's. This is an aspect of the game that I want to be sure Ark does not implement, hence the mention above.
    What would help with the spreadsheet is the ability to to copy and paste usable locations outside of the application note function, thus eliminating map coordinate tracing. Anyone found a way to do this? (This is obviously in the core engine, not something Ark can change)
  13. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    I realise that a lot of the players would like to see more small missions and mobs etc, but I strongly feel that the Moon should be for the bigger ped pool cycle players and end game mob size hunters.

    Perhaps smaller / new player missions would be more appropriate on the Ark Planet surface than the moon, because many new players would not be in a position to afford even travelling to the moon.

    Also bigger ped cycles on the moon will have an increased effect on the moon deed return and entice bigger hunters to Ark which should boost the economy.
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  14. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    You should also consider that as a moon, it may have resources not found here on the main planet, it would therefore act as a magnet for pirates intent on camping between the two, an absolute minefield for newer players. That said I am sure they won't get it all their own way :)

    Also we have to remember the possible / probable interaction between the smugglers and the IFN, let alone the mysterious 3rd force in the Arkadian story. Will we find clues to their past.. or more ? Will their be battles for dominance of the moon ?
    Who will be your friend and who your enemy ?
    How do we ascertain the true allegiance of those who wear the colours of both smuggler and IFN ?
    I strongly suspect there will be more than enough to keep us busy, without the need for more missions of the existing formula... well I can dream can't I ?
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  15. Yoshii

    Yoshii Member

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    Re: comment about lost potential of Arkadia underground deeds not sure what that means. myself personally Arkadia Underground Deeds treated me very well. Still have a few of them as far as I can tell amazing good investment that I made.

    Would like to suggest we all let moderators do their job. Would also like to suggest Arkadia Development Team have big people pants and they can take criticism.

    Looking forward to the moon when it comes out for sure I will be visiting it:) Perhaps there will be booming business shuttling players back and forth protecting them from pirates. Making it a go to place for high level players is a great idea. Repeating variation of underground would maybe only serve to split into 2 and underground and moon each get only half of what is now. New and exciting content that challenges high level players maybe would help retain the high end players and give new players more inspiration to stay in game.
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  16. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    The shuttle option is also a good reason to place the moon further away from the planet and not like foma or crystal palace.
  17. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    maybe think about moving the hunting zone in front of ark to be in front of the moon instead of in front of ark proper? If you just planet hopping solo, it's kind of a bit of an annoyance to go around it if you don't want to hunt in there, just move your avatar from planet to planet.
  18. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    This all sounds amazing and I'm sure ark devs will do a great job with the moon, but....

    Its been well over a year since anything substantial as been added to ark.
    Aakas 1-10 team versions are still 80% or lower TT return yet the unL item cap for nearly everything they drop has been reached.
    Golden Door has not dropped anything of value in over 2 years, making the only potential source of regular MU from 1-10 near worthless.
    Arkoins have been severely limited despite their only use being the daily missions or some dinky items from the broker.
    Underground has been mostly left to be, no more dev driven mob spawn parties like there used to be.
    The long chain ifn/smuggler missions have had no advancement or use besides a bound vehicle in a year+.

    So while I think the moon is a great thing, I hope ark starts to pay attention to the stuff they have already added and not become caly with a constant "oh thats old we don't care about that half developed thing anymore."
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  19. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Bah... just throw play test icoins in to loot...
  20. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Hahaha.smugglers hv more fire power than IFN.Dream on.We the smugglers hv snitches in all IFN ranks so you think to catch us then we are already gone or you will be ambushed.Love to see some pvp battles between the two sides.Heidi lets go.come catch me.lol