Dark Moon Rises

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Perhaps make it so that you require a certain number of moon deeds to redeem for a shop / apt deed ?
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  2. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Or owners of "X" number of deeds as part owners of the moon get a free apt? That would add incentive to people to buy.
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  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Yay! I can haz cheeze deedz?

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  4. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    An old marketing trick that would work greatly. Lets say 1000 deeds = free apartment, 10000 deeds free penthouse. Surely would add more incentive.

    I am still very anti-moon, but if A-team can change their bad as shit attitude it may change how i feel too and after i see gold rush prizes sorted (not just land plots, but also corrected points and standings) i may come back and contribute to economy again or even promote the moon.
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  5. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Will it be possible to send moon-o-grams from one moon to the other? ;)
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  6. PyhaAntero

    PyhaAntero New Member

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    After all the broken promises of mining gold rush, gold rush prizes not being delivered and the lost potential of Arkadia Underground Deeds, I have zero faith in this project and in that you’ll deliver the moon before 2019. Just another moneygrab…
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  7. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Same old, same old, I know you guys are frustrated by items undelivered but, does it really not occur to people that Ark Dev Team are just that..they develop ideas, graphics etc, but it is MINDARK that implements. The Dev team ask, get told yes and then wait like the rest of us. Not their fault if MA lies or takes their own sweet time. Instead of keep taking a swipe at the Devs why not send a support case to MA asking when.

    If you constantly moan at people instead of showing some support, constantly derail threads, don't be surprised if one day they decide to stop even trying, which would be a shame. Ark is probably one of the most interesting and pretty planets, let's show some appreciation of what is, and what can be in the future, and place any blame squarely where it belongs.

    Now can we get this thread back on topic please ?

    I for one would love to just discuss the plans for the moon, hypothesise and maybe people can give ideas to Ark Devs. Or just have fun...btw are we decided yet on what colour/flavour cheese ?
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  8. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    A little bit of a view for you all... I wonder what is moving on that mountain side over there?

    Please note that what you see in these images do not represent the final design or release. These are images are from early stages of development and changes will take place.
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  9. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Do you mean Tower of Pisa side or the other side ? I cant see anything (might be time for me to get my prescription checked).
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  10. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Its a savage carnivorous cheese mold (you were killed by) :D
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  11. Hans

    Hans Member

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    It is hard to say at this distance but it looks like a Shubmarine (http://www.monria.com/forum/threads/shubmarines.4458/) out on the prowl.
    Hmm. Then again, perhaps not, as the new armor would then have included nuclear radiation shielding.
    On the other hand, that could be included in new armor plating.
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  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    It reminds me of a much liked classic science fiction novel...

    "In a way, they were the same, the man & the machine. Both had been ordered to do one thing--kill.
    The robot had been created to wreak revenge on the humans who had brutally conquered its planet.
    The man was the product of years of training by an Earth that had set out to take over the Universe.
    Now the two faced each other in the icy reaches of the galaxy. The robot, with its calculating machine of a brain, its impenetrable force shield, its deadly laser beam. The man, with the kind of nerve that refused to admit the odds against survival..."
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  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I am more concerned about the size of 'our' planet Arkadia. It looks like we can see more then half of the habitable area from her moon. That is, what?, 75x75 km? Let's be generous and assume that we see the entire continent, and that is half of the planet. Then Arkadia is 1,125*10^10 m^2.
    Now, let's compare with our favorite non-quite a planet, but we all know and love him more then any other planet in Earth's solar system: Pluto! wich is ~17.000.000km^2 or 1,7*10^10 m^2!
    At first I was worried that Arkadia's gravity might be so weak, as to be unable to keep an atmosphere. It clearly does have one, and the grafity seems about the same value as on Earth (I didn't confirm this by any experiment). We know the gravitational acceleration is given by:
    a = G x (M/r^2)
    a = gravitational acceleration (9,81 m/s^2, I'll use a slightly lesser because I do seem to be able to jump higher, so using 9,00 m/s^2 instead)
    G = Gravitational Constant (6,674*10^-11 m^3 s^-2 kg^-1)
    M = Mass of the body, ie. Planet Arkadia
    r = radius of the body (A = pi r^2 --> r = 29920m)
    Rearanging for M and we get:
    M = (a/G) x (r^2)
    M = (9,00 / 6,674*10^-11) x (29920)
    M = 1,21*10^20 kg
    Now, you might think "What's this Ard guy rambling about now? What's the big deal? The mass of earth is a bit higher at 5,97*10^24 kg." Well, here it comes. We now know the size and mass of Planet Arkadia and so we can calculate her density.
    rho = m/V
    rho = density (kg/m^3)
    V = volume (m^3, that is given by 4/3 pi x r^3)
    V = 1,12*10^14 m^3 (Earth is 1,09*10^21 m^3!)
    rho = 1.075.960 kg/m^3 (density is often given by g/cm^3, and then it becomes 1.076 g/cm^3)
    And now the fun starts ... that is kinda heavy! So, what can we compare to our Planet's density of more then a thousand? Iron maybe? Nah, only 7,9 g/cm^3, Gold then? 19,3 g/cm^3. Mercury should do it! Nope, 13,5 g/cm^3. You what comes close? A white dwarf! That is a death star!

    So, I beg to question, on what kind of super heavy astronomical death trap are we living!?! :eek:
    I mean, why does the IFN withhold even basic information, like Ark's radius, it's gravitational acceleration, the distance to Ark's Star, etc.? What is going in inside our planet's core? What is deep down there, that makes it so super heavy? Why is that corrupt official whom most of us had to bribe with Vibrant Sweat to get an Arkadian Passport still in office? What is the IFN doing to all that sweat? What is causing the Underground to be a habitable place for life, and even prosper there? What is the connection between the IFN, the Smugglers and the Oratans? Why did the Oratans came here in the first place?
    Questions! Questions! :dead::drowning::artist::wtf::rage::stats:
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
  14. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Its all the dung and growth molecules that make it so heavy :)
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  15. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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  16. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    why let the outside world know about it when the price is still discounted on the webshop?
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  17. Hiro_Protagonist

    Hiro_Protagonist Member

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    I hope the moon has a dark dystopian feel similar to Blade Runner.
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  18. Bas

    Bas Member

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    Do I detect a Neal Stephenson "Snow Crash" influence in this members name? :playful: :bookworm:
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  19. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    You are doing exactly the thing u are soo much preaching about. MINDARK has very little to do with this or past problems. I dont have to remind you, but since you already tried to put it out there that MA is to blame and A-Team are the best then i will show again. Forst GR, A - Team fucked up, then didnt want to repay the participants. MA helped sorting the issue, a-team still refused to pay their customers peds they deserved in compensations. MA had to literally beg them. Now last gold rush, points are wrong for top places in at least the first 3 events. MA provides data, A-team analyzes it and then publishes it. I have talked to support and i have send messages to Dylan. Support tells me to contact arkadia, but arkadia website has not been updated for long time (the new deeds are not even on it) and directs to EU.com. So the last option is to send direct message in forum, to which they simply choose to not answer.
    Last year there was almost no development on this planet. Not just broken promises but you can even say that they kind of gave up on it. But did they?
    Well no, cuz they all work on other projects, biggest being “game tester”. That however have had quite some updates through the year and Dylan is pretty active on their forums (at least was couple of months ago when i was actively trying to seaech for compensation for GR fuckups - yes people have been awarded wrong prizes).
    Go check a-teams new ICO - https://www.gtcoin.co/

    Now that is done they come back to Arkadia and offer us moon... great. GG Dave & Dylan
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  20. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    As I said before, I do understand the frustration of you and others re Gold Rush and other unresolved issues (remember I am an owner of two of the broken shops), however what I was trying to ask was that people do not derail threads on this forum.
    This is a forum for people with an interest in discussing Ark issues, events, developments etc, derailing threads does us all a disservice.
    It is not the A-Team it affects, but rather the players / forum users. It interrupts the flow of the discussion, humour etc and drags us all down.. So can we pretty please get back on topic.. and can we ALL try and respect future threads in the same vein.
    Lets stick to topic. and if we want to say something else make our own thread.
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