Dark Moon Rises

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    A Dark Moon is Rising

    Following the huge success of Arkadia Underground Deeds which have seen consistently strong daily payouts and over 60% in capital gain since launch, Arkadia Studios is pleased to announce a new opportunity for investing in Entropia Universe

    Arkadia Moon Deeds represent an opportunity to participate in the growth of Arkadia with a brand new moon to be located within Arkadia's Space.

    Travel between Arkadia and the moon will done by Space vehicle. The moon will be released in game by 3rd Quarter 2018.

    A Total of 200,000 Arkadia Moon Deeds are now available exclusively via Entropia Universe web-store for 60 PED (6 USD) and an opportunity exists to purchase deeds at a discount rate over the coming months starting at a low price of only 50 PED ($5 USD).

    The 200,000 Deeds equals 100% of the Moon land area and the Area will be managed by Arkadia Studios.
    Tax Revenue from the Arkadia Moon will be distributed automatically to deed holders on a daily basis via the PED flow center after the Moon launch and the moon will have a fixed tax percentage of 5%.

    Arkadia Moon Deeds will not be tradable in game until all deeds are sold.


    • 8km x 8km (64 sq KM) of newly designed terrain.
    • High Stakes mining.
    • 7 Brand new and exclusive Creatures.
    • Adventure based and progressive missions.
    • Special IFN and Smuggler missions connecting in with Planet Arkadia activity.

    Discount Schedule:

    Sales date till 30 Jan : 50 PED ($5.00 USD)
    1 - 28 Feb : 52.5 PED ($5.25 USD)
    1 - 31 March : 55 PED ($ 5.50 USD)
    1 - 30 April : 57.5 PED ($5.75 USD)
    1 May onward : 60 PED ($6.00 USD)

    You can obtain the deeds from the Entropia Universe Web Shop. : - Buy Deeds -
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  2. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Will fee from space entry be free as with monria?

    Is it possible a few can be put in npc similar to how aud started?

    Will it have a daily craft mission like monria?
    What about daily hunting or mining missions?

    What about repeatable missions since there's only so many mobs there? Monria's got em, so why not.

    Will treasure hunting system work there for mining or is it just ores and enmatter?

    How many apartments and shops will be created?

    Will the storyline tie in to monria in some way? Been whispers of collaboration... would be cool if u could tp from one moon to the other....

    Space travel from moon to planet? Aren't those drop ships soul bound? Hmm...

    I'm sure more questions will come up over time. ;)
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    Last edited: Dec 22, 2017
  3. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    Are you guys going to fix the landplots first? (to restore trust)
    How will we know when all deeds are sold? Will there be a counter on the webpage for us to see?
    What will be the placement of the moon? will it be in between caly and arkadia? or in between cyrene and arkadia? or in between next island and arkadia?
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  4. Qster

    Qster Member

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    most likely it will be setup similar to foma with domes for hunting/mining. and located near the space station (maybe a minute flight away)
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  5. Bas

    Bas Member

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    Observation : There are multiple moons visible in Arkadia's night sky.
    Questions :
    How does the 200,000 moon deed number compare to the number released for Arkadia Underground?
    Will it be like Calypso's moon Monria where you can TP from Monria to Calypso but not from Calypso to Monria?
    Will it have a SS and no landing fee like Monria?
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  6. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    foma/crystal palace are asteroids.. Monria is a moon. Monria is 10 au away.

    if placed between caly and ark.. it could be a real winner. If placed towards next island, it could be a real failure. (I guess I just predicted its location)
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  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    From this thread, there were 200,000 underground deeds released too, so it's basically the same offering.

    Monria is a moon, but it's not Caly's moon. FOMA and CP are connected to Calypso, similar to Arkadia's moon. I think it will be located on the same space server as Arkadia space station.
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  8. Deuce

    Deuce New Member

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    from the latest buzzz...
    "Travel between Arkadia and the moon will done by Space vehicle"
    so, there will be no tp to planet option?
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  9. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    Then why do I see globals from Monria when I am on Calypso and vice versa?
    Why can I tp to Calypso from Monria?
    Why can I spawn Monrian pets on Calypso and vice versa, but not on Other planets?
    Why is/was there a travel service from Chug's hideout to Monria for Monria born avatars?
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  10. DME | Monria

    DME | Monria Member

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    Pardon the interruption in this discussion, but I can answer your questions Spawn ... it's because Monria is on the Calypso server, but as far as Monria being a Calypso Moon ... no ... and it was clearly stated in the FAQs by MindArk themselves here when they announced that Monria was going up for auction in 2013.

    I will leave everyone to the discussion and wish Arkadia the best with their new development. :)
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  11. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Glad to see so much excitement and curiosity, that is a good sign indeed.

    Do keep in mind that for Arkadia to grow, bigger mobs may be required, and land space on Ark is getting a tad cramped, the last gold rush had armour as prizes, with defensive capabilities that one would expect to use on big mobs that will electrocute your pix-elated behind to crisp, if not appropriately geared (no Ark mobs currently require this). I suspect that mobs for that new armour may reveal itself on the Ark moon.
    And that it may entice other planet, big game hunters to visit us on our little corner on Ark.

    Should this be the case, it may mean that, bigger mobs, bigger loot, bigger payout on those deeds.

    Should the moon mining system introduce a new mined commodity or something digitally tagged i.e. a mined, pre produced, block chain token (that requires you to mine very deep) like a Deeptoken perhaps, that would maybe be trade-able outside of the game ? and could be used as a method to deposit / withdraw funds ?

    All speculation, but exiting time ahead. I'll be buying some of these Moon Deeds for sure.
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  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    H.R. Giger was the first association that entered my mind when the picture loaded. Cool. Looking forward to what's coming!

    This information was not shared in previous deed sales and is unlikely to be shared this time. It would influence potential buyers' decisions and only cater to those who are looking for the fastest way to flip the deeds around.

    What difference would it make? You neeed a warp for safe transport. Not a snowball's chance in hell to become a marketplace where you have to transport everything through lootable space in and out. And what motivation would Caly traders have to fly up from the other side? As long as there is no change in the fundamental paradigm, the only functioning marketplace will firmly remain simply with the most populous location.
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  13. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    You guys are a bunch of lyers/scammers.

    You offer deeds for PEDs but no one can buy them for PEDs. And wont be able to trade them for PEDs either, till you finish the project, which in your deadlines means up to several years.

    My advice to anyone who wants to open their wallet now, think carefully and thoroughly. And dont compre to CLDs or AUDs. Those were ready products. This is not. Its like hundreds of ICOs around the web. And you know 95% of ICOs fail. Just be careful please.
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  14. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    Ark could simply state forever that not all deeds have sold, making the deeds non-tradable forever.

    I hardly ever warp. If I go to rocktropia by quad, I always stop at Monria. If the moon is between Calypso and ark, I Will always stop there, to do some hunting etc.
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  15. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    The Webshop is run by MindArk.
    And how does this turn Monria into a marketplace? Even if everybody followed the same pattern as you. Except that traders certainly don't or anybody else with stackables. That's a classic non-sequitur.
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  16. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    Well I had a Monria shop for years. It did really well.
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    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  17. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Back on topic, I am really excited by the idea of the new moon, it's place in the Arkadia story, new mobs to hunt and hopefully some high end mining :)
    For months people have moaned at the Ark team about things that only MA can fix (and yeh I have moaned too, especially about the broken shops), moaned that there is nothing NEW and asked what they are doing.. then when they finally present us with the promise of some new and exciting content, all the criticisms are back again... whatever happened to the Season of Goodwill ? Did the liches at MA really suck all the joy out of us ?
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  18. SoReal

    SoReal Member

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    Fantastic news ! . I love it ,let the space devolpment begin.
    But please dont forget all the orginaly promised content for space by MA ;)
    I have a feeling this is just the start of it all oh.. and June !
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  19. sholle

    sholle Active Member

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    is it mine now?! :D

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  20. Hans

    Hans Member

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    I'd assume this moon is an independent Ark Studios venture and therefore not related to any promises MA made for space.
    Should it turn out to be a success MA might well revive or rethink some of their old plans / marketing promises, or at least we can hope so.
    Hopefully not while this development is happening though as we have seen that Ark is not typically high on their development priorities list so we'd like the list short and manageable.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2017