Land Plots - Planet Arkadia

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, May 5, 2017.

  1. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Unbelievable. Its been way more than a year since event started and here we are still, zero info from game devs.
    Happy christmas you filthy scammers!
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  2. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    There was actually a update posted the other day in another thread, I've quoted it below for your convenience.

  3. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Thanks, but u couldnt be any more douchey could you?

    This is what i was going by, and no i have zero interest on reading rest of the forum.
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  4. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Certainly not intended, just spreading the word.
  5. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    My bad, was just angry at the time of reply, nothing personal. Thanks for link. Now we can hope for them to come some time next summer if we are lucky.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Guys n Gals
    been away from game for a while RL issues and all that . but am now back just read this thread from start to finish. and can honestly say
    from working closely with david dobson and other ark studio employee's i can assure you that you will get your prize. Being the owner of Normandie Radio we have done many interviews and live streamed them for people to listen to with David Dobson . I have been on arkadia since it went live and have seen ark studios always deliver on what they say they will .
    I will also tell you that david wont push something live if its not right and working correctly .

    i will message him and see if i can get him to come do a informal chat on the radio as these were very useful to the player base
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  7. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Hey, all nice and dandy but first - no one is listening that radio and less the interviews. If he cant make a formal or informal forum post/reply for over a year, i doubt there is much to hear on the radio. On internet radio. Would it be a podcast at least. Oh well...

    Also - did i tell you i am best buddies with Santa? It all started in 2002 when i went to Lapland. He told me, he is not comjng to my house every year to give me a gift because he is working on something big and wont give me any christmas gifts until he is sayisfied with what he got for me. I am still waiting :)
    Hope u get the sarcasm, nothing personal, just ur post is as meaningless as mine is and for the matter of fact as is any of a-team promises.

    Have a merry fucking christmas all!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    This thread raises quite a few issues, that have snowballed a bit, I believe a lot of this could have been mitigated by a friendly / monthly generic update by the Devs / A-Team, perhaps this could be implemented in the future, just a quick Monthly summary from Ark Team saying; Hi, we are all still alive, please look forward to seeing XXX, or participating in XXX, while we wait for XXX to do Jibber Jabber.

    As one of the winners of an Ark Land plot I understand much of the frustrations raised through out this tread, I am currently away for work though, and as such have not felt the impact as greatly as other. that said, in order to win a prize in an EU event, additional ped budgets requires cycling at an increased rate, players do this with the intent to win a prize, and the understanding that they will have ownership of that prize to attempt to regain cost expended in the attempt. Delays in delivery of prizes open a whole other world of considerations.

    My intent was to win a land plot, and lucky enough I did, my intent was also to retain that land plot and to farm fruit to sell on it (this was my understanding of what they would be used for at the time). Thus if fruits are indeed farmed on land plots it could be said that I am now out of pocket of at least 1 years value of fruit production results. This saddens me.

    I realise that the land plot issue is not yet complete, and that we should not judge the Ark team's intentions until the issue is closed, they may yet surprise us, when they deliver the Land plot deeds, hoping it is in today's update. Anxious to see.
  9. - JJ -

    - JJ - Member

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    hii ;]

    for those who wanna see these plots i took a little flight north of the race track and took a pick for ya of what i think is the location lol
    the location is here [20244, 28352, 223]
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Is the land plot system even fully functional? I was on Caly recently and came across some land plots, they were almost completely empty with almost no sign of being in use. I'm just wondering if land plots sort of failed as a system and so the priority of fixing the ark bugs is low. Just wondering, I haven't been following the topic.
  11. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I have a soc mate who has a few caly land plots and succesfully farms them for profit but it is labour intensive and the bonus to me is he needs resources and fruit to do this which is a sales avenue for me. The system works but I suspect some people haven't worked out how yet....
  12. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    "The system works but I suspect some people haven't worked out how yet...."

    Or they have done the math. You need to build a house on the landplot first, which costs ped. To profit, you first need to break even on that first investment.
  13. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hello Everyone,

    I am here to update you about the progress of the land plots. Please be advised that Mindark has taken full control of the development of the land plots and we are waiting upon them for results. We were expecting a release by the previous update but unfortunately there were certain bugs that couldn't be resolved in time.

    Once we have an updated report from Mindark, we will communicate it to the community.
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  14. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Thanks for update Dylan!
    Please keep your word this time! Been a while...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    (Insert funny Trump voice here) .... 3 weeks later...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Hans

    Hans Member

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    I'd take this to mean that there has not been feedback from MA in 3 weeks. While this is unfortunate it is certainly not new.
    I am very interested to know what feature on a land plot has been so problematic to debug, but actually expect that land plots will implement without this feature in order to achieve parity with land plots elsewhere, i.e. no reason to prefer an Ark plot over any other.
    I am suspicious by nature though, and always see facts while bearing in mind that the only service provider here is also the main competition. Others will certainly formulate other conspiracy theories.
  17. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Once upon a time 15 months ago...

    Dylan? Dont you think this is ridicilous?
    Its not a Tesla i am buying here so i would have to wait umpteen months for it. Stop sitting on your ass or working on gt coins, deliver what was promised. If it is out of your hand then call them, send letters, poke them every day, hell - do it 2 or 3 times a day, but get the stuff done! Sort out the right winners and inplement the god damn plots and think of a nice compensation for the depreceation!

    Too much to ask?
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  18. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    So what you are really saying is you expect a senior dev team member to assign all his time to your issue and to hell with everyone else and his doing his day job. It was explained to you that the failure to implement is down to MA. Ark team do raise it with them I am sure. It is frustrating for you and the others, but then so are unresolved issues of many kinds, bug fixes, statues, undelivered new content. Yelling and screaming just increases their frustration, wastes their time reading/responding or even beating their head on the wall. It is counter productive.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    What sokolade expects is that promises are kept, and if they are not kept, a public sorry in a timely manner, and if that doesn't help: compensation of some sort, just like it works in the real world.

    This was the promise in op:

    will commence as of the end of May.

    We will update you on the progress of the development as it proceeds. Please understand that we are working closely with Mindark to get the system implemented as soon as possible.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    How many times have you personally sent in a support ticket yet? Mindark does things in it's own time... (think they may be aliens with a 1000 year lifespan sometimes, lol)