Just a few suggestions to smooth line certain things

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by swaith, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. swaith

    swaith Member

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    hi there gents, dont let the post count fool you im certainly not senior with only 2 days ingame lol so i appologise in advance if there are any misinformations/assumptions in my post but here are some ideas i want to put forward for further development for the game

    1: custom waypoints for teams to be set with a dropdown menu on map,
    1.A: Custom waypoints / note system for single play so we can mark on the map what mobs we come across, ores we find etc

    2: ore's, i think some way to tell if there is a viable chance for an ore would make sense, i seem to be dropping probes randomly in a field and getting intermitten hits but it makes no real sense. surely it would get more then one hit on an ore vain, or at least you would think a LOT of ore around it would be similar so certain areas can be marked on our maps specifically for certain ores found because of certain geological conditions :D

    3: speeds: can we get a faster mode of transport for 1 person, im thinking a two wheeler bike and or hover vehicle similarly streamlined as presently from my limited experience cars go a similar speed at top to aircraft and it makes little sense that a helicopter would travel at the same relative speed considering the difference in transport technique

    4: can we just buy the TP locations from the TT as opposed to having to visit each one?

    il update as i think of more :D


    5: FALL DAMAGE! cars take next to no fall damage, whats up with that? how can i repair my car repeatedly with pretty lights if there is no decent fall damage from the cliffs i fly off :D

    i mean you would think we would learn that whatever this diamond like armor is on the car that takes 0.1 damage from falling for 10 seconds of a ledge is probobly better armor then what we are wearing, im tempted to just rip the hood off my buggy and strap it to my chest lol

    i have a feeling id need a gunship to blast it into the right shape though, =]

    5: oh and another idea, (and as always i may be too short sighted to see if this already exists)

    can there be a console / tab in the soc one for people to place small adverts at like 0.1 PED a posting for other players to do tasks for them. so there is somewhere for bored people / Fappers / socialites to go to find work/company - while i appreciate there is already many ways to organise this it would be a nice thing to streamline the process by simply having a console one may skim thru to find something that interested you and head to where the advertisement was posted.

    you could have it so that the people posting get a little window on their HUD (minimize-able with an alert when message is received) so thy can carry on as they are but intermittently might get a response to their request for a fapper with details of the offer posted alongside the initial advert

    may already exist i dont know but thought id suggest it anyhow

    6: a payable service that tells you the co-ordinates of a player / if they are logged on and their average times in game based on searchable criteria such as their nickname etc

    now before i get flamed it would be something that costs PED to use and it allows people wanting to meet up to search for the people they want to interact with but with a choice in preferences that players can allow only certain details to be shown to general public / friends. i see a lot of people attempting to organise meets and its hard to organise if they are not in your FL (friends lists for other noobs baffled by lingo reading this)

    so this way you pay a premium and if the player is happy for general public to have the info it wil tell you their approximate co-ordinates if the are online or if they are unavailable it will tell you their rough login periods on average so you have a better chance to find them next time. its something similar to how agents work in other games to find players for various reasons. and while in a pvp setting it wont work its brilliant to organise for meetup's and such things

    and would work brilliantly in tandem with way-points so plays can get a last know co-ordinate for someone to hunt em out.

    7: SIZE, really simple one

    can we get a slight change to the background on the avatar customisation that shoes the active mean average on avatar size? so that way people like myself don't make freakishly childlike avatars because what they thought was normal height wasn't :D

    and while i appreciate the default size you start at is probably average its not apparent to new people unless they think about it, and if like me they use randomize the silhouette would be immeasurably helpful in deciding to adapt the random results.

    8: Meek sound effect for female avatars

    quick one, it doesn't sound meek it sounds like im pleasuring myself when i make my avatar "meek" and got me very strange looks from behind my console - not technically an idea but some of the sounds female avatars make are horror inspiring.
    perhaps on character creation and possible beauty profession we can choose between various voices OR we can customise and save locally our own sound effects to use by recording words/phrase's and assigning them to a key via the L menu so perhaps when people eye my desk expecting something pornographic they arent so dissapointed. perverts that they are >_<
  2. Calin

    Calin Member

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    1: Many people have asked for something like that for years. Who knows.. It could happen.

    2: Will never happen. MA doesn't want us to know because our searching makes them money. Many of us spend a lot of time making our mining maps and some people even share some of their info, but not many and not much. Knowledge is money in here. Learning where to find what resource is much more important than any other aspect of mining. If you don't want to take the time and money to learn what's where, I suggest avoiding mining.

    3: So you are wanting slower than the car or aircraft or faster? If faster... Teleport chip.

    4: The act of gathering them is a great opportunity to learn the planet. You should have been around when there were no vehicles. Lots of running. IMO, you should never be able to "buy" the locations.
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    4. Buy locations - can already do that. Hire someone to fly you from tp to tp. My own society provides this to new members for free. At least one society provides free escorted TP runs (Look for Entropia Tour Agency) but I am not sure if they have something set up on Arkadia yet.
    Also a number of folk have made maps to assist with locating them. eg http://www.entropialocations.eu

    But on another planet, I really enjoyed going out and finding them for myself. You get to see where mobs are, appreciate the effort that has been put into creating the scenery, and also learn valuable techniques around avoiding mob agro ranges and such. I found a purchase of a tp chip handy for getting out of trouble when there appeared to be no way to get past a sea of red.

  4. swaith

    swaith Member

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    hmm i appreciate your points, as for mining i wasnt trying to infer it would be easier i merely meant that certain areas should have an abundance of certain ores so the distribution was what i was commenting on, there seems to be to consistency with ores which in fact makes it easier for us to mine, as you dont need to scout out the area you can just run up to two sides of the hill and get completely different minerals. repeatedly

    what i would suggest would for instance be LARGE deposits in certain zones/regions that gradually get worn down by players repeatedly mining them until the large markers move on, so very similar to what we have but instead of mixed multiple minerals it would be a few large deposits that last for a bit and then move elsewhere when expended and they would exist in certain regional zones based on the types of mineral, so say you get 1-2 different types in one zone and in another you might find say 3 at different rarities as opposed to what the current system appears to be (and i could be very wrong here) a mixed variation of multiple ores in deposits that vary largely in quantity

    it was merely an observation on that front as its not something i believe i will pursue to much but thanks for the input =]


    and i meant faster travel but for the singular. and while i appreciate you used to run and that there are TP Chips, that is quite irrelevant. im sure on suggestion of teleports people complained they already have vehicles or vica versa depending on which came first (the egg before anyone else starts that ;P )

    the reason being that i quite enjoy just driving around an while the speed is certainly nice and tp is definately faster i enjoy the ride. i would love a single vehicle that travels at maybe 80-100/120 as opposed to the 61 odd my neteller buggy achieves. if you want i could even do some drawings of a couple designs lol. hell have a competition for it :D if you put it in game il back a 200 PED prize lol

    but i think it would be quite a nice touch ^^ we have so many multiple vehicles it would be nice for a relatively fast singular vehicle, and i do think helicopters need a bit of a speed boost myself while i agree they are generally faster as they aren't effected by the terrain as much i they move deceptively slow :D


    as for paying for the TP locations, its mainly because getting them presently is a formality if there was some real involvement aside from running to them it would be more interesting, perhaps have a long quest chain to get all the fire-bases/academies etc where you must travel to each one along the chain to do something in each.
  5. swaith

    swaith Member

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    as update doesnt place this at the top or in the new bits im posting new ideas here and updating the list when i get around to it ^_^


    apparently there is no default button (such as f2 or something similar) that makes a screenshot which i think is a crime against the wonderful artists work on arkadia.

    SO i suggest a screenshot button by default that saves to a common directory so we cn post up more into our gallery's - AND as a further development because it will eventually happen i hope an option in preferences in-game to choose a SEPARATE QUALITY FOR THE SCREENSHOT - that way i can play on poor for the smoothness and still capture wet your pants quality background material for my work computer simultaneous without any interruptions or disruptive changes to the graphics im playing with