EU BUD-Entropia Universe's Building Unit Developers

Discussion in 'SocTalk' started by Jaragon, Apr 16, 2017.

  1. Jaragon

    Jaragon New Member

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    EU BUD-Entropia Universe's Building Unit Developers
    EU BUD-Entropia Universe's Building Unit Developers

    10 avatar soc

    1st goal
    AUD Reinvest Fund
    (10,000 before payout)
    payout=1AUD a day to a person, equaling 2 AUDs a month to each soc member .

    payouts go as positioned 1 is the 1st and 20th, 2 is the 2nd and 19th , 3 is the 3rd and 28th , ect . (21st-31st goes back into soc building wether it be more deeds or a payout to an individual )

    2nd goal
    CLD Reinvest Fund
    (1000 before payout)
    once payout hits every sunday someone gets a cld in the 1-10 order

    note:no payouts will occur until 1st goal numbers are recieved

    ways of a donation funding towards our goals
    1-sweat=sold and peds put evenly towards aud and cld
    2-animal oil residue =stack till tt value is an aud then find a buyer
    3-animal eye oil=stack till tt value is cld then find a buyer
    4-animal muscle oil = stack till value is cld and then find a buyer
    5-ped=tell us specifically what u want your ped to go to cld or aud

    no invest program for compet yet but accepting them as donations for when they do we have a jump on it

    those who donate aud and cld are safe from getting booted , those that just donate have a month to month check in bases , we would prefer a donation once a week but monthly is acceptable .

    min donation 1k sweat a month (although low contributions may lead to a boot)

    1st Goal (107/10,000 AUD)
    AUD Fund
    Animal Oil Residue-4.59k
    Diluted Sweat 530

    2nd Goal (1-1000 CLD)
    CLD Fund
    Animal Eye Oil-165
    Animal Muscle Oil-965

    sweat fund - 0.918k
    The Society Is Currently On Planet Arkadia
    ( This post will be edited and kept updated )
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    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  2. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Uhmm, what is this ? [use plain English please]
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Looks like a pyramid scheme to me. If not so, I second the previous poster.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Yeah, I don't really get it either. Seems OP posted the blueprints of a plan, but failing to explain what it is for.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    It seems like a good investment. You donate monthly and when you stop you are kicked from the clan. David Miscavige made something like this in the 50s
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. Hans

    Hans Member

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    So, lets calculate the lowest cost safe investment plan for this interesting opportunity.
    Donate 1 AUD, which makes you safe from being booted as per 'those who donate aud and cld are safe from getting booted'. (That might however be 1 AUD and 1 CLD depending on how you read this, which makes a serious difference in the initial investment)
    Afterwards, donate 1K sweat per month, as per 'min donation 1k sweat a month', which is safe since 'those who donate aud and cld are safe from getting booted' has already exempted you from '(although low contributions may lead to a boot)'.
    Since the remaining 9 members will soon regress to the same scheme in order not to pay more than they might eventually get and assuming the retail price of sweat does not collapse entirely the scheme might succeed in buying up 5% of AUD in circulation (10000) in 2500-7000 years, at which time the scheme will start to pay out.
    Wait, I spot a flaw here. Respawn terminals only work for cheating death in game and MA states that player accounts are not transferable (so even via inheritance), which means there is a 0% chance of me or my descendants getting a payout from this scheme.
    This also ignores the bigger risk that the holder of these deposits might abscond with them prematurely once the same inevitable conclusion becomes obvious.
    This actually means that the friendly Nigerian who made the unsolicited offer in the unwanted telephone call earlier might actually have an investment scheme that is not worse than this one. I might have to apologise to him if he calls again.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  7. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    You are a funny writer, keep it up! :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Jaragon

    Jaragon New Member

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    EU BUD Store Chain
    This is a thread chain for the society's Store .

    EU BUD and its Members

    Currently the society is looking for a society in need of Vibrant Sweat that we can supply our sweat fund to . As i am sure that this will be the main ingame funding of the operation besides depoing .

    The Society Is Currently On Planet Arkadia
    ( This post will be edited and kept updated )
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  9. Jaragon

    Jaragon New Member

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    EU BUD Donation Chain
    This thread will be used to keep track of donations by members.

    Explanation of society default (society disband): the investment in the society will be passed back out to investors in the form of aud cld or ped. (note: once AUD and/or CLD payouts begin no refund will be given because you would have received more than what you could ever give the society ).

    Explanation of member default (member leaving) If you leave the society because you think the goal is taking to long , this is at your choice , you will not be refunded . of course there are exceptions and dependence on how you leave the society and/or what you put in , and of course that could also be irrelevant ...

    Promotions are based on investments , forum work , and webbing activities ...

    this week's donors

    Jaragon-5ped 4/16/2017
    3k Sweat 5/03/2017

    Octavia- 1 ped/5k sweat 4-14-2017

    The Society Is Currently On Planet Arkadia
    ( This post will be edited and kept updated )
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    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  10. Jaragon

    Jaragon New Member

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    EU BUD Log In Chain
    This chain will be used for members to post when they log in .

    Members - when you log in , post . let the community see our activity . Let the community know we actively work on the investment goal . Not asking anything difficult just post what your today plan is and or what ways you are helping us work to the goal , screenshots of globals , whatever you would like as long as its with in reason . Be n EU BUD.

    secondary reasoning - society clan bump - keep us on the first page [​IMG]

    The Society Is Currently On Planet Arkadia
    ( This post will be edited and kept updated )
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  11. Jaragon

    Jaragon New Member

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    Also I feel that I should mention that we are a new society and that I am just 1 of the managers of EU BUD, not the CEO who is HostileRick
    1 of my roles is to manage and keep this post updated, any further queries should be directed to the CEO
    also don't forget to check out our Calypso thread
    Thank You
    • Like Like x 1
  12. HostileRick

    HostileRick New Member

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    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. HostileRick

    HostileRick New Member

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    well ... i know not to add the screenshots to this one lol
  14. HostileRick

    HostileRick New Member

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    WTS/WTT Sanctuary Cove 1 Lvl 2 suite [Estate Deed] [20350, 29954, 111] . Selling for 4.5kped / trading for 2CLDS and 5AUDs
  15. HostileRick

    HostileRick New Member

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  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    The terms of use says "Your Entropia Universe Account will be disposable by Your legal successors by inheritance subject to terms and limitations"
  17. Hans

    Hans Member

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    This may be worthwhile for an optimistic youngster who thinks he may be able to play and deposit into this scheme for many decades.
    I do not have this sort of time left.
    The terms of use says 'disposable', not playable, so my kids could not deposit into such a scheme so their kids or grand kids could possibly benefit from it.
    MA may tolerate providing avatar assets for sale for a while, but will probably insist the assets be transferred to another account in short order as active accounts owned by deceased players seem to upset some.
    The rules for this scheme does not mention investment transfer and the current rate of deposit strongly suggests I won't live to see a payout and hints that my as yet unborn grand kids may not either. The idea is sound but the goal is very ambitious.