New (L) Item Tiering System

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by happy_hipster, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Try this at any TT. Buy many L weapons. Open item info.
    Magnifying glass. Scroll down. Look at the TIER RATES.

    What is its Hipster Rating?
    (Item Quality)
    normal: <100
    GREAT:All over 100
    MEGA:Normal X10
    UBER:Normal X100

    So what does it matter if all the tiers are in the THOUSANDS instead of the Tens?

    Higher tier rates means faster tiering means the item will TIER FASTER and spend more of its life with more enhancer slots open.

    Want to use 10 eco enhancers on your whip?

    Want 10 damage enhancers on that gun?

    Want 10 Depth enhancers on that finder?

    Tier is sooner, you can use it with more enhancers longer.

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  2. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Normal Tier Rates

    Mega Tiers

    Uber Tier
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Limited items burn enhancers faster than unlimited ones. You'll want to know exactly what you're doing and why when you put enhancers on limited stuff. E.g. I have two Calytrek Soul Mk.V (L) with great tier numbers and arrived at T7 and T8, respectively, used them with range enhancers for tagging (72 m base range) before I hade my uL tagger. Now that I have a proper tool I don't want to burn them up anymore, much less the enhancers. I've also used accuracy enhancers with such items in the past, when they weren't so crazy expensive. Now, better not unless you need to be ultra-competitive in something and don't care about cost.

    Eco enhancers are a borderline case, their markup pretty much cancels the effect already. Added the increased burn rate on limited weapons, I don't think it'll give much joy. Have you really thought this through?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Awesome info San! I was discussing the potential, not the efficiency, while sharing info about changes made to the grand scheme of the equation. In the grand scheme, this is a brand new addition and I feel people should know about it. Plus I wanted it to be called the Hipster Rating!
  5. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Happy Hipster, if your OP had appeared in Rookie Chat (you know, the chat where players, esp. new ones, asked for information etc) it would have been mocked, shouted down & laughed at.
    The "accepted" wisdom is that you never put enhancers on low value weapons - because apparently the cost does not justify it.
    And it can be exactly as San has said above.
    But I cannot tell - to be able to I would have to track & keep records to the extent its no longer fun for me (people do though)
    And even then all the changes lately may well have affected things.

    L weapons do not cost to tier up. I have bought Castorian Combat Knives with awesome Tier rates (OK Uber Hipster Ratings)
    I add eco enhancers when I can - and when tier is really high, swap them for damage enhancers - an awesome weapon before it expires.
    I have no idea if this cost is excessive, enhancers burn out randomly - and it does not seem (as far as I can tell) to be any faster on L weapons than on UL ones I have.
  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    It is one of those pieces of information that keep being passed around without anyone having provided quantifiable proof (or refutation). The only number I ever heard was an estimated average enhancer lifetime of 2500 shots, which is purported to apply to unlimited items and commonly used as input for cost calculation e.g. with Weapon Compare V2. I can only say from above mentioned experience with limited weapons that it was never even close to that, they always got consumed much faster so I wasn't encouraged to continue on this way. But due to mixed usage and since you need to track many runs with a constant setup to catch a statistically significant sample, I also can't put a number to it. I have yet to step up my game with unlimited gear to get anywhere near solid findings (which won't happen if returns keep as they are lately). If anyone ever proves this right or wrong, it would be a good thing. It remains a bit of a hurdle though getting to apply real science to "just a game", not nature but someone else's brainchild who can also change it the moment they find players know too much.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    WTS lets see if I can get any offers on this post? Is an Uber or Mega tier item worth more?
