Space Wish List: The Dymlek

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by happy_hipster, Nov 5, 2017.

  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    I think space is a country all to itself. I have seen, and prompted, much debate about space and PVP, and there are many things that can be done to improve it. Here are a few suggestions.

    Alter the PVP model:
    Imagine EU with PVP everywhere but around the TP's. That is space. I mean the TP's are space stations, but still. The model does not work, and neither does space as a fun place to stay and play. Extend the range of the safe zones to allow for a easier escape from orbit. Keep PVP around certain spawns and in "open space".

    Space Punies
    Run the 90% model past Cosmic Horrors and you are bound to lose. There is an imbalance in space for the [loot to ped gone pew pew] equation that cannot be denied. If I go up and shoot 100ped in ammo, I should get, on average, at least 90ped in loot. Why does this not happen? We need a little space mob that one can safely kill with a sleipnir that has a proper and proportional return on investment. Otherwise, spacemobs are just a way to skill pilot on a MS. The mobs are just there, still, just to SAY there is something there.

    Space Mining

    Stations and Security
    SS's can be cities unto themselves. Planets unto themselves. No Player Partners needed. Add storage and shops in a PvP section accessed from a televator next to the TP, and factions can fight for control. Players could be robbed. Players would need protection. Soak on that a minute. A new profession: Security

    Asteroids with spacemobs
    Double Duh

    We need to be able to add mission chains via the event terminal. Buying the mission activates the key elements. You kill 20x's, find xtt in X, talk to x, and trade your x for an x. Player gets x% of entry fee and everyone is happy. There are many problems with this idea, but there are also many solutions to these problems. Im sure we can figure it out. The basic idea is MA gets more players hunting, mining, and trading, participants get a reward ponied up by organizer, and organizer gets a part of entry. Hell, if an organizer had enough of a skill implant chip, he could even award skills. Would you enter a 1000 cosmic horror mission for 1 ped for .01tt Avoidance? Would it be worth it to all?

    Space Gungir: The Dymlek
    Id like to suggest a new Arkadian vehicle. Slow like a sleip, troop hauler like a Gungir. It would have two porcupine turrets and a set of rocket launchers. It would seat up to eight and have a high carrying capacity. It could have its SI increased, and two repair points. It is a gunship for forcing loot across space. Like a turtle, but requiring a crew.

    Space Blueprints:
    Blueprints to adjust, modify, improve and perfect(did I miss any). Adjust Weapon. Improve Attachment. Perfect Blueprint. Space Weapons. EMP Pulse Weapons. Restore L Item Bp. Mothership Carrier BP. Alternate Universe Drive bp

    Mothership Carrier
    A PP. Or anymore PP's. Like Crystal Palace on wheels. Floating planets. Alternate Universe Drive(for when space is full)...

    Warmest regards
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    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
  2. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Reserved for Development

    A Sun
    Planets revolve around a sun at different rates
    Space Decoys
    Born In Space
    US Advertisements
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
  3. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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    Well players may disagree with my thoughts as the devils advocate to hipsters ideas and constructive criticism is all ways welcomed.
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  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  5. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    I love the idea of space decoys, and thanks for the constructive criticism. Most of the good ideas are hampered by the fact that there are not enough players. I always wondered why, with such a huge budget, I have never seen ads for EU here in America. It seems for some reason MA does not WANT a larger player base. What would this game look like if it added 3k players overnight?

    To the defense of the Dymlek, I did not envision it as a solo flight, Ark to RT vehicle, but more as a space tank for spacemob hunts and bullying past pirates. In a game with more players, ofc.
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  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Without any drastic changes, i.e. none to technology but the more to philosophy, my current best vision of space looks roughly like this:

    PVP is to be voluntary. Period. The basic setup of spaceship business as a racket with the pirates driving customers to service providers is ended. Period. How not to upset those who invested so much in their spaceships and skills? Make the alternatives interesting. As expressed above, Space is (should be) like a planet partner in itself, with unique and attractive content.

    For starters, I imagine the perimeter of the "pizza" map, where the planets are located and separated by several no-entry zones, this perimeter is made so that it can be safely travelled all around. You can launch from a planet just like you do now, and fly along the outside to the next one. If you want to skip one (e.g. going from Calypso to Arkadia you would pass Cyrene), it could be made so that flying at z-coordinates above +1000 or below -1000 you can pass a planet you don't want to land on. For deciding on which side to leave your planet, it is divided in two zones. If you launch anywhere from the northern half of Calypso, you get to enter space on the northern side towards Monria. Start from the southern half to be set towards the other side. Launch from the western half of Arkadia to get towards Cyrene, from the east towards Next Island. And so on. (Note to those with the obvious idea -- real 3D space with seamless planet landings is not possible on the current platform. No Man's Sky e.g. does that in a totally different way, beyond the scope here to explain more.)

    The inner part of the map, i.e. Space as it exists now, remains PVP. The teleporters from space station to planet are made to work both ways, i.e. you can also go up to fly in there. The 7 ped fee is scrapped. Motherships and other warp-capable vessels can continue to operate as before and will get business from people who don't want to spend the time to cross. But using them to carry lootables will no longer be so relevant, as it will be done more economically by the mules slowboating it on the long way (warping in the perimeter would make no economic sense i.m.o. since the cost for the warp drives wouldn't be different from now -- except Equus/Firebird but that one can't carry real payloads).

    The artificial separation of the planets' market places is thus reduced. I never believed in it in the first place. There aren't enough players in the whole of EU to support more than one market place. I understand MA's fear in the beginning that the planet partners would just cannibalize players instead of making an effort to recruit their own, but I think many more beginning players are turned away by sheer frustration of not finding a market which was the idea they were lured with in the first place. On the other hand, even if there was only one working market place in EU and that would remain at Twin Peaks, Arkadian players could visit safely and for very low cost, do their trading and return. But I actually foresee the opposite to happen, the outer planets' marketplaces to become more lively because the incentive for exporting wares is reduced. Currently you have little chance to sell basics without going to Caly, while consumers import them back. This is just retarded. The actual incentive for planet partners to do their own recruiting should be implemented solely in the profit sharing model, which should be revised if the current setup is found insufficient. But this is another topic.

    With various detailed proposals already existing, it shouldn't be a problem to fill space with real interesting content. The main occupation for motherships should be to become bases for teams and hunting/mining parties or on a mission. Space should be a place for teams much more even than current relevant offers on planets with their shared events etc. These just gather players who still are on their own, just shooting together at one big gamble. There could be missions that require a team to accomplish... endless possibilities. When the premise is set, Space could be taken over by a newly formed company operating like a planet partner, if MindArk doesn't want to keep handling it. This would ensure undivided attention to its development.

    Might need to cross-post this on PCF to get it to the right address... told you it's gonna get messy :p
  7. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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    I have seen plenty of Entropia advertising here in the UK, and its on another of my computers so I know its not targeted adverts.

    As I said the problem is retaining at least a fair amount of the new players, there's a lot start every day, you just need to pop to Thule (I take my disciples for the Caly starter items, first gauntlets and Bukins rifle and then back to Ark) and you see a steady stream of new players. You see them finish their training and arrive at Camp Icarus, where they fire off all their ammo at any thing with four legs and their guns and L fap break. Then the common cry is "where do I get all the peds from to buy a gun and ammo?" as they are to put it bluntly stuffed. When you tell them that after 30 minutes play they need to either deposit, go sweating, or fruit walking to continue playing, its one hell of a rude awakening to them.

    Just imagine the growth of the player base if we can as players help retain an extra 1 or 2 % of the new starters that would normally log off in disgust and wipe the game. Just by the simple act of talking to these new and frankly lost players and stopping them from making the same mistakes the new players do daily, if at all possible. I still get pm's off players I helped when they had just started which proves it works, we can't do very much with the players with the fixed and unshakable idea that this is a game that throws real money at them just for logging in. We have all met them and I will confess to feeling that banging my head of my desk in despair would be more productive than the conversation.
  8. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Be Spaceborn: Play Entropia
  9. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    have you ever seen a working mirror in EU?
  10. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Technically its possible in the engine. Time to phone the Arkadia furniture team.