Hello. Need an answer.

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Desperion, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. Desperion

    Desperion New Member

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    As a new player i have a question that no1 in game could answer me. I even checked the internet for an explanation for dummies for this loot 2.0. Some people says that i don't need a finishing weapon, some others do to have better ammo management. Right now im hunting Gallards. Which weapon is more suted Adjusted Bukin's Spare Rifle or a tt Herman CAP-TT (L).

    Tnx for answers.
  2. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    The point and purpose of a 'finisher' is to avoid overkill, and therefore make the hunt more eco. On low level mobs using starter weapons that would be near impossible as you are already shooting the minimum DPS anyway.
    Once your avatar grows in experience and skills and upgrades main weapon, then the need for avoiding overkill will become more obvious.
    That said some hunters always use a finisher to avoid that potential pec/ped or 2 loss, others don't bother. Why ? Because the additional time taken to swap the weapon and then make the kill, can lead to mob regen, additional armour decay (if worn) or additional healing and decay on the heal tool.
    Consequently there are almost as many opinions on what works, what should be done etc as there are players.
    The real answer is there is no one answer. For every mob you encounter, you will need to work out the optimum set up for you, within the constraints of your budget.
    Entropia universe unlike most other games is not a pre-determined route or gameplay, it will be whatever you make of it, and the exploring of those opportunities and errors is all part of the fun.
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  3. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I still use my bukins rifle even at lvl 50 it's a great gun for small mobs specially with a 101 amp and a scope.

    Gl with the gallards
  4. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    For now I'd say you are honestly doing things right. As far as loot 2.0 facts go we simply don't know right now, the system is too new, too few official details have been released, and its still subject to minor changes.
  5. Desperion

    Desperion New Member

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    Another thing. Why is the efficiency of the Herman 58.2 and of the bukin 57.3? To kill Gallards bukin consume 465(3hits) ammo and Herman 472-590(4-5hits) ammo.
    I have to kill 12k of this chickens so i want to be efficient as much as possible. Forgot to mention i have Z12 Barbarella. Should i use this weapon insted of Bukins?

    Tnx for all the answers.
  6. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    That is an interesting point, but efficiency isn't the same as eco from what has been written about Loot 2.0, better efficiency supposedly gives better types of loot.

    Basically you would have to kill maybe 2 k of them with each gun and compare the results. Also how much different is the decay of the 2 weapons? You need to include that in the cost per kill, maybe the Herman makes up the difference with that.
  7. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Firstly; welcome to Entropia, and most importantly to Arkadia.

    You are asking some good questions there, but you may be asking them too soon in relation to your character development, not a bad thing at all, as you gain skill things will become more clear.

    For now I would recommend you just have fun and as a rule of thumb if it takes less than 10 to 12 shots to kill a creature, it may be that your gun is too big (unless you are using a TT type starter weapon).

    Keep using your TT weapon until you have maxed out your next stage weapon to 100% before upgrading. And do NOT tier your UL TT weapons.

    It may help to put the progress bars on to see how you are doing.

    All the best and go Swirl big.
  8. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Are you sure about that? Loot 2.0 seems to have skewed things towards higher DPS. I agree with what you are saying generally and for a new player the best thing to do is have fun and explore and use what is most eco.
  9. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Yep, if you kill too fast you may be over killing and wasting ammunition/ped.
  10. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    Or you may not be wasting ammunition/ped. I guess it has to be scientifically studied. But there have been some changes in loot 2.0
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