Crafted Ark weapons vs new ArMatrix weapons

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by Morgoth, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    So even with the buffs from A.N.U.B.U.S the eco rating displayed on the new ArMatrix stuff is superior to anything any PP's bp's can produce.

    Was wondering if anyone else is seeing less and less sales on ark crafted weapons after the release of these new bp's for ArMatrix weapons. Personally I sell out of ArMatrix gear within a day or two of crafting it, but my arkadian weapons bounce back like nerf balls constantly.

    In my opinion the new weapons destroyed the market for planet specific gear, which in turn will reduce the value of planet specific resources. But MA are going to make hand over fist because the new superior stuff requires nanocubes...

    but what about the poor sods who invested into PP weapons, or got shops to sell them? Do the PP's have any kind of plan to address these new weapons, or the change in economy they created?

    Starts with weapons, we might still have good arkadian amps and tools, but one thing leads to another inevitably
  2. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    Where you been, ark weapons have been dead for years now :(

    It is odd though, I thought loot 2.0 would have driven more ark gun sales with eco not really meaning anything anymore. Everything might have been ok but then MA couldn't help themselves and had to add yet another newer better series of L weapons because fuck your investment in the current line of anything.
  3. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    prior to these new weapons I could sell ark weapons, granted they dont go like L caly gear, but it was doable. This new line of weapons however just killed it for me, anyone with shops fairing better on ark weapons?
  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    I sold five ark-0's today. Going to off the Mako Fal-2 on Caly. Its a slow week, really. I like selling better weapons. aybe we need a way to make ark weapons better. An adjusted Herman Bp. Improved Manta. Found a personal crafting machine on caly today.

    Crafter can dream, right?

    anyone got one of these?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    How far back do you want to go? I don't know when the new guns were introduced but, looking at sales figures and tracking sales value in peds of Arkadian weapons, as a % of total sales value, that has been trending up since June. Earlier in the year I had connection issues which seriously skewed my recording of sales figures.

    In august 31% of my sales were for arkadian weapons. In September it was 44%.
    My monthly profit varies between 1500 and 4000 ped. That's not a huge figure but it's consistent profit, month after month after month. It's 54 months since I made a loss in crafting - based on monthly cost to craft compared to monthly sales.

    I am sorry to say that the Anubis upgrades have not had any useful impact. In my view, the increase in cost to construct is not justified by the bonus that is granted and this is reflected in sales. I just think that between Ark Devs and MA balancing team, the design was screwed up.

    One of the big beneficiaries of the change to efficiency % as part of loot 2.0 has been the market for sights and scopes. including arkadian models. I am not sure that I agree with peoples assessment of their usefulness but if people want to buy them I am more than happy to make and sell them.

    People regularly claim the market for this or that crafted category has been killed and I just look at my P&L figures and just shake my head. I would agreed that my total sales are not as good this year as in 2014 or 2015 but I'm still well on track for about 200k ped in annual sales with a satisfactory profit figure.

    If anything the biggest impediment I see to running a successful crafting business right now is the ongoing performance issues and bugs experienced within shops. This discourages customers from using shops and makes it a much bigger and more frustrating task for me to stock the shops, which sucks out the fun and kind of kills my motivation.

  6. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I'd agree with this I haven't used anything but armatrix bp pistols since they came out because with a beast amp and sights and scopes I am at 66% + efficiency and it definitely makes a difference.
    When Loot 2.0 came along and after some testing I went through my storages and any weapons with less than 56% efficiency went in the TT. Personally I wouldn't buy any weapon with less eff% than that and then I'd be looking at MU and number of uses.
  7. SirMixaLot

    SirMixaLot Member

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    well this is one of my complaint points Ma have destroyed the game with these gizmoes and i dont event know what a gizmo is but i can clearly see they want us to stop playing their strangely made changes that just ruins us and the drops that is needed for weapons bp from book 2 nolonger exists meaning that more thatn 75 % of my Bps is no longer craftable and i lost 10000 of ped on them now eg mind ark have become scammers. and im still very angry
    so heres my solution to this problem eg No deposits for the rest of this year and a sit down strike around the most used tps around the universe