hi. what you think about teleports on the planets for vibrant sweat. I'm thinking that many new players would appear in the game... more dynamic what you think?
If you mean charges for use of a TP, and that charge to be paid in ped I see trouble ahead. Firstly the major bitchfest caused by introduction of fees. Second Sweat is heavy, if you carry it to pay your TP usage, you will barely be able to move let alone hunt or mine. If my assumption is wrong please elucidate
How would it help a new free player or even some one like myself, when I first started I just got the $5 bronze package just to try the game out by increasing their costs to start playing? Being so used to other mmo's I did my usual if it moves, kill it and loot it routine and wondered at my ped card balance vanishing fast (guides and advice? they are like diy furniture instructions real men (and women to be modern and PC) don't need them. Or so we think at first). This unfortunately is what most new players do, then they either give up and blame the game for not giving them lots of free money or try making free peds sweating. If when I had started there was also fee paying teleport's in game, I would probably have uninstalled the game to be honest. Just last year Neverdie proposed a fee paying teleport system and the out cry from players was so much that MindArk stirred itself to action and told him to forget it as it will never happen. And yes I do know he has 1 pay to use teleport (which can be ignored simply by using a teleport chip II instead) on RT and has a proposed one for between different games in a virtual universe. Arkadian free players are lucky in that they can easily get to Celeste outpost with out high level mobs flattening them and their vehicle and leaving them at an outpost surrounded by high level mobs and no teleport. They are lucky in that apart from the myriad uses in crafting for sweat http://www.candyman.se/pe/bobthebuilder/v2/index.php?page=301&itemNo=12257 there's also a market for it for the 10k needed for the Arkadian passport for players born on other planets. This gives the Arkadian free player a better price, it also helps that there's not the 100's of afk sweaters like on Calypso, flooding the market at stupidly low prices (1.2 ped a K) as they rush to under cut each other.
Standard teleports should be free, I would probably just quit the game if I had to pay for them. However - I would love to see inter-planetary teleports, and I don't think it would be unreasonable for MA to charge for those. I'd rather it just be PED though and not sweat.
If the TP rates were high enough, it wouldn't kill the industry. Make the inter-planet TPs cost 25ped and equus/ms warp is still competitive.
Since most VIP warps are 20 / 25 or 30 ped I totally fail to see how a 25ped interplanetary TP would not impact the trade of the ship owners. Especially when you take into account that TP would be totally safe for lootables, whereas space proper is PVP. While some passengers on the larger ships may log off to avoid risk, this is not even an option for the equus / firebird class ships. Since space investors have committed a lot of ped to this game yet already get very little in terms of game development, this would be the nail in the coffin for many. Ped exiting game is bad for us all.
If interplanetary TP's were introduced as part of a major space VU which implemented many of the ideas for space which have been proposed in several threads over the years, then I'd probably not be opposed to the idea since then there would be plenty for ship owners to do in space other than acting as taxi service providers.
Yea I hear where you are coming from. I guess I was thinking about the convenience of the majority, rather than the special interests of a select few. I take a lot of warp flights myself, so I do currently support the industry. My main gripe about space is the PvP factor. In my opinion this severely limits inter-planetary trade and generally promotes isolationism among the planets. Maybe the TP is not the right solution, but I am probably not the only player that would like to see more convenient inter-planetary travel. Even just a global auction would be a boon to the economy, IMO. Anyway, didn't mean to derail the thread, was just a thought.
You know you can buy goods on any planet from any planet and teleport the loot back to you for a fee, right? It's called auction transport.
Yes, but you can't sell goods on any planet. And if you're talking about using this method for normal loot transport, the AH fees are way too prohibitive.
I use it regularly to acquire crafting materials as well as occasional guns and such and manage to do ok. It's true you can't list items in a remote auction. I guess MA is trying to provide some protection to the players they enticed in to making huge investments in space after they screwed over the hanger owners. I guess it would be interesting to allow you to list on a remote auction for an additional fee (plus another fee to get your stuff back from the remote planet if the auction expires without a buyer) but only if they get the space transport missions going. Those missions were supposed to be funded by auction fees.
The paid teleport is from the prison. Secret island and back uses bananas from loot and I had forgotten that, just shows how long ago I needed or wanted to go there.
So there are two payed teleporters on Rocktropia already? One with bananas, the other with rockbucks?