Hi all, just wanted to let y'all no I am back in game and taking care of business after a wee time away. Every so often I am unable to successfully log in even though I authenticate. Something times out in the hand off from logon server to game server. The issue can last from days till over a month. This time I have been locked out since a little while after the launch of loot 2.0. Anyhoo, I am back on now, and on a faster connection - perhaps that is the thing that was missing. I have had heaps of shop item sales over the last month or so and some of the shelves are pretty bare. So I plan to focus on crafting and restocking. Could take me a few days to a week, depending on available time, ingredients and motivation so please be patient. In meanwhile, if you are looking for something I regularly stock and you cant find it in the shop, then if you are on at the same time as me if you are on arkadia if I have the ingredients I can probably put together a special order for you. Happy hunting! KikkiJikki
Welcome back, glad to hear you got your connection sorted. As someone out in the farm land I feel your pain.