Hi Everyone ! Can anyone tell me how these combat masks are looted?as far as i heard they are from hunting right? If it is so then cool....but its not what im here to ask the community or devs. What i want to knw is does those masks are drop according to the avatar's RL country based? Then if thats how they are looted im happy....but the thing is im from Sri Lanka and only 2 ppl including me and my friend are playing this game and im pretty sure ark devs excluded Sri Lanka from the creation list.i asked the support centre on this matter and their reply was its a arkadia devs matter and will forward my case.So far no reply.then i pmd ark advicers and Dylan through ark forum and same senario....no reply. When i started at 2015 on arkadia i had to ask the devs of entropia life tracker to include my country in their system and they added. My wish is that someone on developing team sees this and help me and my friend get these cool masks. Lets see how many Sri Lankans were hiding here all this time and say "hi ! u r not alone" Thanks in advance Im Hitman guys
I looted masks from Navi. It seems like a rare loot mechanic except that when it happens you get x TT worth of masks made up of 6 or so different masks. So in several hours of hunting I looted masks twice ending up with a dozen or so masks from a wide variety of countries (not including Sri Lanka). This is why in EntropiaLife you see one avatar credited with the discovery of lots of masks in a short period. Regards, KikkiJikki
Started a coversation with Dylon and not a single reply from him.i wonder if he still reads the posts we make and i saw somewhere he does.No help from MA devs and No help from ark devs.who will help me to get my combat mask? Hope someone will reply.....
scoria, pandi, and huon all drop them. ive looted around 50 so far. Where you live doesnt matter and you can get 1-8 in a single loot.
Had them drop only once, from a Kadra Young, but got 10 in one loot, none of them from my country....or Sri lanka for that matter. GL with your quest.
Thanks guys.i love the items in this game which keeps me playing everyday.Dylan replied few days ago so will hope for the best.Being one of the 2 craziest ppl from my country ever to play this MMO is a great feeling. I can blow pplz minds showing off my stuff and get them in to play the game with me and then take over the world.lol.