IFN Soldier Lizzy

Discussion in 'Other Fiction' started by IFN Soldier Lizzy, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Hello (again) Arkadians!

    As you can see, my name is IFN Soldier Lizzy. Suffice to say that I am a returning player. Most of you knew me in the past as Lizzy Storm.

    A lot of things happened in the last year for me that I have been dealing with, which is one of the reasons I disappeared and now reappeared under a new name. For those interested, I’m sorry but I will not go into further details on the private part on that matter.

    Yes, it’s clear I made a new account ((again) please MA gods, don’t rain down on me, I’m doing all according to the EULA) I felt like starting over for a long time, and I tried before, but I really needed to take a break from it all and come back anew. It also didn't help I lost the login details of my previous account. My sincerest apology’s to friends I haven’t found back again and any inconveniences I have caused. Anyone I knew feel free to send me a friends request, too many names to remember I am afraid.

    Now I’m back to being a new player, exploring Arkadia once again and actually seeing things I haven’t seen before, or seeing changes I would not have seen otherwise like the Arkadia Advisor booth being cleaned up at the New Arrivals Hangar.

    Being a ‘noob’ also puts things in a different perspective than I had being a Bokol farmer, and I have been enjoying it so far. It is hard without a doubt, and in this new thread I will be telling my stories as I go.

    Without further ado, enjoy reading my first entry!

    And a little pic of how I just look like my previous self, Lizzy Storm.

    IFN Soldier Lizzy’s Log
    Entry 1 : Dropship dropped.

    Me. It dropped me on Arkadia. No, it did not land safe and sound like it was supposed to be. As soon we left the mothership the trainee pilot hit the debree in Arkadia’s space zone and it sent us into a bumpy ride down. Luckily we did not land in the artic zone, as I already read that Smugglers were busy looting a previously crashed ship in the mountains there. Flying like a shooting star over Arkadia’s mountaintops and jungle is the last I remember. The next thing I know, I wake up in a dropship at the New Arrivals Hangar. I knew they were trying their best to hide the crash as not moments later I saw the trainee pilot still shaking from the event, pale as a ghost.

    Then came the boring part, passports, travel documents, you name it. The immigration office was the first stop. Just a matter of filling out paperwork, then having to confirm the paperwork. It felt like I was in that office for hours. Especially as I was the only IFN personnel immigrating, none of the contractors or civilians were willing to talk to me. As if I were the same as all of Earth’s corrupt police and politicians. My reason for immigration is just that, no more earth, no more corruption, overpopulation or general destruction of our home planet. I’m looking for a new home, just like them.

    “This is yours.”
    A pad is trusted into my hands.
    “This contains the map of Arkadia, general information, and your first mission. On your way, Soldier. Follow the arrows to the nearby base.”
    I wanted to salute but the officer started helping another immigrant before I could do something. Fine. Following the green arrowed road it is then, this isn’t Kansas anymore, Lizzy.
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    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
  2. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Glad to see you back Lizzie, I wondered why you went quiet - the story comp could have been made for you.
    Looking forward to your posts & adventures
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    IFN Soldier Lizzy’s Log
    Entry 2 : Luck of the noob.

    The green arrowed road took me all over Arkadia. Doing menial tasks and meeting IFN Commanders along the way. I have seen the desert, the jungle and the snowy north, but nothing impresses me more than the similarities to Earth. And yet there are as many differences. We got grass, trees, snow and sand, yet the creatures are truly alien. And of course there are already mutated versions roaming the planet, thanks to the technology from Earth we didn’t ask for.

    Knowing that the teleporter system was buggy during the first wave of colonization, I’m happy to report they are working as intended. The best thing is, they are faster than back home as there is less traffic here that needs to go through the system. I can pop from one side of the planet to the other in less than 10 seconds!

    I’m getting off track here. At the end of the exploring I was assigned to Resolute Firebase and I already found a bunk buddy! How cool is that? It is a rather large firebase, but it is a shame that there is no housing there. I would have to get an apartment somewhere else. All in time.

    Currently I am taking it easy on Arkadia. Mostly swunting Carabok, sometimes Nusuls at the SSI, but Carabok are high on my priority list. It is a great source for initial skills and you are able to make a few ped off them. In my downtime I sometimes visit the Battle Simulator. It is a great place where you can train your aim and dodge, and sometimes you get a nice reward at the end too. I got two small successes that I would like to show you.


    batsim 2.png

    So hereby you know, you can get globals –possibly even a HoF- from the chest at the end of the Battle Simulator. I don't know if these loots were results of the stars aligning or as they call it "the luck of the noob". Either way, it helps me getting started on this planet just a little bit better.
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  4. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 3 : I can’t even…

    Just no. No swunting. I am a hunter by heart it seems and I just can’t take the swunting no more. I’d rather farm Battle Simulator than hear the endless clicking noise of the VSE. And yes, I do still sweat occasionally at the SSI. That is purely because I am still within the agility range to sell but also because I want to be the owner of an adjusted restoration chip one day and that needs mind essence, and not the synthetic kind.

    So where am I at right now? I’m really just doing random hunts on puny creatures and popping into Battle Simulator every so often. A girl can’t have enough guns now, can she? Well, actually I can, but that is because I chose to master short blades. Can’t regret that choice till I hit Kill Strike, so don’t help me to regret it.

    But honestly, I’m really just messing around right now. Discovering a new TP here, hunt some mobs there, having my hoverpod blow up on me because I couldn’t dodge Beladoth. Noob stuff really, and I’m perfectly fine with it.

    I am happy to report that I was one of the first to acquire IFN uniforms, and they look great. It makes me feel much more like the soldier I am than the previous uniform they issued. My only complaint is that I advise against wearing any of the uniforms in the desert, they are a bit too warm for that environment.

    net outfit.png

    So when in the desert, or just during a sunny day, this is the look I am going for. (note to self, get sunglasses)

    lizzy 2.png

    But, no more swunting. Or maybe a little. Very little.

    batsim 3.png
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  5. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 4 : Battle Simulator

    I have a confession to make. I have been farming Battle Simulator. Hard. 201 recorded runs. (I have done more but not recorded) And until the first of April I had a lot of fun doing it. But as you might suspect, not anymore.

    After the Beta period was over, some changes were made that not everyone was aware of. They increased the range of the splash damage from the turrets. That is fine with me, helps practicing dodging skills. Then there was something else I noticed in the last 1-1,5 weeks. The drop chance of the weapons went from ~90% all the way down to ~15%. Not to mention that you need to be very lucky to get anything other than an R1, not to mention that only 1 in 8 are full TT. (according to my logs.) Last but not least, since fewer and fewer people do Battle Simulator, fewer runs are failed. Resulting in a lesser chance to get an increased reward.

    Not to mention that after so many runs, my best was 7:37 minutes, not enough to stay in the top 10 long enough to claim a prize for my time.

    lolwut.png lolwut?

    Who knows, maybe I just had a ton of luck in the beginning and now paying the prize. Maybe more people can attest to the changes, if not then it’s just me.

    All in all, yes I will try to do some more Battle Simulators over time. Currently it looks like the changes made it less worth it and I will just need to find a new venture to invest in.

    My new, and old, venture is hunting of course. While I am still doing the puny missions, I have gathered quite a lot of skill pills from Battle Simulator that will help me skill ever so slightly faster than without. 20% boosts are better than nothing, right? I can always swunt (blech) or walk for fruits (booooring) heal people (no one would hire me at level 0,48) to keep me busy.
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    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
  6. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 5 : Exploration

    So I have done a little bit of exploration on Arkadia, and without a doubt I still have more to see than I've seen so far.

    The picture below is what I wanted to share, it was a little horseshoe shaped island in a lake I crossed to discover a new TP. It is located between Dependable Firebase and Cobra Digsite.

    It is a nice little island where you can take a breather from the tough Madana's that are to the West of it, or from the young Oro's to the North.

    Although, it is time again to bug the colonists at Celeste Quarry to repair my hoverpod. For the 4th time.

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  7. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 6 : Random thoughts

    I bet you have thought about it a few times over and still haven’t found a clear answer. Where do the creatures come from?

    Currently I am doing a hunt or two a day on mostly Carabok. I’m happily swinging my knife, clearing a path through the pack, only to turn around to see new ones have appeared out of thin air! I’m serious, one second there is nothing, then ‘poof!’ a new one! I know, a lot can be explained by being on an alien planet, with alien biology, un-earthly day and night times, you name it. But this! It is like magic. I have searched everywhere for answers, read a ton of papers regarding the creatures on Arkadia, but no one has found a reason for this.
    Now, I know. Carabok have amazing camouflage. I see many new colonists hunting them and failing to see at least half of the Carabok in the packs. That does not mean I am the same. I like to believe I am very good at analyzing the data on my radar. I just want to know if anyone knows a scientist that is willing to research the matter.

    Another thing I think about. We are in the Entropia galaxy. A spiral galaxy just like our own Milky Way. Yet, it haves more life than any galaxy we have discovered and explored so far. Beyond the current planets we have colonized, there have to be more with an atmosphere right? Not to mention there are a total of 6 planets and one moon, for 10.000 colonists give or take. Imagine the possibility of the number of colonist doubling. Now that would be something!

    There is of course a reason why I am thinking about these things. I am currently doing a little bit of galaxy exploring, with the help of my mentor and friend Mr Muis. I am currently making my way to Toulan, mostly with the sole objective of finishing my discipleship with my mentor. Getting the new Rifi armor. I already have a full set of Adjusted Musca at tier one, no use of getting a second set. While I am there I am of course going to do some exploring, some small missions. Probably make some pictures if I can remind myself of it.


    Before I forget! Gold Rush 6/7 has started. I cannot join this time, but I hope I can next month. I do wish every contestant the best of luck!
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  8. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 7 : Toulan Tours!

    Check these!

    toulan 1.png toulan 2.png toulan 3.png toulan 4.png toulan 5.png

    Nice right? That's only a small part of Toulan that I have seen. It is far bigger than this, but I came to Toulan with a mission. Finishing mentoring. And so I did!



    I wanted to finish mentoring on Toulan so I could get the Rifi armor. Just for the looks. Every girl wants to feel special, right?

    RIFI 2.png
    For the outfit I should really have some lighter make-up, but what you see is all I have right now.

    Toulan was nice to visit. Apart from my mission I sure wanted to look around and explore a little. Well, I was so poised on getting that armor that I could not enjoy the exploring at all. I will do my best to save it for some other day. After all, Arkadia is my home. Toulan will make a nice destination for vacation. Some time off from farming on Arkadia, working for the IFN. Although, I can't remember if I have seen any notion of time off on my contract.

    Here, have a complementary Tabtab picture:


    Up up and away! Back to Arkadia it is!

    PS: in most of my scenery pics I have the Al~Burja tower in the background, I didn't realize after posting. It's not a secret penis joke, it's just coincidence.
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  9. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 8 : Bye camo

    And hello Bunnicula! That is how I’m going to name my new Eudoracell. My camo will be very ineffective if I am sneaking through the bushes of Arkadia and there is a pink bunny hopping behind me. It does come with a slight problem though; I need to level it to level 7 on Calypso before I can train it on Arkadia. Something to do with raising the bunny in its own habitat, needing to have it trust you and grow on you before ‘exporting’.

    So Calypso is where I am currently residing, out of need. Luckily I am well aware that Calypso offers a lot of freebies for new colonists, so I am happily planning to spend my first few days here collecting as many freebies as I could. Thule was unfortunately off limits for me, so no free vehicle or rocket launcher. So currently I am helping the CDF, Calypso’s equivalent of the IFN, they are short-staffed it seems. Their armor they give out as reward for helping them looks cooler than its strong. That is not their only problem, they also seems to have problems with things called Argonauts and robots. A better thing to name is that the planet is unique in its own way. They have cherry blossom on Calypso! It’s that time of the year! And I made a scenery picture too, the design of that bridge is very nice.

    Blossoms.png bridge.png

    When will I be back on Arkadia again? Soon I hope. It is still my duty to work for the IFN. Bunnicula, I might calling him just Bun to make it an easy short name, it only level 2 now so there is still a long way to go to that magical level 7.

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  10. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 9 : Calypso diary

    Day 2:
    - Already thinking about selling the Rifi armor. Even though it looks great, I already got an armor set that is almost the same and all pieces are at tier 1 already. Also, I change my mind as much as a girl changes clothes. Wait no… that is not correct. I’ve been wearing the same IFN outfit for over a week now.
    - I’ve been working on getting that full CDF armor set, two more pieces to go. Actually another armor set I will probably never use. Will have to think about what to do with that.
    - Bun is at about 50% XP and still at level 2, but I have not been busy today. I will catch up on training him tomorrow.
    - My Vivo S10 broke. It is an OK FAP. Will repair it sometime soon, skill with it until I can use the S.I.H.E.A.R.T. that I own.

    Day 3:

    - Upgraded Bukin’s Spare Rifle to the adjusted one. Now I need to wear down those 10ped TT on it before going back to playing with knives again. Why? Because those 10ped TT is a waste to just put into storage, and I still got a lot of Universal Ammo I can use it with. Started the Calypso Puny mission because of the Bukin’s, ended up camping the Berycled event spawn.
    - Also decided I want to hold on to (L) weapons for now, to get skills that I could possibly sell in the future, especially if I focus on knives. Will make a separate post for that later I think.
    - I also got my first registered global!
    2017-04-11 -- Prototype Droka Gen 05 23 PED .jpg

    Day 4-8:
    - Been away, so I have not done much. Bun is at level 4.43. This might take a while. I suspect I will finish the Calypso Puny mission before Bun reaches level 7. I’m currently at almost 4k of the 10k kills!
    - Posted on the message boards that I am selling my Rifi and CDF armor, I did not get any responses so I posted the armor sets on the Calypso Auction. Already sold most of my CDF armor set, and there are bids on all the pieces of Rifi. Not too bad I’d say.

    More comes later, my dear Calypso diary.
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  11. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 10 : Bun and skills

    Like my Captain used to say; “Skills are only useful if you actually use them. Time and money is wasted obtaining skills you don’t need.” True in a sense. But what idiot other than me wants to master knives like a bloody ninja? Yes, me! My aim is what people refer to as ‘potatoe’, no matter how much I train myself in BatSim. With a knife you can at least frantically cut around you and wound something, with a gun or rifle you really don’t want to do that, especially with that Captain near you.

    So, knives it is, also for the safety of others. Although, a problem arises with that. By working for the IFN you get skills, and a lot of those skills are skills that would be deemed ‘useless’. Also, even having died down, it’s always handy to have a ranged weapon at the ready for when the Oratan attack. So what does one do with all those skills? I guess that eventually I will sell them, but only the ones I can miss. Only with ESI’s that I will loot myself. Hopefully I will make my captain proud. At least I kept true to the promise of returning to Arkadia once Bun reached level 7.

    For now I will mostly focus on working for the IFN, specifically the IFN daily mission to kill Oratan. They seem to be multiplying faster than they can be killed. Civilians often asked me if

    Day 10 on Calypso : (Tuesday)
    Very close on finishing the Calypso Puny mission issued by the CDF, the IFN’s equivalent on Calypso. Bun is almost level 5 now too, plans are to do some exploring once I have killed all the puny’s that had been asked of me. Luckily Calypso is a big planet and there is lots to explore.

    Due to a friend commenting on Bun, I might be reconsidering keeping him. If someone can make an offer worth it I am happy to let go of him. Will get him to level 7 first though, get my ass to Arkadia, probably will keep leveling him there until I find a suitable caretaker for him. Send me a message in game or on the forums if you want more information on Bun Bunnicula.
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  12. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 11 : Phoned home

    My pilot luckily agrees that Arkadia is more pleasant than Calypso, but there are more planets and he has visited them all. Each is unique in its own way, mostly due to the culture of the colonizing country and people. I’m unlucky as my pilot can’t shut up about the benefits of controlled black holes for travel to replace warp travel with. As far as I know, black holes are the thing of nightmares, controlled or not.

    After a safer landing than last time, I arrive on Arkadia. Thanked my pilot as one does, not with a nod or a tip of the hat but with a verbal thank you while handing over the travel fees. There go my hard earned PED. To be fair, I don’t know if I earned anything but Bun’s affection while on Calypso. I was fooled into buying Easter Strongboxes, ending up with so much Universal Ammo that I HAD to shoot with the free Rifle. I have to admit, ranged weapons are nice, but I so much rather stick with melee, knives now specifically. So the ranged weapon skills I gathered are now waiting for a buyer on the Calypso Auction. And any UA I will collect will be going to mining, as I am slightly interested in that profession, but mostly to just get rid of UA.

    Thank god Bun can’t talk or understand English, because the spray of curses I got by rules I’ve broken were as one would say, rather colorful and fascinating. This verbal ass-whooping I got from my superior was just the icing on the I-really-don’t-like-Calypso-cake I needed. There is so much for me to do on Arkadia, almost two weeks of training I missed out on. If anyone is disappointed with my leave, it would be me.

    I have noticed that I have made decisions that I ended up regretting, or changing because of new ideas. That is something I will have to work on in the future, because if I don’t I will end up doing a few too many things I will end up regretting. Visiting Calypso to train that bunny and then deciding I could take another path… At least I did finish a mission and got me some skills along the way.

    Bun has been sold at a slight profit. Yes I know, I really liked him. In the end I just realized that it is nice to see that speed boost in the future, as long I am not an uber it is not worth having ped stuck in a pet. Also, later on I might just get lucky and get an event ring through boxes or farming for peds that gives me the boost as well.

    On the menu there are still 5 puny missions I will have to complete on Arkadia before any of the real work will begin. That will also indicate the point I will start tracking my hunts, I don’t find it worth it to do it on puny creatures.

    May Lootius give me strength.
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  13. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 12 : Old patterns

    First off, I forgot to release a picture I made on Calypso that makes one roll her eyes and think “typical Calypso behavior”. At least I did.

    Entropia 2017-04-19 18.15.42.jpg

    Second, I have fallen into old patterns again. First I wasted my UA in the Arkadia Underground, making losses I dare not wish to post. So, here I am with the losses, what will I do? Of course, I will gamble some more with crafting. This time the crafting did pay off, but this should be a one-time thing. I got better things to do. Like finishing off some puny missions and preparing for the last Gold Rush.

    Obligatory HoF picture here;
    2017-04-21 -- Simple I Conductors 1198 PED .jpg
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  14. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 13 : Gold Rush preparation

    With the last Gold Rush (7/7) in two weeks, I started to prepare myself. I need the skills to use my Khorum Ice Dagger at its most efficient. I need survivability and hunt smart.


    Currently I am close to being maxed on the Khorum Ice Dagger. Still got some work ahead of me. Decided I would farm the Dromia mission. In my enthusiasm for farming I bought way too many E.L.M. castorians, those use universal ammo. So after Dromia I will have some knives left, those will be used to do the dailies.

    I wanted to use armor as in my case it’s cheaper to use armor than to use my healing tool without armor. Now, the Adjusted Musca is a bit too strong for the Magurg Breeder 1’s, so I looked around for alternatives. Best alternative I found was the Musca (L) from the Trade Terminal. Solved. Still cheap to use.

    I got my speed ring and my health ring, but apart from that I still got better boosts from strongboxes. Those will be used first. Not to forget that I will use as many skill pills that I can use, especially the ones I can get from Gold Rush itself.


    I will only use the Khorum Ice Dagger. I did bid on a Melee Trauma Amplifier I on the auction. If I win that one then I will use it on my dagger too. Makes it a little bit more eco. Because my weapon will only last about 30 minutes before it breaks, I might also invest in a Portable Repair Unit.

    I think that concludes it. All the rest of the work will have to be done inside Gold Rush. I need to find at least 2 of the 5000 points tokens to have a chance at the top prize, and that will be down to luck I’m afraid. If there is any interest I will also post my logs at the end for those curious.

    Meanwhile, since I have been back on Arkadia a few things happened. My first Arkadia global;

    2017-04-21 -- Gallard 14 PED .jpg

    A spontaneous team hunt;

    2017-04-21 -- Huon Young 58 PED .jpg 2017-04-21 -- Huon Young 81 PED .jpg

    And a really great loot during the daily Thug mission;

    2017-04-25 -- Oratan Prospector Thug 47 PED .jpg

    Now, time for more stabby stabby at the Dromia. Over and out.

    *edit* After looking in the Trade Terminal at the Musca armor, it has changed. Stats do not correlate with the stats on Entropedia. Going to try to get me a Corvus UNL set here.
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
  15. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 14 : Rambling about plans

    So, in my previous post I wrote about my plan to do GR 7/7 and how. But what to do once GR is over? Well, it will be approximately 5 months till Halloween Mayhem. Why not prepare for that?

    So, after GR I will take those 5 months to prepare to do Halloween Mayhem. And I think I will need those 5 months. First I want to get my hands on the Adjusted Restoration Chip that I have been eyeballing. Second I want to get armor plates to take reduced damage from the Zombie Mutants. Third I want to get enough skills to use the Aakas Fire Dagger and of course an amp to go with it.

    So how do I intend to do it? For the skills I will at least finish all the puny missions on Arkadia. Knowing I won’t get to the minimum skill levels required for the Aakas Fire Dagger, I will also do my best to do the daily’s every day. With my Corvus set (at the time of writing still missing the Shin Guards) I can do the dailies and see if I can get some tier HoF’s out of it. It is a good low set to do those missions with. And when HM draws near I will see how I do on skills.

    I am also happy to announce that I got the first two unlocks for my melee skills!
    martial arts.jpg

    The PED. That might be harder. I am planning to sell my Khorum Ice Dagger and skipping the skilling on the Leoi. Now, I’ve been thinking. I can do a bit of BatSim, a bit of trading, fruit walking, sweating. Enough options to get a few ped here and there. I am not too worried about it right now.

    Well, all in all, I got 5 months, right? Will have to see where my plans will get me. Hell, I might even end up collecting AUD for the hell of it if the price is right.

    And no, I am not a heretic for wanting to go to another planet for an event. My heart it still with Arkadia! Just knowing this ahead of time I can notify my commander that I will be gone around Halloween, and possibly also the holidays. That will be fun to arrange…
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  16. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 15 : Smuggler are stoopid.

    Haha, I get it now. Monura = Manure, a reference to the Earth’s dung beetles. The IFN still got some form of humor left in them. Back on Earth when I was still in training these critters were not discovered yet. The general belief now is that they lived in the ground just like the Arkadian Hornet, probably in some state of hibernation, before us humans came and fucked up their cycle. We’re good at fucking up nature.

    I like to believe that in the time of the ancient Arkadians the planet looked like it still does on the secret Smuggler Island. Full with vegetation and Jori in all waters. Then came Oratan and then us.

    About the smugglers though. They aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. Matter of fact, they are missing out on a lot of Arkoins from me. You see, you can hunt Jori in the waters around Secret Island. As long you don’t hunt the Oratan for your IFN mission, untaxed. The only ‘tax’ you would be paying is a few Arkoins. You can enter over and over again when the time runs out. So I have been spending me some quality time with Jori.

    Even though I am entertaining myself enough with the small critters on Arkadia, I keep dreaming about hunting Bokol. I wake up in the morning with dreams so vivid as if I have been hunting them before. Current technology would indicate a flaw with my memory and the IFN would send me to medical to have it fixed, that is something I don’t want to happen to I will keep this between you and me. If Ned finds out about the incompetence of his crew I’m sure he’ll try to fix it.

    On another note, I looked into the information available for the Nanites that have been discovered in the Arkadia Underground a few months ago. With the data I can almost say with certainty that the Adjusted Nanites come from low maturity creatures, Improved Nanites from mid-maturity creatures and Modified from max maturity creatures. That poses the question as to which I’d rather want to hunt when those Underground creatures are on my list to be hunted. The price of the Adjusted Nanites are over 300PED each!
  17. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 16 : BatSim test.

    I have talked about BatSim before, but this time I felt it was a good idea to go and do a test. Do 100 runs in BatSim and post the result and whether I think it’s worth doing it or not. Well, I did 20 and the boredom set in, but nonetheless the results:

    The details on the 20 runs I did:
    test 1.png

    The sale of the BatSim guns and the MU gained. Note that the white one has not been sold yet.
    test 2.png

    The end result. Expenses, income, profit.
    test 3.png

    The loot breakdown in %:
    test 4.png

    It’s worth it because;

    Guns. If you are privy to BLP pistols than I’d suggest this is a brilliant way to get started and collect some guns to skill with. After a certain skill level you will of course have to move on to different weapons, but that is to be expected. If you don’t want the guns, sell them like I do.
    Skill Pills. You can gather enough from farming BatSim to be able to play forever with 20% increased skill gains. In the long run that might actually be worth it especially if you don’t buy strongboxes.
    Low losses. The potential losses are small at best. Guns still have OK MU so you can cover some of the losses with that, with these 20 runs I think I got lucky. The 20% skills you get extra will be paying off in the long run too. Remember that skill have value as well. Also the shrapnel can either be sold or converted, so a little bit is covered by that too. The occasional runs with improved loot often drop a lot of shrapnel too.

    It’s not worth it because;

    Effort. It takes a lot of effort/time to farm them to be able to get enough skill pills or guns to be doing a proper hunt. And it can get quite boring farming BatSim.
    Timed runs. There is a small chance you will get into the top 10. The more you run it the higher your chances get, but unless you are very competitive or just very good my advice is not to aim for the top 10. Instead just try to get better and better over time so it takes less time to complete it, or at the very least just make sure you actually complete the run.
    Losses. Even though the low losses are fine, farming BatSim might be less rewarding than fruit walking on Arkadia unless you get enough gun drops. The R1 weapons are down to ~150% MU and that is 2-3 good fruit finds. So you will have to think to yourself if you’d rather fruit walk without losses or risk losses trying to get the gun you want dropping in BatSim.

    And yes, I am talking about losses. As stated to attain profit you really need to rely on those gun drops and be able to sell them. Using them saves you spending MU buying them which could be seen as a win too. No guns = no profit.

    I will run more in the future for sure, I may or may not post about it here. If you want to discuss the results or BatSim in general, PM me on the forums or in game or start a topic on the matter. I’d like to keep this thread clean-ish.
  18. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 17 : IFN HQ

    IFN HQ.png

    “This is unacceptable!”

    Commodore Harvir only just manages not to smash his fist on the glass.

    “How many of our soldiers are in bed with the Smugglers? And what is this that I hear about the island? There is no way I would ever allow my men and women to spend their hard earned Arkoins on those criminals!”

    I was just about to turn around and leave, I can wait for a better moment.

    “You, Soldier Lizzy!”

    I stop and turn around, saluting. 'Fuck.'


    “At ease, Soldier. What do you know about these Smugglers and their activities?”

    ifn hq 2.png

    “Just rumors, Sir. I have only been here for a month.”

    He waves it off. There is no need for me to mention that I found the end of the earth on one of my visits to the island.

    Entropia 2017-05-04 10.09.33.jpg Entropia 2017-05-04 10.09.30.jpg

    “Why is your armor not complete, where are your Shin Guards?”

    My mind wonders if I should joke and say Smugglers stole them, but seeing his temper I am better off telling the truth.

    “None are available for this set, Sir.”

    He walks around the IFN carpet laid out in front of him.

    “What is your business here, I assume you did not come for a social call.”

    “I wanted to pick up the mission to hunt Feran, Sir.”

    “Ambitious. That is over 10 missions in your log now. You should finish some before you move on to new missions.”

    “Yes, Sir.”

    I salute and leave. Commodore Harvir is right, I should indeed finish some missions before starting new ones. Though, all missions that I got active in my log right now, I want to finish within a year. Finishing these will get me over a threshold to move up to bigger creatures with the Aakas Fire Dagger or the Songkra Corrosive Dagger. No need to tell him, he got other things on his mind. For me, it is Gold Rush, starting in a few days.
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  19. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 18 : Gold Rush 7/7

    I have completed the 20 hours in Gold Rush 7/7 with a score I am very proud of. Thanks to the Corvus armor I was able to keep my defense costs at 0,76% and I did not have to heal myself even once! With an average kill rate of about 438 per hour, I have managed to complete the kill mission four times and gained two levels in evade. All in all, with my returns, I am very happy with how Gold Rush has been for me.

    Now the stats:
    gr 1.png

    And the looted tokens:
    gr 2.png

    Having looked at the past results of Category 1 in Gold Rush, I made myself believe I have a really good chance at winning something. Yet again, not knowing what other competitors have gathered I have no way of knowing with certainty if my points total is any good.

    For those still competing, don’t give up! Even the skill pills and the kill mission are great even if you can’t win.

    Good luck to all competitors of all categories, may Lootius be with you!
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  20. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    Entry 19 : Calypso

    For the second time I find myself on Calypso, training another Eudoracell which I again named Bun.

    Now that this new Bun is almost level 4 I have totally forgotten why I wanted to go at it again. I don’t even think I have any use of the speed boost once I get it up to level 25 or 32. During the last GR I just used the pills that came in the strongboxes to give me extra run speed.

    Being on Calypso put the planet into a better perspective for me. The result; I can’t wait to get back to Arkadia. That is home for me. I don’t know what to do on Calypso. I don’t know what to hunt, where all the teleporters are. All I really know is where to find the new player missions that I have completed so far. The dailies are ‘meh’ at best because I have zero use of the items one can purchase for daily tokens.

    I mentioned Halloween Mayhem before, but I am not certain at all if I will find myself on Calypso once more after this trip. Not for events, not for pets, not for anything. Let’s face it, I have enough things to do on Arkadia already, and the IFN needs me to do a lot of work.

    So spending some time in Twin Peaks on Calypso, I came across a trader selling a Wolpertinger. Now, I wanted one for a while now, and this was a chance I didn’t want to pass on, as the pet is already level 7. So I bought it, impulse, whatever you want to call it. But having a cool Wolpertinger kinda makes Bun obsolete. I will try to sell Bun on Calypso, or when it gets to level 7 before that I will try Arkadia.

    I will have to think of what I want to do once I get back to Arkadia. I have bought enough E.L.M. knives to be able to finish the Jori mission. (Now that I mentioned it, I haven’t calculated in stage 6.) And after that? The puny missions. And after that? I probably have gotten something stupid in my head I will spend my time on.

    Before I forget, the REAL reason I went to Calypso was to get a full Corvus set, so now I got a complete set (plus 6/7 set too). I should really contain myself with all this shopping and get down to business again.

    WP pet.png