Pc estates on ark

Discussion in 'Price Check' started by mastermesh, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    What's the going rate on apartments and shops on Arkadia
  2. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Anyone? Anyone?

    tap, tap tap, is this microphone on?
  3. Sijtje

    Sijtje Member

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    Most apartments I have seen being sold have been going between 1500-2000ped. Price depends on location, view and size.
  4. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I wouldn't sell mine for less than 2k and would ony be really tempted to sell for 2.5k
  5. jo aloisius smith

    jo aloisius smith Member

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    Just read an article on pcf that said a person bought an apartment on ark for 800 peds in august 2016 that had items in it including non tradable items that gave the seller access to pick up items after the deed was sold. MA doesn't need to fix problems like this because after the support case goes for about 3 months IT DOESNT MATTER and the submitter is just defeated inside. Stories like this sort of fizzle out and get forgotten after a few months and the people affected are really just tempering their expectations and resolving to play anyways.

    I think the worst thing of all is how Arkadia Devs are sitting on so many stores, shops and apartment deeds waiting for what? Peoples money to run out while the max value is extracted? Apartments are selling for way more than they are worth since all they can ever do is just sit there - not make the investor any money passively. Stores are and even bigger rip as so many are sitting unsold on the one hand and broken bugged on the other hand. Why they don't release them all at once is not acceptable IMO.

    There was a booth selling on the auction for 20k a little while ago. Greedy guts, I thought as they were initially released at 5000 peds in the AH. I'm interested to see what's going to happen with the new shops around but not really hopeful that the devs will straighten up their business practices since they are limited to act inside MA's poorly designed business model.
  6. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    2k u say... hmmm. That price I may be willing to work with in about a year after all the tt on my UL whips and universal ammo get converted to other stacks.
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    A couple of comments about this post...

    When the shops and apartments first started coming on the market, the statement from the devs was that the release of deeds required ok from MA and was tied to the level of player activity on Ark. As player activity increased, more deeds would be released, and that is what appears to have happened. Assuming this requirement is still in place, that is why we are not seeing all deeds released.

    I continue to be frustrated at the functional issues I encounter in restocking my shops. Last time I discussed this with Dylan he said that they were working with MA to diagnose the cause but that they had not yet been able to reproduce the issue in their test environment. I get cranky just writing about the situation since it sucks the fun out of the game for me, as well as hitting my sales totals. I want to increase item capacity of two of my shops on ark but I can't see the point while the problems persist.

    My view is that 20k for a Quarry booth is not unreasonable. In fact mine is worth more than that to me and I certainly won't be selling at that price. Most of the booths have been upgraded to higher capacity since they were released and that cost the then owner. No booths are bugged (that I know of) and the sales turn over in the quarry is tremendous and quite competitive with ark shops. Their only downside is their limited capacity.

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  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I think this can vary a lot, and it's good that you said "to me". Your name is an established brand and you can certainly convert more than a nobody trying it out for the first time. That said, when a shop or booth goes on sale, they'll have to compete for it.

    I sometimes wonder how to value the booths at Celeste Harbour in that elevated pavillon. Looks like a top location, but actually is no match for Quarry or the main shops traffic-wise. They are taken, but not all are active. Someone speculated and got caught between a rock and a hard place there, or is my impression wrong?
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  9. Ian "Darc Bartonaire"

    Ian "Darc Bartonaire" Member

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    Ive noticed the "falling" thru the floor bug in lots of shops and apartments on Arkadia. I used to have this problem constantly, but not anymore. I used a laptop with Intel HD graphics, not the best of course as it shares the system memory as the CPU. I upgraded to a Nvidia960MX 4gRam and have not fallen thru the floor one time. Ive been in all the shops around Celeste with no issues. That bug is directly related to the memory usage and the machines ability to draw those structures faster. Most of the shop is already loaded before I come around the first corner as I enter. I also run on max settings as well 1900x1080dpi with very high selected for the graphics options. I hope this help narrow down the fix or help others adjust current settings to minimize this :)
  10. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    I dont think it got fixed cos of a 960MX on your laptop, I had a 975M for a year till a couple of weeks ago, and now I have a 1060M. Still same issues. Maybe something else in your systems helped you "fix" it ..... drivers, etc
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'm running GTX 970M on quad core i7 with 16GB RAM. I don't think the issue is my machine.
    Problems in my shops include, shelves, weapons, walls disappearing, items not selectable. Getting stuck in walls.
    "Fixed" by one or more of jumping up and down, facing another part of the shop and moving slightly, exiting an re-enter shop, relog.
    Restocking my shop should take me around 15 minutes but it's not unusual for it to take 2 hours. And there are three of my shops that have this problem.

    I also have occasional issues in my Caly shops but not to the same extent.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
  12. Hans

    Hans Member

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    I use an i7/16GB/GTX970 and run the game at either 1680x1050 or 1440x900 (windowed) and see serious problems in any shop on Ark. While standing in the hallway the shop looks fine but I fall through the floor while moving around in it, while all walls / furniture and items re-render all the time. In certain seemingly random locations in the shop the re-rendering of items might stop or slow down to the extent that I can click on something to view it's stats. Needless to say I need to be high on time and patience to do any shopping on Ark as I can spend minutes trying to view a single item and I most certainly don't want the task of attempting to re-stock anything.
  13. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    it the same thing with the shopkeepers, sometimes they take forever to load all the items in the inventory
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  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sure but once the items are loaded, they dont randomly disappear.
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