Gold Rush 6/7 Event

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Gold Rush 2017
    (Gates Open) 7th April 00:00:01 UTC - (Gates close) 15th April 15:00:01 UTC

    (what is UTC? click here)

    Attention Gold Rush Enthusiasts

    The annual Gold Rush event is upon Planet Arkadia again. This year the event comes with outstanding prizes.

    The Gold Rush will be run over a course of 7 months, separated into 7 events, each events will last a period of 9 days.


    Hidden within the loots is a set of Event Tokens. These tokens have points allocated to each of them. These points are as follows. (one set of tokens for each instance level)

    Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point
    Cat.1 Event Token - 5 Points
    Cat.1 Event Token - 10 Points
    Cat.1 Event Token - 20 Points
    Cat.1 Event Token - 50 Points
    Cat.1 Event Token - 100 Points
    Cat.1 Event Token - 500 Points
    Cat.1 Event Token - 1000 Points
    Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points

    You will need to obtain the "Gold Rush Category 1 - 6/7* (2, 3, 4)" mission from the Gold Rush Quest giver first before you will be able to enter the Gold Rush instances. You can enter these instances however many times you like during the Gold Rush and there is no key required to enter, the mission itself acts as the key. Please note, that these tokens cannot be traded. Once these tokens have been looted, the points will be automatically counted towards the mission when you loot any of the "Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point" from within the instances.

    Total score will be calculated based on hourly point averages to derive each participant's 20 hour normalized points.

    Example of how it is calculated
    Avatar 1
    Total points: 2000
    Hours: 20
    Average points per hour: 100
    20 hour normalized score: 2000

    Avatar 2
    Total points: 3800
    Hours: 39
    Average points per hour: 97.44
    20 hour normalized score: 1948.72

    As the event uses normalized score that means that Avatar 1 would win as their normalized score is higher than Avatar 2.

    This event is intended for solo hunters. Any attempt at abusing team mechanics or any other Entropia Universe systems or features in order to gain an unfair advantage over other participants will be grounds for disqualification from the event, forfeiture of any prizes, and possible sanctions imposed on one’s Entropia Universe account.



    If you abandon the mission at any time during the event, all points will be lost and they will NOT be replaced. You will have to start from scratch. So make sure you decide which category you want to compete in beforehand.

    You will have to complete a minimum of 20 hours in the Gold Rush Instances to qualify for winning a prize.

    Qualifying Instances

    Gold Rush Category 1*
    Gold Rush Category 2
    Gold Rush Category 3
    Gold Rush Category 4


    Category 1*

    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment
    2nd: S & B Ardenner 10 (L), Scott & Barlow BP-10 (L), GYRO Combat FAP-10 (L), GYRO FAP-10 (L), Scott & Barlow SB-10 (L)
    3rd: S & B Ardenner 6 (L), Scott & Barlow BP-6 (L), GYRO Combat FAP-6 (L), GYRO FAP-6 (L),Scott & Barlow SB-6 (L)

    For every 100 points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg.

    Category 2
    1st: Gold Rush Armour Plate
    2nd: Small Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 3
    1st: Gold Rush Foot Guards (F)
    2nd: Medium Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 4
    1st: Gold Rush Foot Guards (M)
    2nd: Large Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet
    7th: Gold Rush Foot Guards (M)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Prize Item Statistics

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 1 hour

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 5 hours

    Gold Rush 2016 Armor
    Impact: 13.0
    Burn: 19.0
    Cut: 16.0
    Stab: 13.0
    Electric: 45.0
    Durability: 3350

    Item Set Effect:
    7 Parts

    Acceleration: 5%
    Skill Gain - Paramedic: 8%
    Increased health: 8.00 Points
    5 Parts
    Acceleration: 5%
    Skill Gain - Paramedic: 8%
    3 Parts
    Acceleration: 5%

    Pulsar Armour Plate Gold Rush 2016
    Stab: 5
    Electric: 25
    Durability: 1100

    Valiant Firebase Apartment
    Item points indoors: 115
    Item points in display area: 5
    Item points in additional area: 10

    Oratan Axe Pet
    Passive Effect: Auto Loot
    Level Req: 18
    Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming
    Level Req: 23
    Strength: 20%
    Exportable: Yes (lvl7)

    Aakas Teleporter [11212, 9742]


    * Category 1 is only available to avatars with less than 125hp

    Example: Someone with 124.9hp can join Category 1, but if you have 125hp you will have to compete in Category 2, 3 or 4.

    ** if you should loot a token that will increase your points with equal or more points than the threshold for the Neurobiotic Booster is set, you will receive one (1) Neurobiotic Booster immediately and the counter for the next Neurobiotic Booster is reset. (this is a separate counter than the Gold Rush Points counter so your points will not be affected)

    Example: You have 87 points in Category 1* then you loot one Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points, this will give you one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg instantly. So now you will have 5087 points and if you loot another 13 points you will get another Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg and so on.


    PLEASE ABANDON THE MISSION : Gold Rush Category 1 - 5/7* (2, 3, 4)

    If you have these missions activated, points will be allocated to it and they will not count towards your final score for the new chapter. These points will be null and void. We ask that you abandon the mission before you accept the new mission and enter the gates. Please pass this message to others who might ask .

    With that said, best of luck to one and all. When the event starts it will be announced across all media platforms. So get your equipment ready, load those weapons and get ready for the Gold Rush 2017.​
  2. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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  3. uakh

    uakh New Member

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    If u spend less than 2 hours inside, does that count as 2 hours, or as the time written on the summary windows when u exit?
  4. exsolvo

    exsolvo Member

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    I fail to anywhere find the specification of the mobs in each category, anyone have a neat list on this? i.e damage potential + health on the mobs inside each category
  5. uakh

    uakh New Member

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  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    The latter, but there is no way of telling if that's official. Best practice currently is to take a screenshot of the summary upon every exit, sum up your times and do a little more to be on the safe side.
  7. uakh

    uakh New Member

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    I feel this is pretty important and they should be a lot more open about it. Would also help if they removed the previous month quest automatically once the results are announced.
  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    The 2015 ones are still in the IFN terminal. I don't know how to say it anymore without probably insulting some who don't actually deserve it. Ah what do i know.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Avatar 2
    Total points: 3800
    Hours: 39
    Average points per hour: 97.44
    20 hour normalized score: 1948.72
    • Old Old x 1
  10. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Best Practice is to do 2 hour runs completely every time.
  11. Michael

    Michael Member

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    I went off topic.
    My apoligies :oops:
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  12. uakh

    uakh New Member

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    This has nothing to do with my question. My question was: If I spend 45 minutes inside, is it counted as 45 minutes or 2 hours when the scores are normalised.

    Perfect world and real world governed by real life are 2 different things :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. slither

    slither Active Member

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    The example shows an avatar with 39hrs play, this would not be possible if every entry into the instance was counted as 2 hours. Therefore, if you spend 45mins in the instance it is counted as 45mins not 2 hours.
  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Your actual time inside the instance counts. However it is not always easy to work out what that number is. After a crash the timer disappears. I generally allow 5 minutes for each crash when I am working out how much I need to do to make the minimum 20 hrs.
  15. HaKuRa

    HaKuRa Active Member

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    Ok so yesterday i started, then first try it put me in a session with someone's dammage that have already spent 1 hour+ inside that instance, i made my hour left and when i went out the recap show i spent 2 hours in. Was ok i had abandon mission and start over in other cat, but now it has happen exactly the same. So basically they count me time that i didn't spend in, because they put me in someone else instance. This bug is to important i'm not gonna run gold rush this week. Please look into it.
  16. uakh

    uakh New Member

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    Cool didn't spot that.

    Thanks everyone for the info
  17. The Jetman

    The Jetman Member

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    just happened to me, not sure if i wanna even continue if i've just spent 10 seconds in the instance at the cost of 1hr 41

  18. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    This has just happened to me showing I had done 44min 23s with an avatar AIHIMUS I logged straight out of the instance but does this mean I've lost 44 mins??

    Attached Files:

  19. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thank you for reporting this. we are aware of the situation and have reported it to Mindark.

    Do not worry about timing. If you stay in the instance for 10 seconds, it will register as 10 seconds to your mission / avatar. With regards to the second avatar showing up, this is a bug within the platform and it is being investigated.
    • Like Like x 1
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  20. dakingaros

    dakingaros Member

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    This happpened too me as well. It was short of the 2 hours, but showed 2 hours spent at the end. After the mess up with not counting my score properly in Gold Rush 4, and no resolution at all, despite my evidence, I am watching score like hawk. I won't accept a no-answer reply if the scores are wrong this time with the acknowledgement above of a platform bug. I am losing confidence in the Arkadia Event system with these seemingly unresolvable problems, and if the end result is incorrect, its just tough bickies whether you are correct or not. Unfair if we are spending our PED in good faith that our scores wiil be accurately counted and then they are not, and not investigated or resolved in any meaningful way. I gave up on asking for an answer on Gold Rush 4, but I won't a second time.