G'day All, As of last night I have purchased the shop Celeste Island 4! This shop (yet to be named) is going to be utilized by myself to sell Ores, EnMatter and Treasures from my mining of Planet Arkadia and the odd sales of items friends ask me to display for sale. The major point of my shop will be that ALL Ore/EnMatter/Treasure will be sold BELOW auction prices. For example Aarkan Polymer is ~108% MU, I have listed it in my shop for ~104%. If anyone notices an item listed in my shop for more than the auction MV let me know and it will be lowered. I have contacted the Arkadia Dev's to remodel the exterior of my shop (adding 50 points of items) which should go ahead over the next ?? months. So while I build upon the stock of the shop and prior to the remodel I welcome any suggestions from the Arkadian community for a name for this shop keeping in mind I want to keep the theme of the shop very Australian. Crystal Crissy Dunstone
Seems I have a knack for killing conversations. All I did was to rephrase her mission statement in the 'stralian dialect.