Gold Rush 2017 - 3/7

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Gold Rush 2017
    Event Starts: 6th of January 00:00:01 UTC 2017 - Event Ends 14th January 15:00:01 UTC

    (what is UTC? click here)

    Attention Gold Rush Enthusiasts

    The annual Gold Rush event is upon Planet Arkadia again. This year the event comes with outstanding prizes.

    The Gold Rush will be run over a course of 7 months, separated into 7 events, each events will last a period of 9 days.


    Hidden within the loots is a set of Event Tokens. These tokens have points allocated to each of them. These points are as follows. (one set of tokens for each instance level)

    • Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 5 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 10 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 20 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 50 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 100 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 500 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 1000 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points

    You will need to obtain the "Gold Rush Category 1 - 3/7* (2, 3, 4)" mission from the Gold Rush Quest giver first before you will be able to enter the Gold Rush instances. You can enter these instances however many times you like during the Gold Rush and there is no key required to enter, the mission itself acts as the key. Please note, that these tokens cannot be traded. Once these tokens have been looted, the points will be automatically counted towards the mission when you loot any of the "Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point" from within the instances.

    Total score will be calculated based on hourly point averages to derive each participant's 20 hour normalized points.

    Example of how it is calculated
    Avatar 1
    Total points: 2000
    Hours: 20
    Average points per hour: 100
    20 hour normalized score: 2000

    Avatar 2
    Total points: 3800
    Hours: 39
    Average points per hour: 97.44
    20 hour normalized score: 1948.72

    As the event uses normalized score that means that Avatar 1 would win as their normalized score is higher than Avatar 2.

    This event is intended for solo hunters. Any attempt at abusing team mechanics or any other Entropia Universe systems or features in order to gain an unfair advantage over other participants will be grounds for disqualification from the event, forfeiture of any prizes, and possible sanctions imposed on one’s Entropia Universe account.



    If you abandon the mission at any time during the event, all points will be lost and they will NOT be replaced. You will have to start from scratch. So make sure you decide which category you want to compete in beforehand.

    You will have to complete a minimum of 20 hours in the Gold Rush Instances to qualify for winning a prize.​

    Qualifying Instances
    • Gold Rush Category 1*
    • Gold Rush Category 2
    • Gold Rush Category 3
    • Gold Rush Category 4


    Category 1*

    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment
    2nd: S & B Ardenner 10 (L), Scott & Barlow BP-10 (L), GYRO Combat FAP-10 (L), GYRO FAP-10 (L), Scott & Barlow SB-10 (L)
    3rd: S & B Ardenner 6 (L), Scott & Barlow BP-6 (L), GYRO Combat FAP-6 (L), GYRO FAP-6 (L),Scott & Barlow SB-6 (L)

    For every 100 points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg.

    Category 2
    1st: Gold Rush Armour Plate
    2nd: Small Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 3
    1st: Gold Rush Arm Guards (F)
    2nd: Medium Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 4
    1st: Gold Rush Arm Guards (M)
    2nd: Large Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet
    7th: Gold Rush Arm Guards (M)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Prize Item Statistics

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 1 hour

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 5 hours

    Gold Rush 2016 Armor
    Impact: 13.0
    Burn: 19.0
    Cut: 16.0
    Stab: 13.0
    Electric: 45.0
    Durability: 3350

    Item Set Effect:
    7 Parts

    Acceleration: 5%
    Skill Gain - Paramedic: 8%
    Increased health: 8.00 Points
    5 Parts
    Acceleration: 5%
    Skill Gain - Paramedic: 8%
    3 Parts
    Acceleration: 5%

    Pulsar Armour Plate Gold Rush 2016
    Stab: 5
    Electric: 25
    Durability: 1100

    Valiant Firebase Apartment
    Item points indoors: 115
    Item points in display area: 5
    Item points in additional area: 10

    Oratan Axe Pet
    Passive Effect: Auto Loot
    Level Req: 18
    Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming
    Level Req: 23
    Strength: 20%
    Exportable: Yes (lvl7)

    Aakas Teleporter [11212, 9742]


    * Category 1 is only available to avatars with less than 125hp

    Example: Someone with 124.9hp can join Category 1, but if you have 125hp you will have to compete in Category 2, 3 or 4.

    ** if you should loot a token that will increase your points with equal or more points than the threshold for the Neurobiotic Booster is set, you will receive one (1) Neurobiotic Booster immediately and the counter for the next Neurobiotic Booster is reset. (this is a separate counter than the Gold Rush Points counter so your points will not be affected)

    Example: You have 87 points in Category 1* then you loot one Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points, this will give you one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg instantly. So now you will have 5087 points and if you loot another 13 points you will get another Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg and so on.


    PLEASE ABANDON THE MISSION : Gold Rush Category 1 - 2/7* (2, 3, 4)

    If you have these missions activated, points will be allocated to it and they will not count towards your final score for the new chapter. These points will be null and void. We ask that you abandon the mission before you accept the new mission and enter the gates. Please pass this message to others who might ask .

    With that said, best of luck to one and all. When the event starts it will be announced across all media platforms. So get your equipment ready, load those weapons and get ready for the Gold Rush 2017.
  2. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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  3. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    Is it going to start on time this time? =)
  4. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi everyone,

    I just want to make it clear that you should NOT take the other quests that are active in the Gold Rush mission giver/terminal

    • Gold Rush Category (X) - 1/7
    • Gold Rush Category (X) - 2/7
    (X) - reference to the category chosen - 1,2,3,4

    Those events are closed and finished and if you take them, you could possibly count your points towards them and sadly that will not be tallied up for the final result in the placements and even if this mistake has taken place, we cannot give you those points due to a mistake.

    You will see that at the bottom of each event post that it clearly states

    PLEASE ABANDON THE MISSION : Gold Rush Category 1 - 2/7* (2, 3, 4)

    I hope this answers the questions that have been asked.

    Best of luck in the event.
  5. Rute

    Rute New Member

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    Thats BULLSHIT. If you dont want people to get the missions don't leave them at the NPC.
    And contrary to what you are saying, points are not being distributed... In my case there are 2 tokens missing on the count.. a 5k and a 1 point.

    Even if the mechanics of the event worjk in the way you're stating... does that mean that everyone should come to the forum prior to the event and make sure they click on the 3rd line , 2nd row on the 5th page so it counts??? ffs

    thats it for me...
  6. Sijtje

    Sijtje Member

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    I agree.

    It has been stated that you need to abandon the old missions. That was the case with the previous Gold Rush events too. That you are missing 5001 points is unfortunately your own fault.
  7. Rute

    Rute New Member

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    In fact I did abandon all missions prior.... But , since I haven't participated on the previous event... how would I know the number in question??? 1 ,2 or 3?? Which one to accept.. in doubt accepted all....
    Points arent being spread over the different missions as stated... They were there , and when i relogged disapeared.
    My fault?? Yeah whatever
  8. Sijtje

    Sijtje Member

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    I was not aware that relogging changed your points. It is unfortunate, but only the points for the Gold Rush 3/7 event count for this month. I cannot tell if the Arkadia Team will be able to restore the missing points.

    For other people having this issue, the following two missions are the only missions counting for this event;
    IFN Challenge - Magurg Breeder (Catagory number)
    Gold Rush Catagory # - 3/7
  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    The newest item on the client loader is only the GR 2/7 winners notice. It might help if this central and most important location for announcements would be brought up-to-date with priority over every other outlet. Not only with a link to the forum, put this important hint right there in bold and highlighted and blinking.

    There will always remain some people who can't or don't want to read the client loader messages, those can't be helped. But it is a little strange indeed that these confusing relics can't be properly removed from the dialogs when no longer relevant.

    Edit: Drats! There I complained and failed myself to scroll down a bit on the client loader because it was hidden. Alright... laziness and perception playing its tricks. :bag::angelic:

    Suggestion: No more large images in the client loader message, just concisely the most important information first and then the forum link. That the previous winners notice came after the new event announcement couldn't be helped obviously, but is counterintuitive and it pushed the more important info to the back.

    And, if this can't be remote controlled, is there no way to use the regular downtimes to push an update after every event which cleans up the NPC dialogs? Or would MA make you pay an arm and a leg for this? Just trying to understand.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Such an imposition to do a little research before participating in a major event. Crazy that you would need to check instructions from the event organizers in the official forum. What were they thinking????
  11. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    I got 4 hours of gold rush 3/7 done and I think the point count is kindof low. I am doing cat.2 with a near 100 dps setup and I just passed the 300 point mark.
  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Nice returns! Me like! :2pec:

    About the instructions, I mean it doesn't help to wring our hands over people's failure to do that little bit of homework. You're just bound to get hammered with a standard question count to the nth power, n being the number of counterintuitive items or artifacts. Every source for possible error will be thoroughly exploited, don't we know our Murphy's Law? And every support case eats into profits.

    Even last year's GR missions are still in the IFN terminal, which those neglectful can't know they're no longer valid since it doesn't give a hint, only sets them on a train of thought by saying "you should never abandon..." which the new instructions then have to unravel again. If you manage to miss this, you have all the expired stuff in the NPC to wrap your head around. Arrivals keep popping into planet chat asking where to go for the event, which tells they aren't prepared. Standard answer is "Aakas" and bracing for going through the routine again, or even more trouble if you don't hear any more from them until later when they realized they've worked into the wrong mission...

    Are there technical or other obstacles to cleaning up this mess? Our designers aren't blind, I am sure. Sorry I didn't mean to rant or blow this out of proportion, just been dealing with this kind of stuff extensively and reading up even more recently, contemplating a formal study course in cognitive science. The game is an excellent environment for learning in this field.
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  13. hypnotyk

    hypnotyk Member

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    Are there going to be any more golden rush auctions with arkoins?
  14. Karmic Natures

    Karmic Natures Member

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    Sadly, you can't even get your 2 pec back since for some reason the tokens have TT value but you can't TT them to get it out.
  15. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    I would like to second this question!
  16. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    Is anyone actually getting any points on the 3rd event, I have around 2800 points from 14hrs, which compared to the first 2 events is crazy low?

    How are people finding the loot, I have had 4 x 2hr runs with returns of between 40 to 45%.................. I don't mind paying to play but that is crazy!!!!

    Last few runs gave lots of points and loot seemed a bit better too:)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
  17. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I played only at the beginning of round 3 and only just enough to complete a cat 2 bonus mission, which was about 380 Magurgs left to go. Got nice returns >100%, but I did notice that token drops seemed less than usual. As long as it's the same across the board, it shouldn't affect fairness of the competition.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  18. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    The problem is, realistic players are not in it for the prizes. I was in it for the skill pills. After 6 hours I got one..... and got out. I won't be entering again like this. I can get more skill pills by opening boxes.
  19. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    I have never won a prize and I don't realistically expect to win anything, I must have been blessed to get 7th place!!

    I like you enter the event for the pills and also the hope of hitting a decent loot.

    I wonder what the odds will be if the 3 sets of armor ever become complete sets, especially with so many different avatars winning the parts.
  20. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Not 100% ones you cant... that's for sure.