Important! Gold Rush 2017 - 2/7

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Gold Rush 2017

    Event Starts: 9th of December 00:00:01 UTC 2016

    (what is UTC? click here)

    Attention Gold Rush Enthusiasts

    The annual Gold Rush event is upon Planet Arkadia again. This year the event comes with outstanding prizes.

    The Gold Rush will be run over a course of 7 months, separated into 7 events, each events will last a period of 9 days.


    Hidden within the loots is a set of Event Tokens. These tokens have points allocated to each of them. These points are as follows. (one set of tokens for each instance level)

    • Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 5 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 10 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 20 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 50 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 100 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 500 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 1000 Points
    • Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points

    You will need to obtain the "Gold Rush Category 1 - 2/7* (2, 3, 4)" mission from the Gold Rush Quest giver first before you will be able to enter the Gold Rush instances. You can enter these instances however many times you like during the Gold Rush and there is no key required to enter, the mission itself acts as the key. Please note, that these tokens cannot be traded. Once these tokens have been looted, the points will be automatically counted towards the mission when you loot any of the "Cat.1 Event Token - 1 Point" from within the instances.

    Total score will be calculated based on hourly point averages to derive each participant's 20 hour normalized points.

    Example of how it is calculated
    Avatar 1
    Total points: 2000
    Hours: 20
    Average points per hour: 100
    20 hour normalized score: 2000

    Avatar 2
    Total points: 3800
    Hours: 39
    Average points per hour: 97.44
    20 hour normalized score: 1948.72

    As the event uses normalized score that means that Avatar 1 would win as their normalized score is higher than Avatar 2.

    This event is intended for solo hunters. Any attempt at abusing team mechanics or any other Entropia Universe systems or features in order to gain an unfair advantage over other participants will be grounds for disqualification from the event, forfeiture of any prizes, and possible sanctions imposed on one’s Entropia Universe account.



    If you abandon the mission at any time during the event, all points will be lost and they will NOT be replaced. You will have to start from scratch. So make sure you decide which category you want to compete in beforehand.

    You will have to complete a minimum of 20 hours in the Gold Rush Instances to qualify for winning a prize.​

    Qualifying Instances
    • Gold Rush Category 1*
    • Gold Rush Category 2
    • Gold Rush Category 3
    • Gold Rush Category 4


    Category 1*

    1st: Valiant Firebase Apartment
    2nd: S & B Ardenner 10 (L), Scott & Barlow BP-10 (L), GYRO Combat FAP-10 (L), GYRO FAP-10 (L), Scott & Barlow SB-10 (L)
    3rd: S & B Ardenner 6 (L), Scott & Barlow BP-6 (L), GYRO Combat FAP-6 (L), GYRO FAP-6 (L),Scott & Barlow SB-6 (L)

    For every 100 points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg.

    Category 2
    1st: Gold Rush Armour Plate
    2nd: Small Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 3
    1st: Gold Rush Shin Guards (F)
    2nd: Medium Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Category 4
    1st: Gold Rush Shin Guards (M)
    2nd: Large Land plot
    3rd: Oratan Axe Pet
    7th: Gold Rush Shin Guards (M)

    For every 500points** gathered you will be awarded with one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg.

    Prize Item Statistics

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 1 hour

    Neurobiotic Booster A10 5mg
    Increased skill gain for all professions
    Duration: 5 hours

    Gold Rush 2016 Armor
    Impact: 13.0
    Burn: 19.0
    Cut: 16.0
    Stab: 13.0
    Electric: 45.0
    Durability: 3350

    Item Set Effect:
    7 Parts

    Acceleration: 5%
    Skill Gain - Paramedic: 8%
    Increased health: 8.00 Points
    5 Parts
    Acceleration: 5%
    Skill Gain - Paramedic: 8%
    3 Parts
    Acceleration: 5%

    Pulsar Armour Plate Gold Rush 2016
    Stab: 5
    Electric: 25
    Durability: 1100

    Valiant Firebase Apartment
    Item points indoors: 115
    Item points in display area: 5
    Item points in additional area: 10

    Oratan Axe Pet
    Passive Effect: Auto Loot
    Level Req: 18
    Passive Effect: Skill Gain - Pet and Taming
    Level Req: 23
    Strength: 20%
    Exportable: Yes (lvl7)

    Aakas Teleporter [11212, 9742]


    * Category 1 is only available to avatars with less than 125hp

    Example: Someone with 124.9hp can join Category 1, but if you have 125hp you will have to compete in Category 2, 3 or 4.

    ** if you should loot a token that will increase your points with equal or more points than the threshold for the Neurobiotic Booster is set, you will receive one (1) Neurobiotic Booster immediately and the counter for the next Neurobiotic Booster is reset. (this is a separate counter than the Gold Rush Points counter so your points will not be affected)

    Example: You have 87 points in Category 1* then you loot one Cat.1 Event Token - 5000 Points, this will give you one (1) Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg instantly. So now you will have 5087 points and if you loot another 13 points you will get another Neurobiotic Booster A10 1mg and so on.


    PLEASE ABANDON THE MISSION : Gold Rush Category 1 - 1/7* (2, 3, 4)

    If you have these missions activated, points will be allocated to it and they will not count towards your final score for the new chapter. These points will be null and void. We ask that you abandon the mission before you accept the new mission and enter the gates. Please pass this message to others who might ask .

    With that said, best of luck to one and all. When the event starts it will be announced across all media platforms. So get your equipment ready, load those weapons and get ready for the Gold Rush 2017.
  2. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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  3. Zackfer

    Zackfer New Member

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    All the *technical* issues sorted out??? *buys more ammo* :)
  4. SnowLeopard

    SnowLeopard Member

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    Over half-way through my twenty hours. If anyone's interested, I've been streaming every run (category 3) on Twitch and saving them to YouTube.
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    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  5. Falagor

    Falagor Member

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    I have read rules twice and still this is not clear to me:
    "If you abandon the mission at any time during the event, all points will be lost and they will NOT be replaced. You will have to start from scratch. So make sure you decide which category you want to compete in beforehand."

    Starting from scratch to me means that EVERYTHING is reset to zero: both points and timer "spent inside".

    So can we have clarification on this one?

    Is this:
    1) nothing important - since timer is not reset when you abandon mission (i hope it is this option really).
    2) exploit that noone thought about and is not fixed.
    3) valid and encouraged strategy to do so to increase chances to win.

    What i mean by 3rd is: basicly anyone should just go in and do about 4h-6h hours (up to first 500 points looted to get pill for it really) and if you do not loot 5k pointer during those first 4-6 hours -> abandon and start over. This strategy can be extended for step two: abandon at 10hours if not 10k-20k poitns reached (depending on cat) - since we know rough points required to win for each cat based on phase 1/7 (so one could aim to get previous winner +20% more).
    If someone does not understand why this gives you advantage: imagine this - lets play coin toss (fair coin) up to 5 correct tells. But i get the option to call it from start up to first two coin tosses (anny ammount of restarts as long i reset after 2 first tossess). This basicly reduces the game to: i win at 3 points and you win at 5 points since i will always start over untill i get 2 first tosses in my favor ;).

    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. slither

    slither Active Member

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    If you go in for 5hrs and then abandon and go in for 20hrs then your total time is 25hrs but you get no points for the first 5hrs 'cause you abandoned it.
  7. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    this is incorrect, I did 2 hours of cat 1 on the first event and abandonded it, then did 20 hours and my normalised score was for 20 hours.
  8. LLinW

    LLinW New Member

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    Cat 3 broker is missing... only 20 mobs left to 2k for evade... damn :(
  9. Sbinortz

    Sbinortz New User

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    Arrrgh we need cat 3 back!!
  10. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    He went on a long lunch break. He needs to be fired.
  11. Sylia

    Sylia New Member

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    This event is so broken! Points not registering or anything.
  12. Sylia

    Sylia New Member

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    All weekend cat 3 has been a pain! They need to fix this or not host anymore events. We should of gone to Merry Mayhem instead.
  13. Kazanori

    Kazanori New Member

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    what happened with the results for this?
  14. Lizzy Storm

    Lizzy Storm Active Member

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    They are not out yet, but that is very understandable due to the event starting later and the holidays. They will come.
  15. SnowLeopard

    SnowLeopard Member

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    Understandable? That's ridiculous!
    How many sports (hockey,football,racing,boxing,etc,etc,etc) would people watch if it took a month to get the results?
    These competitions have been held for YEARS now -- the results should be available within HOURS of the events ending.
  16. Lizzy Storm

    Lizzy Storm Active Member

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    You are not new to the game, you should know by know it can take some time, especially around the holidays. GR 1/7 took 20 days for the results to be in.
  17. Per Corso Svendsen

    Per Corso Svendsen New Member

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    yes very true, it just shows the incompetance of those running this game.....
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. Lizzy Storm

    Lizzy Storm Active Member

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    Stop playing if you think they are incompetent. It won't be a loss to lose another complainer who doesn't know how it exactly works here.

    It seems some people don't understand. The missions are MA 'property' . MA will have to read the scores, calculate shit, and eventually they will send a message to the A-team with the results. The Arkadia Team can't do anything but wait for it and remind MA about the scores. You can complain here all you want but it won't help anyone.

    And this is not the first time I'm getting pissed off with complaining people that don't understand how a lot of things are not in Arkadia's control, and that they can't do anything about it. MindArk works slow on a lot of things and prioritize things that may or may not be insignificant to the player. Give it time. During any event where MindArk is in charge more or less it takes time for the scores to show up.
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    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  19. Per Corso Svendsen

    Per Corso Svendsen New Member

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    Well i have made 1 complaint, and you start acting like a raging twat.....
    I am not complaining against the arkadia team, but MA(sorry that i was not clearer in my complaint, but having said: " incompetance of those running this game" , i really thought you had the brain to understand that i was speaking about MA... With the technology they have available, they should be capable to give the results within a day to the arkadia team...
    So calm down, take your pills ....
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  20. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Let's argue that calling someone incompetent who pulls off such a complicated system is not justified, but questioning priorities in answering information requests from your partners very well is. Especially if the dates are known and were coordinated in advance. I don't know if it's because of the holidays, if so I would find it rather ignorant to the reality that they're dealing in a product which is most used during common holidays. Companies like Amazon increase their capacities during such times, not decrease them. (Edit: Was ofc referring to MA, not A-team).
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