Hi, so I just wanted to inform you of practices being held in this game, last night I came across a special person, good thing I didn't go into it. Was really tired and anything can happen at a time like this! So beware. I believe it can happen to anyone, just have to report it now.
I experienced the same trick being tried several times already. They pull up your soc info and try to impersonate someone higher up they believe you trust. Since the second time I have a support ticket opened by the time they spelled "sister". I also don't let them know first, but everybody else instead and warn in local chat immediately. Good luck and never let your guard down.
It's very easy to avoid 99.99% of scams. Don't give anybody anything without something of equal value in return.
This is another trick to beware of. If you have a big ped card and carelessly click on the leftmost arrow because you're used to doing that for lazy setting of the buyout, you step in a trap laid for you. Blurring out the name here, but saved ofc and it can be found easily at the time of writing.
Luckily Bolleke knows me pretty well and was able to see pretty fast that it wasn't me For the record: I don't even have a sister
It also happend when I was in VL more than a year ago. Someone impersonated RAR's(I think) sister. Me and Wizard got these requests. No wonder if that is the same person doing this again. Well, if there's real money involved there will allways be scamy garbage around. Slithers advice is the one everybody should stick to ALWAYS because you can't see who is behind avatar. P.S. Just in case, report him, maybe there's more shady stuff going on.
Thought I would add this phishing report. I know I know.. but figure if it not entirely significant why not live in a neighborly community til burned once. Well here is the story of my first encounter with the lesser side: Full avatar name [Aradh PurpleCurry Pnjb] leading up to disconnect https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0ayBLAe6Xn2MXJnajUtZjBhdzg/view promise to return https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0ayBLAe6Xn2cnh1dkZzdVJlYzA/view?usp=sharing report to Support https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0ayBLAe6Xn2T0dGM1NDN1Zva2s/view?usp=sharing Here is hoping to curb this behavior and preserve the Ark neighborhood. Mach
There is no level low enough that some people wouldn't stoop down to pick up a pretty penny from the unaware or those who don't do homework. See auction listings of Sandrunner Fuel Cells Blueprint which is available from the Technician. Okay, someone may list one for a friend on another planet to have it shipped. But not those for more than minimum listing price.
That happens a lot with (new) TT-items. I think MA should give us a warning like "You are now bidding on an item that can be bought from the technician / trade terminal from Planet [insert name]."
I know. Just drawing attention to the latest one, in case it helps anyone avoid it. Neither of the other tricks mentioned is new.