Sal'Diresh/Aakas Loots v. it worth it?

Discussion in 'Instances' started by Ostrander, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Ostrander

    Ostrander Member

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    So after recently packing up all of my stuff on Caly and moving to Ark full-time I've been making some occasional Sal'Diresh & Aakas runs...I've been soloing them so far up to Vault 8. While I haven't been tracking my returns with great precision it seems I'm never even close to breaking even on these runs, is this just the way it is?

    We don't need to talk about hunting eco or minimizing defense costs, I'm confident in my set-ups and they have served me well over the years, I just want to ask if there's anyone out there that routinely gets any value out of these instances save for maybe the uber-rare UL stuff that used to come out of Aakas? I know there are mission rewards for the mobs inside, get that, but it would seem that every once in a while there should be something in that chest at the end of a Sal'Diresh run that makes it worth it.

    The loot tables for all the Sal'Diresh vaults were posted in another thread..great info! However, this made me take a pause to manage my expectations. Now that we know the possible loot outcomes, it's easier for me to evaluate if it's worth it or not and so far it doesn't seem like it, even with the MU on some of the items.

    Meh, maybe I shouldn't have peeked under the tent! :)
  2. Lizzy Storm

    Lizzy Storm Active Member

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    A few months ago a did a lot of runs in aakas, my tracking results after aprox 60 runs showed me that the 2ped/key (aakas 1) is not returned in loot. However, returns were pretty much spot on 100% if the keys were for free.

    So is it worth it? No. (still talking about aakas 1, don't know about the others) Even if you get an unl item, you would need to get one every 50-75 runs to make profit, and that is just not possible.
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  3. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    have to agree with lizzy.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    UG vaults have a high chance to drop a piron so it basically depends on piron MU.
  5. Ostrander

    Ostrander Member

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    Yeah, that confirms about what I expected, thanks. Today I ran Sal'Diresh 3 several times with returns around 90%, I guess I should be happy with that, but it's hard to get into it when there is no chance for a big HOF at the end....ever. Least I've never seen one. I guess I'll still run some of the Aakas doors in hope of looting that elusive UL item :)