I really liked computer games ever since I discovered them quite a few years back and Entropia Universe is definitely one of my all times favorites, however there are other activities which I love even more and with time being a finite resource I always knew that there will come a moment when gaming will simply not make it the cut any more. And, thanks to some positive changes in my life, like getting my first real job (yey for me), having a new boyfriend (yey for him - lol), starting to have first successes in my jogging/cycling races, which encourage me to invest even more time in my training program, it looks like the moment when I'm expected to move away from Entropia came now, which, I have to admit, is a bit earlier than I expected. I don't want to call this "quitting", since life has its mysterious ways which may always surprise us and bring us (back) to places where we never expected to get, so not chipping out and/or selling out (not like I would have much to chip / sell anyway - lol), but just "taking a break on an undefined period", a break from which I may return sooner or later, just as I may not return at all. Goal of this thread is to just let everyone who may notice my disappearance know what happened. I can't say I had a lot of friends in game, but I can say I had some great ones which I'll sure miss; as far as I know, most of them already have my outside of game contact info, but just in case anyone who doesn't have them wants to stay in touch, feel free to PM me and I'll let you know what my FB/mail/skype IDs are. Best of luck to everyone (both in game and out of game)! May we meet again! Cheers, Alex
you'll be back... work it in... start sweating, process, then do crunches until it's dry... alternate that with doing other exercises...
lol, many of us have been gone for months or years at times, but we always return Maybe you will get a nice swirl from MA when you return, hehe
Yes, as I said, that (returning some day) is definitely possible; it's not like I no longer enjoy gaming (or EU), but just that, at the moment, there are other things that I enjoy more or represent a higher priority, which makes gaming no longer making the cut in my daily routine. Anyway, as previously said, best of luck to all of you (both in game and IRL) and may we meet again!
Just remember it login once and a while to keep your account active. I know it takes a long time for an account to get reset but sometimes a month becomes two and then six.
Gl on your endeavours, and don't worry, since I'm not on entropia anymore you won't be seeing yourself in a milk box again Spoiler: Old Advertising
You have chosen that which matters most. When you do return to Entropia in the future it will be a different experience - not because the game in itself changed much, but because you changed - and with that what you need and expect from playing.
Enjoy and GL, RL is even better than everything else. What about the job you subscribed 10 days ago on Neverdie forum? Cheers
Trying to get a hold of ND and discuss this with him. Best case scenario, he has enough testers and can "release" me from duty. Worst case scenario, I will make the effort to still log for ten hours per week for this period, to respect my commitment.
i hope all will go well in worst schenario i'll see u on RT and u can still try to have some fun loggin in 10h/week are not much