Good Place For First Post

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by Aspen Fable, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. Aspen Fable

    Aspen Fable Member

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    Hi Everybody : ) Nice to meet you!

    My name is Aspen and I'm originally from Earth. I read all I could find about the expedition to Arkadia and vowed one day I would get there...and here I am! :thumbsup: I'm so excited still - I've been around not quite a month.

    I wasn't sure I would stay. It was very scary at first! But I've learned my way around, enlisted in the IFN and improved my skills. I had No Idea when I was back on Earth how much skill is involved in our day-to-day living here.

    I'm looking forward to saying hi to you if I happen to see you around. :)

    Have a good day!

    {{{{{{ I'm EST, don't deposit, and basically just playing for fun, so trying to "be Aspen". Never played a game like this or roleplayed before, RL activities called, now almost retired and wanted to pretend I could still run for miles without stopping. HA! Lol Do people roleplay in here or is much of it mostly focused on earning/winning and hoping to make enough to convert to real dollars? I haven't talked to many people because I'm not much of a talker...was hoping Aspen would be Lol, but turns out she's pretty quiet too. Anyway, "May the odds be ever in your favor." hehehe yeah, I love that...Quadrilogy ...hmm, is that a word? Lol Have a good day! }}}}}}
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  2. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Welcome to Entropia Universe. Basically, you can do whatever you like in this game, its open ended and you set your own goals and progress at your own pace. You can just explore, which costs nothing, but I'd advise finding a good mentor, particularly one who has experience of playing as a non-depositor so they are able to give useful advice on playing on a small budget.
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  3. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    That is an excellent first post :)
    Watch out for Nusuls, they look rather silly & cuddly - but don't try to pet them - they have a nasty disposition & they bite :(
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  4. Aspen Fable

    Aspen Fable Member

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    Thank you KrazyKat :) I would like to have a mentor sometime, but don't know what I want to specialize in yet or what hours I will reliably be available.

    Thanks Louise, and you are so right! I tried to pet a little Nusul with a heart and it bit me! Then it's mother came out and wiped me out! Lol I'm staying away from all of them until me and my skills are in better shape! :)
  5. Aspen Fable

    Aspen Fable Member

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    PS Thanks Everybody for the welcomes! :)
  6. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    Some people do role play, but not many. Many seem to play to "win", in terms of peds / cash, lol, most failing at it ;)

    Welcome to EU, and you are free to play however you want. Good luck and have fun :)
  7. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Hellcome to Entropia Universe & Planet Arkadia! :)

    You sound like a very nice person and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun in here. :)
  8. Glyphan

    Glyphan Member

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    Welcome Aspen :) You picked a wonderful planet, too! Haven't met many roleplayers, although creating your avatar usually has a lot to do with some imagined role. I don't talk much either ingame, because I usually only have few hours for immersion and talking a lot in RL I prefer the silence of the landscapes on Arkadia. I love exploring and mining and enjoy being on my own. If you decide to have more social contacts, joining a society will help.
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  9. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    Welcome Aspen :) Arkadia is beautiful and the people friendly. We're happy you made your way from earth to here.

    Yes, some people do roleplay. I roleplay a vampire.. It's nice to see another roleplayer here. :)
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  10. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Just a bit of information. The ones with a heart can be tamed - you'll need a whip to do that.

    you don't need to specialise in anything really or decide about it because there is so much that you can do in this game that you could go for months just doing a bit of this and a bit of that and basically having fun and finding out what works best for you.

    There are several easy missions that you can do on Arkadia and plenty more on the other planets if you care to travel.
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    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  11. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    As a non-depositor (not from bank account anyway*) I'd say that swunting will be your best friend in the beginning. When that "beginning" ends is up to you entirely. ;) I'm 3 years into the game and still swunt. No need to specialize in anything unless you really want to. But as you probably have figured out already - read, read, read and ask as many "dumb" questions as you can because information is key! I advise you to not mention the non-depositor situation in open chat though. It almost always seem to bring out the worst in (some) depositors to the point where personal attacks goes far beyond rude.

    Aside from that, Arkadia citizens are friendly on the whole.


    * Earned cash from a legitimate 3d party site, and bought AUDs (Arkadia Underground Deeds) from the Shop when those were available.
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  12. Aspen Fable

    Aspen Fable Member

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    Wournos thanks for the suggestion about swunting and for the heads-up about possible reactions to non-depositors! I've actually had to take a bit of a break from the reading, it all started swimming round and round together! Lol But it's an ingrained habit to "do the research" for anything that catches my interest (I love Google!) so I'll be back to it when things start falling together.

    Krazykat, I was wondering about the pets because I've seen people with them. Just haven't looked into them much because the first thing I came across said they need to be fed and that's beyond my reach at the moment. So didn't investigate further for now. And you're so right about just having fun trying everything. Traveling to other planets is on my bucket list too.

    Thanks and I've been to your shop RavenJade, very nice! I read all of Anne Rice's vampire stories, but for now I'm kinda a zombie fan...TWD you know. Lol

    Hi Glyphan, thanks and I know what you mean about the peacefulness of the wilderness. I'm writing this from the Robot Factory right now. I was exploring and got wiped out by a young zadul. I thought I could take him because I managed to defeat one the same age, but I guess he was getting revenge for his cousin! I've actually done tons of exploring, it's fun to see what's around the next hill!

    Thanks the-Unknown and DaughterofAnarchy, I'm having great fun and I hope you, and well everyone are too! :biggrin2:
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  13. Slapper

    Slapper Member

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    Hi and welcome.
    Pets eat Nutrio bars, lots of them about 15 a hour when they are spawned, my level 18 Chirin dragon has gone through thousands of them. Think of them as a pleasant way to get rid of peds as they mainly only have a taming buff.
    If you look in the creatures section of the forum you can find out a mobs attack and hp, that is better than looking at their level or maturity.
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  14. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Welcome to the forum and Arkadia. May your journey be as interesting as all Arkadians!
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  15. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    I know the feeling! The game can be quite overwhelming, and taking things in stride is a good idea. :)
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  16. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Arkadia seems a more civilised place to be. And because of this in some ways game is pleasant to play here.
    Sweating is straightforward - in Calypso Sweating is an activity that can bring about feelings of anger if not outright rage if its not done correctly. Here people are more forgiving & (mostly) know how to behave in a courteous helpful manner.
    Even the Drillsite seems to (mostly) be absent of attacks & animosity - at least when I have visited.
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