Why did you come here to EU? What were you thinking? (round #2)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by isclay, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    {75 posts to the original thread: http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/why-did-you-come-here-to-eu-what-were-you-thinking.3555/ - Let's have some more great responses!)

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    Hello all. I just wanted to post to find out what everyone was thinking when they joined EU and landed on a planet. Especially Arkadia, but feel free to post about any planet or topic related to the subject. I think one and all would like to know your thoughts on just why you decided to join us. (Let's keep it on topic if we can :whistle:)

    And...If you are brand spankin' new here I'd love to hear from you too. A lot of folks have differing reasons for coming here so your thoughts and inflections should be very interesting!

    I'll start: I was new to gaming online and so I thought wow this might be good fun for me. Then I read that it was FREE to play and FREE to download so I was down with that for sure. FREE is my favorite number.:cool: Then I started reading about the RCE (Real Cash Economy) and I thought well this is BS for sure...but I just HAD to see what what it was all about! Imagine my surprise!?!

    Cheers all...Looking forward to your answers.

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  2. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    It seemed like a good idea at the time...:rolleyes:
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  3. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    edit: i joined to have fun ... and guess what, i still have!
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  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I had the Second Life blues...
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  5. coz1969

    coz1969 Member

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    Eh, well... I was a TSO/EA Land refugee (or would that be outcast, expat, deportee, etc.?). Anyhoooooo, After The Sims Online was renamed EA Land, it quickly sank into the ground. After only 4 months of being called EA Land, it was announced that it was all closing down for good, :( so many of us quickly scrambled to find new places to call home. I, as well as a lot of former TSO players, found myself in a place called Kaneva. While it appealed to me for the whole building aspect, I quickly realized I needed just a bit more for entertainment.

    On one of the message boards, someone mentioned this "new" game called Entropia Universe. (It was early 2008, and EU was not exactly new at the time, just new to us). Of those former Sims who dared to venture into Port Atlantis, wearing nothing but grungy clothing, I am the only one who remained (those who I have knowledge of joining EU... there might be other TSO refugees hiding out on one of the planets in the Universe).

    Eu was a totally foreign concept to me, as the only commonality it had with TSO was the working to gain skills. Other than that, I was completely lost. I managed to stumble across some dude named Ossi on my first day and, thankfully, he would later become my mentor. The rest, as they say, is history... or is that HERstory? :biggrin2:
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  6. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Short version: Guess it was just the next logical step in my "gaming career".

    Longer version: Having a (much) older gamer brother, I start playing computer games about the same time I started to walk (well, maybe not walk, but for sure about the same time I started to be able to run - hahaha). My first contact with MMOs was World of Warcraft and I have to say that it was an amazing experience (and that's because I played it at the age it was intended/designed for - 7-8 years old) and from that point forward I kept switching more and more towards the sandbox experience - LotRO, Fallen Earth, Xsyon and ultimately WURM Online. The last one was quite close to the RCE concept from EU - you could have buy in-game currency from webshop or from other players, as well sell in-game currency (as well as properties, avatars, items) to other players right on the official forum. So, when I quit that one and I was able to "cash out", I looked for a sandbox MMO to allow me to do just the same when the time to quit it too will come (so, to make it clear, not to "get rich", but just to be able to recoups [some] of my investment) and that's how I ended up on EU. :)
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    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  7. Pretto Loco

    Pretto Loco New User

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    Mindark did a big marketing campaign together with Swedens largest Internet provider (by the time), Telia.
    I saw the ad when I was about to login on my pages on Telias site.
    Back in 2003 there was nothing like it and I had no previous experience of mmo.
    I came from the multiplayer world of Team Fortress Classic. And I was rather tired of running around in small, pixly boxes.

    Got hooked after my first login to PE.
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  8. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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  9. Ahrotahn

    Ahrotahn Member

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    I had played a while back when you had to hit the "sweat" button with your mouse. I had come from Star Wars Galaxies since about a year into that game. I also played a ton of WoW, but got tired of raiding and all that jazz just to progress. When I read a bunch about it it seemed cool, but I just couldn't wrap my head around the sweating for PED thing for hours (and little $) when I had been making good money selling SWG credits for a long time as a high level crafter and resource trader.

    So recently I got again tired of Star Wars Battlefront, liked the idea of the RCE, and gave it another try. This time the beginning was much more new player friendly. I wish the advice I had gotten was to start on Ark, but alas I started on Caly and have now migrated (having been playing for 2 weeks now haha). It reminds me in lots of ways of SWG (my favorite game I ever played), but issues like the Auction minimum pricing do bother me as well. That's my little story ;)
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  10. Noz

    Noz New Member

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    Started playing back in 2006. Was just looking for a new mmo and came accross it. I have chipped out and cashed out twice each time with a few years break before i returned. Round 3 now. Think i'll hang around this time.
    Still have my attributes so starting over was definitely easier this time around.
    Arkadia is my home but i do go on holidays to other planets sometimes. (caly born pps didn't exist when i started so i am an immigrant)
    Mainly a hunter but mining some also to try and supplement my hunting.
    Currently doing the IFN chain for the dropship but only on thieves so a long way to go and the Wombana mission to unlock the smuggler instances also a long way to go just started 3 :(
    Doing ok so far managed to build up some gear mainly with mining profits. Having fun and meeting new people thats the main thing for me. If you see me around say Hi :)
    Looking for an active soc based on Arkadia for team hunts etc. Currently maxed on the S+B LP-16 so a soc with a few members around the same level would be good.
    In game name - Noz Deadmanwalking Du - Feel free to friend me
  11. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Short story:
    -running away from Runes of Magic ruined by Lameforge
    -looking for a sci-fi mmo
    -ended in this sink hole
    -left to a real good sci-fi mmo without PVP
    -still like good laughs on the forum here :)
  12. Morgan Karga

    Morgan Karga New Member

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    I'm still new but I came here with the idea that, if I'm going to really pay an MMO, why not play one where I could maybe make some cash out of it too. Having a Second Life account (and one that I make some spending cash on), I'm sort of accustomed to the idea of how it all works, but I'm still learning and it is still largely different.
  13. Daphne Jones

    Daphne Jones New Member

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    I had been playing WoW. It was getting boring and I really wanted a science fiction setting.

    I used to play Traveler (early over the table sf RP for you youngsters) with strict economic play and though the real cash thing would be similar. And it is, except that with real cash, RP property crime becomes real crime.

    Real cash also pretty much eliminates PvP unless you're filthy rich.
  14. mobydick

    mobydick Member

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    Christmas of 2005...I think I probably googled MMO and stumbled upon it. REALLY wished I had found it earlier and gotten the great early items. Still regret not immediately buying 5 MM and 5 Mod Faps. :)

    Had many adventures, chipped and quit twice, changed avatars. Saw friends come and go (R.I.P. LT Lighterthief).

    Very invested and active right now and thankful for the hobby.