San's hunting log

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by San, May 1, 2015.

  1. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Some minor achievements :cat:

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  2. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    First ever success in mining, in a lifetime that is! Never had a global or anything noteworthy. Sure, not doing it too often, but gone through the basics and dropping some probes on occasion, adding up over time. Had some fun at the Oratan event with a soc mate, then we decided to try something else and explore. Waiting at the rig for something to happen - meh. Let's go for the real deal and sneak through the danger zone while everybody else is busy and won't likely lurk up here to rob us. Friend suggested to try a level 2 amp which I've never done before. After three quarters of a circle around the crashed spaceship, finding morsels here and there, intermittent meeting with Korwil waiting behind a knoll so you can't see them before it's too late, probes already used up and about to call it finished (thanks MA for the new ammo feature), suddenly the trumpets go off. Holy cow, that's fairly big! Then a good while drilling within direct sight of roaming Smuggler Rangers. Made it, phew! Tickle one of them to give us a quick lift to safety. Count and share blessings, call it a night on a very upped mood. Can't it be like that every weekend?

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    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    On Calypso at the moment and finally got around to finishing my 500 Atrox. Had about 70 to go, been very slow all the while due to constantly bad returns from this mob. But I wanted to find out something specific: The mission reward of 1.56 PED Evade raised my Evade skill points from 3382 by 42 to 3424 and my Evader profession from 22.6871 by 0.1033 to 22.7904. Assuming linear extrapolation applies within the observed bracket, I need another 33.37 PED worth of Evade to reach level 25. This is 5.44 times the reward for a Hadraada stage 6, not accounting for skill gains underway. If only they would drop anything with markup (PLR-12/17 which are okay to sell, but can't make up for the tanked price for eye oil). Will see how it goes. Meanwhile, thanks for small mercies...

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    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Wrapping up this month - nothing newsworthy not already mentioned except for one, two nice globals. Still on Caly, but about to return shortly. Going to hunt Tiarak next to continuing with mission goals.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 22.8, BLP Sniper 40.8, Pistoleer 39.4, Dmg 39.9, Knifefighter Dmg 32.8, Hit 31.8, Health points 139, total skill points 123629.

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  5. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Entropia Universe time: 2016-02-04 16:36:30
    Location: 19000, 17300 (Arkadia Event Area 3)
    Target: Tiarak Young to Stalker (1567 to 1753 of 4800)
    Objective: Check cost structure of selected setup, measure proportion of salable items in returns

    BLP Pack
    -96.56 PED​
    CalyTrek CR Soul Mk.V (L)
    -0.53 PED​
    Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    -0.03 PED​
    Fi/Ra/Co Beast
    -20.67 PED​
    Isis Project Zero-Three E.L.M Edition (L)
    -0.10 PED​
    Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    -3.38 PED​
    NeoPsion 10 Mindforce Implant
    -0.02 PED​
    Piron PBR-7 (L)
    -0.66 PED​
    Regeneration Chip VI (L)
    -0.56 PED​
    Synthetic Mind Essence
    -0.86 PED​
    Universal Ammo
    -38.04 PED​
    Vivo S10
    -0.92 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    -7.81 PED​
    Zombie Arm Guards (M,L)
    -0.48 PED​
    Zombie Face Guard (M,L)
    -0.38 PED​
    Zombie Foot Guards (M,L)
    -0.47 PED​
    Zombie Gloves (M,L)
    -0.19 PED​
    Zombie Harness (M,L)
    -0.66 PED​
    Zombie Shin Guards (M,L)
    -0.78 PED​
    Zombie Thigh Guards (M,L)
    -0.33 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -173.43 PED​
    Animal Eye Oil
    +6.60 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +1.51 PED​
    Animal Oil Residue
    +4.23 PED​
    Basic Leather Extractor
    +0.04 PED​
    Basic Wood Extractor
    +0.03 PED​
    Bullseye II (L)
    +6.04 PED​
    Electronic Stabilizing Component
    +0.20 PED​
    Enhanced Metal Extractor
    +0.01 PED​
    Hekia Timber
    +26.10 PED​
    Inferior Cloth Extractor
    +1.89 PED​
    Nova Fragment
    -0.00 PED​
    Paint Can (Orange)
    +0.05 PED​
    Paint Can (Turqoise)
    +0.16 PED​
    Scott & Barlow BP-8 (L)
    +17.29 PED​
    +54.97 PED​
    Socket I Component
    +1.40 PED​
    Socket II Component
    +0.10 PED​
    Soft Hide
    +0.20 PED​
    Thin Wool
    +0.25 PED​
    Tiarak Elbow Spur
    +5.00 PED​
    Tiarak Hide
    +37.20 PED​
    Tiarak Nail
    +0.60 PED​
    Tier I Component
    +0.50 PED​
    Tier II Component
    +0.42 PED​
    Tier III Component
    +0.20 PED​
    +1.20 PED​
    Total returns.
    +166.19 PED​
    -7.24 PED​
    Gobals: T.Old 30 PED

    Defense cost: Armour 1.90%, healing 1.36%, tot. 3.26%.
    Returns with markup 120% for hides, everything else considered at TT value: 100.12%

    This spawn is a challenge as it contains all maturities from Young to Stalker. High maturities are impossible to avoid, often attack by surprise. While not a problem taking Stalkers down with proper armour plates, the countless nibbles of the smaller ones drive up decay beyond tolerable levels. Several setups have been tried to find a compromise, incl. constant changing between Adjusted Pixie and Zombie (L) or Nemesis with a mix of Mark.8a (L), Pulsar 8 and POP Dragon Mk2 plates. It was found to be cumbersome and impractical to keep up. The unplated Zombie (L) is the most economic out of owned sets as well as the best fit for this mob's specific damage types (50% impact, rest cut, stab). Overprotection against smaller mobs is inevitable, but the decay is comparatively low (at the very low end even better than Pixie). But there is room for improvement:
    It seems that the armour set available from the Arkoin Broker tends to get overlooked, as there is not much talk about it. Taking a closer look, this is quite unjustified. It fits the task at hand perfectly: It is even more economical with the smaller maturities, since it does not protect against all damage types (no stab), while at the other end protects much better against the main impact. In Zombie I can survive a Prowler with some healing, this means with the figures from Entropedia above, Stalkers become doable in the IFN armour. Currently they kill me 7 out of 10 times, requiring a second attack. Hence the plan is to grind up the Zombie and replace the pieces with IFN Prototype Mk.II as they break. Currently got 200 PED in Arkoins, no sense in not using them until the Smuggler payment is due. Some will have to be bought when the time comes. The new armour also hints at an upcoming challenge - Navi. Everything is playing well together this way. A stronger BLP amplifier is urgently needed, though, too. Finding the funds for it is the current main headache.

    Of course the motivation for going after Tiarak was demand for the hides. With everything else being nearly worthless, it seems to make sense to directly convert all stackables into as many hides as possible. Meaning, I won't bother trying to sell animal oils and all the rest anymore, it goes straight to TT and into continuing the hunt.
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    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    And a nice one for supper. Could have two more zeros...

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  7. Pretto Loco

    Pretto Loco New User

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    Almost disturbingly informative seeing the differance in decay costs at higher maturities.
    Adj Pixie ftw :)
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  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    140 hp :) Which means I'd be ready for Improved Restoration Chip (Biotropic required level had since long). Now only a miracle needs to happen...

    Which won't get a chance too soon, or before things turn around again. Barely fired a shot in almost two weeks after taking heavy losses. Scanning the chatter it seems I'm not the only one who noticed. Before that still made good inroads into Wombana (s6 1/3 complete), Tiarak (s4 60% done, coming from almost zero), some Hadraada and a little rage at Songkra Valley after I got bitten only looking at the gun sales. Now slowly testing the waters again with small Halix (almost 30% into 2nd s6). When will they learn that withholding returns does not make more folks deposit, but less instead?

    Edit: Nope. Not even small Halix are working right now. Taking a break.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Spent most of the month hanging out and taking it easy on Next Island, for the last few days on Calypso. Finished 'The Simian Problem' mission (4 x 250 Papoo) for a reward of Agility (66+1=>67) and Alertness (1298+83=>1381) which pushed my Evader profession over the 23 mark. Some progress with Cyclops, Berycled, Armax, Atrax, Combibo, Gokibusagi, but again too crappy returns for rushing to the next milestones.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 23.1, BLP Sniper 41.5, Pistoleer 40.3, Dmg 40.5, Knifefighter Dmg 33.3, Hit 32.5, Health points 140, total skill points 125713.

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  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    At long last, the moment of truth. Finished Hadraada stage 6, how much is the skill bonus going to push me forward?

    Before taking reward: Evade 3457 / Evader 23.2404
    After: Evade 3579 / Evader 23.5460
    Difference: 0.3056, Distance to level 25: 1.454 => 4.76 more repetitions, assuming linear progression within the relevant interval and not counting skill gains along the way.

    :turtle: :rolleyes:

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  11. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Entropia Universe time: 2016-03-21 15:10
    Location: Underground 15900, 19800
    Target: Wombana Dominant to Stalker (30936 to 32696 of 60000 killpoints)
    Objective: Kick my ass on the Smuggler way

    Armor Plating Mark.2C
    -0.53 PED​
    BLP Pack
    -167.14 PED​
    Fi/Ra/Co Beast
    -44.15 PED​
    Musca Arm Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.11 PED​
    Musca Foot Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.23 PED​
    Musca Gloves Adjusted (M)
    -0.18 PED​
    Musca Harness Adjusted (M)
    -0.35 PED​
    Musca Helmet Adjusted (M)
    -0.26 PED​
    Musca Shin Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.11 PED​
    Musca Thigh Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.19 PED​
    Piron PBP-32 (L)
    -0.08 PED​
    S & B Ardenner 16 (L)
    -17.67 PED​
    Universal Ammo
    -27.67 PED​
    Vivo S10
    -1.26 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -259.93 PED​
    Advanced Stone Extractor
    +1.15 PED​
    Animal Eye Oil
    +60.65 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +8.39 PED​
    Animal Oil Residue
    +1.30 PED​
    Blazar Fragment
    +0.00 PED​
    Electronic Stabilizing Component
    +9.40 PED​
    Focus Lense Component
    +11.60 PED​
    Inferior Cloth Extractor
    +1.91 PED​
    Make Up Remover Rough
    +0.10 PED​
    Nova Fragment
    0.00 PED​
    Paint Can (Blue)
    +2.05 PED​
    Paint Can (Turqoise)
    +0.08 PED​
    Piron PBP-27 (L)
    +35.00 PED​
    +93.12 PED​
    Socket I Component
    +7.50 PED​
    Socket II Component
    +2.30 PED​
    Thin Wool
    +2.50 PED​
    Tier I Component
    +10.40 PED​
    Treasure Map 3
    +0.02 PED​
    Treasure Map 4
    +0.01 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    +28.77 PED​
    Wombana Hide
    +7.35 PED​
    +9.20 PED​
    Total returns.
    +292.80 PED​
    +32.87 PED​
    Globals: W.Prowler 78 PED

    This time with video! Since I don't have a sexy voice but a horrible accent instead, I employed a professional for the voice-over :)

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  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    My, is the month already over again? It was an unusually eventful one, plus a few things happened which caused greater dynamics on my PED card than it has ever seen. Yes, this may sound laughable to some, but it is the order of magnitude I am working with. Sometimes you don't want to tell, sometimes you do.

    There was a Maddox IV catching dust in my storage when suddenly the upgrade offer came out... In hindsight this is as good as a HoF, but there is no joy without pain. I hated the thought of letting it go, but the tier rates I had once carefully selected it for became worthless overnight since they are lost upon conversion. But the early adopters wave was threatening with cash! While I didn't take advantage of it when the same happened with the Nemesis, because I'm actually using that and wouldn't know what to replace it with, it would have been unforgivabe to not seize the chance this time around. I had bought it once for the fun of it and planned to gradually start using it more at higher levels, but that, too, is pointless now. So it was snapped up in no time for a handsome buyout and I could have set it even higher, but absolutely can't complain. My Maddie was probably dead the same night, sniff.

    Deciding what to do with the windfall took going through several bars of chocolate. I'd really love to have the bigger sister to my Ozpyn shortblade, got the SIB just maxed and its eco is among the very best. But the distance to the next step up is not very big (Aakas Fire Dagger or Ranked Combat Knife at level 34/35), so I would have limited time for appreciating it fully. The purchase would eat half my money, more even with a fitting amplifier, and it isn't the time for speculation on rising prices. Although the Aakas dagger is actually even cheaper and I should get the difference back upon swapping. But I don't like the idea, can't explain why but some items are keepers while others are easy to move on from.

    I decided to trade one risk for another, let the available offers pass and opted for cycling some instead. After all, what's the use of pretty gear with not enough funds left to do what it's destined for, that is driving it through the bellies of many, many monsters. While I actually like idle looking at my possessions :wacky:, I prefer when it's a choice. Had a clutter of limited gear waiting to be used up anyway, so getting to work with it was the more reasonable thing to do. There may come a time of luxury when completing the collection won't need justification.

    So I went back downstairs to pick up Wombana where I left them in the previous post. I thought it should be straightforward now to blast through and finish my stage 6 at last. This turned out quite a misjudgement. Returns were bad and getting worse all the time. I stopped to reconsider several times, as I would have done previously, but I thought this time I really have the bankroll to stick it out. It wasn't meant to be, not possible without a drastic turnaround ahead, in which I was losing trust. I wasn't expecting to profit, but not willing to pay that much for playing. Down to 60% of my funds and not even at the 3/4 mark in the mission I finally slammed the brakes. This couldn't go on just squandering the beautiful opportunity. I wondered if it's only the mob or the whole planet and began mob-hopping, but nothing seemed to work. A socmate dropped by and we made a round together, only to confirm that we were truly getting fleeced. Even with two swirlies we were deep in the red.

    The decision was made to go back to Calypso for the time being. There are always low-key activities to do or some friends to bum around aimlessly with. (Not saying this isn't possible on Arkadia, just happenstance where your social circle has its center of gravity at any moment.) To my surprise or not, it did get better. Got over with some shorter missions that were sitting in my log since ages, like Traeskeron, Mermoth and whatever. A few dailies, but not forcing it. All were neither spectacularly good nor bad, but affordable. Except one, and the winner this time is: Argonaut. In the 5k stage now and just the right size to train my knife over the skill gap mentioned, went through quite a few of them and while globals remained elusive, minis kept rolling and almost every run was a win.

    One challenge was waiting there in my log I was prepared to lose PEDs on, but not my honour: A half-done category 3 daily on Formicacida. Level-wise I should be on top of them, but they deal such heavy damage (and fast!) that we were literally chewing each other. That is, for my stubborn refusal to pay taxes on the path of least resistance. Resistance is futile... screw it. Evidence of the struggle is preserved here. It also tells of my music taste which has yet to find approval from any woman I meet.

    Last Sunday of the month, time for soc hunt. I always try to preserve some funds for it, because even if nothing else works, at least it ends with some uplifting action. It was decided to try the Rextelum wave. Nige shot! Nice swirlies, great returns of tt-able stuff which by conversion underway allowed us to go further than we could have hoped for with the original means. I don't remember how many rounds we stood, but it was only when a lot of L47's showed up that we had to concede. Unfortunately my screenshot thingy had failed silently in the background, so here is someone else's. In the end I had two shortblades worth 300 PED and right on the spot for my skills, one ISIS LSB 30 and one Stargazing Blade. I intended to use them and paid out the shares. But...

    Inset, change of scenery: Out of the blue, an old acquaintance showed up after a longer hiatus from the game. Someone who liked to pull off big, fun events in old times' spirit. And was hell bent on doing it again, right then and there. I said of course I'm game, just mustn't cost too much. Nah, not to worry! We hunt Proterons with Opalos or TT weapons. Even if loot sucks, you can spend only so much per hour this way, but of course there is always hope for a big one. And you get a truckload of excitement out of very little input. Got a full team together and raided the ponds west of Fort Troy. The few hunters there must have thought a swarm of locust befell them. It was every bit as fun as promised. Sadly I still hadn't noticed the failing of Fraps, so there no evidence to show for. Here is an old video instead with a different location, we skipped the sweating and the vehicle pile-up and the finder earthquake, but the spirit was back. After two great events in a day, went to bed with the head spinning. Something like this on Arkadia? It doesn't always have to depend on the devs to create something.

    Another day, morning coffee routine, window shopping in the auction house. There it was! A rare occurence and the top of my drool list: A Herman SIR-10. With nice tiers to boot, a good deal of work done with it already. And for significantly less than previously. Meaning, buyout was only 200 PED above what I had gotten for my Maddox. If only this had come a little earlier and I hadn't spent so much of the proceeds already... I had to have it, any which way. The looted shortblades had to be sacrificed, which caused no pain since they don't carry any markup. But of course it wasn't enough. Rummaged through storage for anything I could get rid of, and turned up more junk than I had cared to count together before. All stuff with a little bit of markup I once hoped could pile up to a stack worth auctioning. Into the bin with it. Still need more. The Ardenners... at least half a dozen 8's and 10's. I love them, but they are usually too weak to use on the same mob that dropped them, so I had collected them for later use. No markup worth risking an auction fee for, they had to go now. They would drop again when I continued anyway. And I tossed the whip in, too. More of these listed than recent sales volume, that's a red flag I wouldn't find a buyer anyway. Plus the fact that earlier someone at Twin Peaks sold a Blonde Android for a mere 15 PED, which I couldn't resist. This made the planned second trip to Hell optional as well, and I wasn't going to tame anything else soon. Now I was a lot lighter but still short, yet within reach with only a 50 EUR top-up. That was doable!

    So I am the proud owner now, just ending up in a state of deja-vu of the frame described above: Great gear to look at, but not much dough left to use it. Okay, about 100 PED in liquidity still. Went here and there with my new Herman, trying just 2 or 3 of every species. So cool for Hiryuu, wish there were more flying things (hint, hint, Arkadia). Great for robots, but also for a lot of other use cases. It is in every way as I imagined, albeit slow but ideal to draw mob from afar into pistol or knife range. Totally suits my style and laziness. Will have to watch eco though, think I'll leave the Beast on it rather than get a bigger amp. This way dpp stays above 2.85, which is tolerable since it won't do the bulk of the grinding. Sure, upgrade to SIR-20 & Dante would be logical, but is beyond the horizon and I'm totally happy for the moment.

    I might be taking advantage of the Next Island flight offer for some Drake aiming exercises and general cooling-off, since the Opalo hunts have been almost nightly now. They don't cost me, but I can't keep it up forever. I wish her luck in getting back to the success it had years ago. Watch the ad boards if you happen to drop by Calypso, join for a stint if you find the time, and go back with a suitcase full of ideas. I'll be back on Arkadia within short, seen others reporting they fared better lately than I did when I left. So I assume the worst is over. Some Arkoins left in storage and other stackables I can sell for a little air to breathe, and hopefully rebuilding won't take too long. Cheers.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 23.6, BLP Sniper 42.5, Pistoleer 41.3, Dmg 42.4, Knifefighter Dmg 33.8, Hit 33.3, Health points 142, total skill points 128150.
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 2
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  13. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Big grats for the acquisition! :)
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  14. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Holy moly, what was I thinking. So many words. But a picture says more than 1000 words, and here are 94 × 60 × 30 pictures...

  15. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Back from Calypso and a quiet week on Next Island, looking at almost 17000 killpoints of Wombana to go was the state of things on Sunday night. Was the dry spell over and hunting affordable again? Yesss! They were flying and swirling, and within 24 hours the mission was done. Lurve it to just stand on top of a hill and clear the spawn around it with the new long-range gun. Let them do the running, heh. By the way, Graphene Polymer no longer makes a swirlie. Which is okay.

    Now, the obvious task is to find 1000 PED for the paywall to gain access to the warehouse instance. Trouble is, the next 1000 I'll get my paws on is already earmarked for buying gear, and the next one, and the one after that at least, too. Furthermore, as expressed already elsewhere, I also need a few answers which will help me gauge how big an investment is still required to arrive at the big reward, a set of Smuggler armour. How does it compare to the price tag of competitors like Eon, Ethereal or similar. Since its applications are slightly more limited, it should end up slightly more affordable. But I have no way of telling that now. I'm happy to do business with Ned, but not on unknowns.

    Hence I'll likely proceed to other things, first. Several missions call with useful rewards, like more Evade in stage 5 (Nusul, Bokol, Navi) and of course stage 6 repeatable (Kadra). Tiarak remain interesting, as mentioned above. And Cyrene is calling very close now. The weapon reward is still very attractive, despite being outmoded by the newest upgrade path for Maddox IV. The price for that one is simply prohibitive still. Will remain open to changing my mind of course, based on both income and market changes.

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  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    April over and more missions done: Ostelok stage 4, Tiarak stage 4, Kadra stage 2, Oratan Payback stage 1. Opted to continue with the IFN dailies because returns were actually good. On to Calypso for meeting friends, and completion of Maffoid stage 2. A few days on Cyrene to catch up with what's new, done errands and mini-missions too many to list, mainly collecting A.R.C. Badges and Mazeweaver Certificates. 200 of the latter are exchanged for a cool pet, the WolperTinger, up to 6 can be made every day and it's not expensive at all. A new mission series on Paneleon for valuable defense skill rewards is interesting as well as the also new Male Zeladoth; initial stages completed.

    The reward of 7.10 PED Courage for Tiarak brought an increase from 3624 to 3824 by exactly 200 points and raised Evader from 23.7297 to 23.8696. It was finally pushed over the 24 mark with the Athletics reward from Maffoid, but got too distracted to record the exact effect.

    Another reason for the Arkadian mob choices is knife training. As said, I intend to combine melee with the BLP main profession to boost the always lagging defense skills. High-level weapons achieve little when you still get eaten every time and pay a ton for decay. And then came along a good offer for an Aakas Fire Dagger, which was to be the next significant upgrade. Some planned group hunt did not happen so I sat on prepared funds, seconds later no more and had bought me a big grin, harrr! Almost there to use it, just a bit more levelling up with the small one, then get an amp and finally have an unlimited weapon with enough damage for a good while to come. Perfect combo with the long-range rifle to consume the shrapnel.

    This was just 2 days before the announcement of Golden Week... I'm calculating back and forth since then and would really like to participate. But at the end I must concede it's not doable, at least not for some result within the given time. Gaming funds are too exhausted with the purchase yet again and the new weapon just not quite ready to be useful yet. Relegated to category 2, the reasons for which I understand and support as said elsewhere, I don't have the dps to really compete, so the worthwhile reason would be the Evade bonus mission. However, this now requires taking down 2000 x 1k or 2 million hp within a short time. Reckoning with 2.5 dpp to include defense and all other costs and a little safety margin, this means cycling of up to 8000 PED. Even with the good returns reported, this is a stretch. Aiming for next time with better planning. I shall be happy with the achievements so far, believe it's not too shabby for the means.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 24.1, BLP Sniper 43.3, Pistoleer 41.9, Dmg 41.9, Knifefighter Dmg 34.6, Hit 34.4, Health points 144, total skill points 131908.

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  17. Santul Rosca

    Santul Rosca New Member

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    Read your entire hunting log from the beginning. Watched some of your you tube videos. Took me more than a couple of hours and its been time well spent on a sunday afternoon. Heres wishing you a great journey ahead in entropia :)
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  18. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    This month was almost entirely spent on Cyrene, interrupted only by two short visits on Calypso. New mobs and missions had been introduced recently, esp. interesting the Male Zeladoth for extra defensive skills which continue to be my main focus. With their low danger level but Cyrene-typical high attack frequency, they are just ideal for the purpose since they give more green lines than usual while still fairly cheap.

    Also acquisition of the stronger, yet highly economical Refurbished H.E.A.R.T fap was a goal. Since it is not tradable, there is no choice but working for it yourself. I think this is a good thing, no matter how much some may rant about avatar-bound items. There has to be a sense of achievement other than wallet power. (I think Arkadia intended the same with Viceroy, but since it is just turn-in all the way and most of the materials can be bought off-planet even for less, the whole mission sort of misses the point. I wouldn't mind at all if they changed that right away, let the haters fume all they want. I would do it again then.)

    And I also wanted to obtain a WolperTinger pet, the mythical beast from my ancestral Alpine origins. It is of common class and not likely to have any interesting buffs later on, but the short while I have it already evoked several nice comments from girls ;) Prices asked for it are still outrageous given that the daily maze runs cost almost nothing and are done in a few minutes while you're there anyway.

    Decided for a gear change and sold the just recently acquired Aakas Fire Dagger again to exchange for a Ozpyn RSB S1X2, which I have already maxed. It took me much longer than expected to skill up with the smaller blades, and while I had reached the minimum requirement of level 34 knifefighter for Aakas Fire, there is some way to go to use it efficiently. Not that I didn't try, but the misses are still too many and under the circumstances not affordable to bear. The other one in turn had suffered a significant price drop, so I was able to do the swap with only a minimal top-up. However, it fits a bigger amplifier and hence calls for a higher investment anyway. I didn't know yet that it was going to get easier than anticipated.

    The steep loot downswing continued throughout most of the month, but the worst could be avoided since the multitude of small and repeatable missions on this planet takes you to cover a wide span of things all the time, and so it was fairly easy to pick out what works at any moment or to avoid big losses if something didn't, since getting your badge required plinking just a few at a time. This way it was possible to still achieve everything hoped for, and then some, on a budget. Then the unexpected happened: My first ever HoF over 1000 PED! See screenshots... :banana::banana::banana:

    This awarded the freedom for some gear completions: Melee Trauma Amplifier VI, Teleportation Chip II, and a set of 5B armour platings at last. Was resisting these forever since L plates are actually better, but finally caved in to the convenience. I might still get me some Pulsar 8, 8A or Pop Dragon plates when the occasion is good, but don't have to scramble for replacements anymore. Five out of the set were sold from the account of the recently passed Emy Jenny Bomb, whom I didn't have the honour to know in time but will certainly think of when hunting with them. Was just so not quick enough to bag the whole set. Not that it matters, they are all identical, but the thought is there. Would have liked to round off the purchases with a Regeneration Chip VII, but the markup would have eaten all remaining funds and again leave me with staring at my stuff and unable to do anything with it. Better to get busy and shoot something! Was careful though not to get carried away by the windfall and throw it all down the drain again. Happy to report that observed returns did get better in the last few days almost across the board, so the worst seems over. Except for Venataurs, and I also had to call off completing the next stage of Male Zeladoth. They are spared for another day. Ymmv, sure depends on sample size also.

    I'm keeping on the pulse of happenings on Arkadia and will return, of course. So many things to do...

    Missions completed: Combibo Stage IV; A.R.C. Challenges 100 Old Alpha Paneleons, 500 Swamp Lurkers; A.R.C. Faction Missions Rank 1 (collect 200 A.R.C Badges); Catch a WolperTinger! (collect 200 Mazeweaver Certificates); Gear Up: New Fap (Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI); Field Detail Rank 1 (Imperium Pilots); In Hammer We Trust (Paneleon) through Rank 2; New and Yet Familiar (Male Zeladoth) through Rank 3; The Nimet Hunter Rank 1; Duvall's Daily: Living Vortex, Stalker Bots; a.o.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 24.7, BLP Sniper 44.1, Pistoleer 42.5, Dmg 42.5, Knifefighter Dmg 34.9, Hit 35.0, Health points 146, total skill points 134896.

    Edit: I can't leave unmentioned that, due to a sad turn of events, or rather someone's bad decision, I have to retract my endorsement of SkyCorp. Will continue to monitor the situation and still hope the victim will get his valuables back.

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    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  19. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I haven't been to cyrene for nearly a year, I hated it because the missions seems broken and buggy, does this mean it's fixed now?

    GZ on the HOF
  20. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I haven't come across any problems, is there something specific you mean? There have been issues after the drastic transition and sometimes with new content, all of which you can read about on Cyrene forum. But nothing which creates a roadblock to playing, it would seem. Only vendor stocks are a point of contention which keeps coming back like a bad penny, and nobody really understands what's going on there. It hasn't been a problem for me since I'm not currently pursuing what's in there, or is supposed to be. The skills and other direct mission rewards all work fine.