Greetings, im new!

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by kraank, May 27, 2016.

  1. kraank

    kraank Member

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    Im 27 years old from Sweden and ive played mmorpgs since vanilla wow.

    Yesterday i heard about Entropia Universe for the first time. Like what....

    I tried and got hooked.
    And here i am.

    I dont know if i should ask here but:

    Should i buy the gold starter now? Im half way thru the starter quest just got handgun and armor in the city and visited archeologist with some rocks.

    Im willing to fully commit to this game for atleast a month and would like to -not make stupid starting mistakes-. Ive understood that playing for free isnt enjoyable. Throw me some tips. Ill be here playing and supporting the game financially.

    /Phenalon of Eternia ingame
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  2. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Hyellow Kraank and hellcome to Entropia Universe, Planet Arkadia and its forum. :)

    What I can advise you at this moment:
    - yes, starting packages are nice and the gold one is probably the best one in terms of ROI
    - playing for free is possible, but it requires investing a lot of time on grinding stuff (like sweating) and it considerably reduces the fun factor
    - finish the starting quest, get the passport, start IFN quest
    - do not use unmaxed weapons
    - after some training on caraboks and gallards, move on halixes and joris - they still have some decent MU
    - get yourself a mentor (you can check my presentation as a mentor here, but not like you have to pick me)
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  3. kraank

    kraank Member

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    Thanks for the quick response

    I love to grind so i imagine if i get gold starter im set to do just that and have fun.

    After iFn quest ill just hunt carabok and gallard untill i get a hang of it.
    What is unmaxed weapons?

    Kind regards
  4. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Each weapon has a skill requirement at which it becomes maximized (as in you have maximum hit rate and do maximum damage with it); this can be seen on the info section of the weapon.

    - Skill Increase Bonus (SIB) NEVER means an old school weapon that is maximized at level 100 (not recommended)
    - SIB NOT ANYMORE means a maxed weapon (recommended, most eco option)
    - SIB YES means a not-maxed weapon, but which gives increased skill gains (some recommend it, some don't)
    - SIB NOT YET means a not-maxed weapon, which will be maxed at a higher level (not recommended yet)
    Last edited: May 28, 2016
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just to clarify, this means you have not yet reached the minimum profession level to even consider using this weapon. Hit and dam are both at 0/10 which means lots of additional misses and large penalties to damage. This is worse than SIB = Never. Your cost to kill will be unnecessarily high and you will waste many peds.

    Weapons are usually maxed at minimum sib requirement + 5. So a LAW-0 is maxed at Laser Sniper 5, Ranged Laser 5.
  6. kraank

    kraank Member

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    Ok makes sens! Just watched a video on eco hunting aswell to clarify.

    Do u think platinum starter is worth it? Still not more money than a normal boring single player game costs. Are the weapons and armor from the packs suited for my low skill level ?
  7. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Let's see the exact extras in platinum set (what is not listed, like weapon & armor means they are the same as in gold pack):
    - 50 PED worth of extra strongboxes (5)
    - 50 PED worth of extra probes (100)
    - 50 PED worth of universal ammo
    - 10 extra skillbonus pills (1h each)
    - 5 extra H-DNA
    - 500 extra nutrio bars (15 PED worth counting MU)
    - Electric Attack Nanochip SP Edition (L) mindforce chip
    - Teleport Chip SP Edition (L) teleport chip
    - NeoPsion 10 mindforce implant (can found also at TT)
    - Payn-Inc implant inserter (can found also at TT)
    - 10 PED worth of synthetic mind-essence
    - 100 extra oil

    The bonus items easily cover the $20/200 PED difference, but there is really nothing else unlimited or really special.

    So, if you're sure you'll stick around, it is worthy since you gain a bit more value than 200 PED, but, otherwise, if you decided to stick with the gold one, you don't really miss anything important / unlimited.

    And about the weapon and armor from the packs, while not really "ready" for day one player, it is aimed at a relative new player (the weapon is maxed at level 5).
  8. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Welcome to the Planet Arkadian forum. Also look through the Arkadia Advisor sections and specific sections on each area of interest. Primarily reading about Weapons/Hunting/Mining and Crafting. Also familiarise yourself with the creatures. Good luck