Hello Folks, This forum is kinda dead, but I still wanted to try here since I am an Ark resident! I am looking for someone that can color/texture an Elder coat black as well as a Male Rancher hat. There is a possibility of Cowboy boots in the future as well. I would appreciate any responses or any guidance on who to go to! Thank You, Ahrotahn
Lady Nadie Hawk Lee Loo Faith Summer (full name escaping me at the moment) are the highest colorers in game but none of them have unlocked black. you can still achieve the black if you add pigment enhancers with the paint. That's why you want to get the highest level colorer that you can so you can keep the pigment enhancers at a reasonable cost.
Alternatively you could go for a texture that is blackish. (Maybe tiarak or scoria?) Also I have heaps of pigment enhancers in storage but I won't be able to log on for a few weeks as my gaming machine needs to be replaced.
Thanks guys for the response. I think the best plan is (as you said Kikki) going with Tiarak since I am on Ark. I read about your computer, hopefully it comes faster than June! Appreciate it guys!